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I Am Not Alright, and I Would Rather

I'm Sitting Here Waiting Up, Why Am I Waiting?

In the months between getting the invitation and the actual wedding, I spent a majority of my time just doing what I do. I recorded the rest of my Whiskyhands EP and the release was pretty successful for my first one. It was taken really well by the people that did buy it, which is something I'm grateful for. In my freetime, I did what I always do, pretty much nothing. I watched movies, I'm slowly becoming a Tim Burton fanatic. I read books, classics mostly, but anything with a good story is enough for me.

I've also been talking to Jaime a lot. We're basically catching each other up on our lives. He did google my raps, and he found them, and he made fun of me for them, relentlessly. He wondered how I wrote them, I just played off the question instead of telling him that I didn't. I felt like he wouldn't approve, considering he told me that him and Vic wrote everything for Pierce the Veil...

I squirmed uncomfortably in my airplane seat. I could only afford coach, and ten hours in one of those seats is proving a lot harder than it looks... But, I had less than hour left, so now is not the time to start complaining. I know that I'm just anxious, but that doesn't make me any less uncomfortable.

I look out the window, at the blue California(I think) sky. Their was not a cloud in the seeable distance, which is nice to see. We hardly ever see blue sky in Maine, and I've really missed it. Even though I'm naturally tan, over the past six years, I've noticed myself become paler than usual. But that's what I get for moving to Maine... Originally I didn't want to move that far, but I found a cheap apartment and a cheap airline ticket, so I said, 'what the hell?' and did it.

To pass the time, I decided to replay my last phone call with Jaime in my head;

"So, do you want me to pick you up from the airport?" Jaime asked me, after I told him when I was flying out.

"If you have time," I responded, silently wishing he did, "If not I'll take a cab to the hotel..."

Jaime requested that I stay at the hotel his family was staying at, instead of the one with mine, to make sure no one knows I'm here. I complied, eager to avoid any awkward run ins with cousins from out of state...

"Of course I have time," Jaime said, "Vic and I have been making frequent trips to the airport all week to pick up family, so I'll tell him that. Not a complete lie..."

I wasn't too keen on him lying to Vic on my account... But I have a feeling this'll be a first for him, Jaime's not the type to bluntly lie to someone, especially someone important to him.

"So, I'll see you tomorrow night?" I exclaimed, suddenly excited about seeing my old friend.

"Yeah, I guess you will!" Jaime exclaimed back, "Just a question, compared to six years ago, what do you look like?"

I chuckled before answering, "I don't know, I pretty much look the same, just more tattoos... What about you? Are still sporting the 'stuck my finger in a power socket' hair with the skunk stripe?"

"Hey don't hate," Jaime laughed, "And my hair isn't as crazy... And the skunk is long gone, much to Vic and Tony's delight..."

I bit my lip, this is the first time he'd brought up Tony... I know I'd probably be seeing him at the wedding and I've been thinking about him a lot lately, but hearing about him makes it seem realer. I'm so worried that he's holding a grudge against me for leaving him without a word for the third time. But there's nothing I can really do about it... I shouldn't be stressing so much, the past is the past, right?

I lazily laid my head on the headrest as the plane started to descend. Not much longer now and I'll be on the ground in San Diego, I'll home. I smiled at that thought, even if it was only for about a week. I was arriving at the last minute possible, the wedding's tomorrow...

After a never ending 30 minutes, I was walking out of the airplane and down the terminal, Jaime texted me saying he was waiting in baggage claim. I did my best to follow the signs but got hopelessly lost and ended up in some food court. I angrily sighed as I stared hopelessly at the map posted on the wall by the restroom.

"Do you need help dude?" I heard a semi-familiar voice ask. I definitely recognized it, I just didn't know how, "I pretty much know this airport like the back of my hand..."

I turned around saying, "Yes, I got hopelessly lost looking for baggage claim. I tried following the signs but I somehow ended up here..."

I looked at the person from behind my rayban sunglasses, he was 3 or maybe 4 inches taller than me and very skinny. Looking up at his face, it looked rather familiar too, I just don't know how. He had neatly kept short hair and thin eyebrows. I also noticed a nose ring and very inviting smile.

"I was actually headed their myself, I just needed some coffee first," he said with a chuckle, motioning to the Starbucks in his hand.

When he laughed, I instantly knew who he was.

"Austin Carlile," I said, taking off my shades to get a better look at him.

He raised an eyebrow at me, "Do I know you and am just forgetting or are you a fan?"

I shook my head at him, "Both actually," I responded. His band, Of Mice & Men was pretty good, a few months back a group of my friends and I saw them live when they were in Maine. It was a great show, I found it extremely amusing to watch an old friend. I got really nostalgic when Aaron, their clean vocalist, starting singing "When You Can't Sleep at Night."

He studied my face hard, "I'm going to get this. Don't tell me."

I laughed and shook my head again. Austin has never had the best memory, even though I haven't really changed much...

"Mike Fuentes?!" he exclaimed, half shocked, half excited.

I smiled as he pulled me in for a quick hug, "What are you doing back in San Diego?!"

"My brother's getting married tomorrow," I said, playing it off as no big deal.

"Does he know you're here?" Aus asked, "The last time I talked him he said that he wished his baby brother was going to be there..."

"He doesn't know," I said, playing as cool as before, "Jaime pretty much stalked me and sent me an invite. We're surprising him."

"That's insane!" he gushed, "Is Jaime picking you up then?"

"Yeah, he's been waiting for a while..." I said, sheepishly.

Austin laughed at me before saying, "Let's go then! I'll take you to get your shit!"


I wanted to prolong him and Jaime reuniting so Austin happened. :D

I wanted to update a lot faster, but my hip hurts like a bitch and I can't stay in one position for very long, meaning it literally took me all afternoon and evening to write this. I've also been on a Jalex trick... So link me to your favorites and I'll love you forever and send you cookies or something.

I like pain killers. They don't make me feel better, they just make me not care that I'm hurting.

Title Cred: Tonight Alive (My current favorite song)


I fucking loved this story you are a natural talent!!!! :)

Tori Fuentes Tori Fuentes

Holly crap... I cried... Man this is sad... Very fucking sad... NOOOOOOOOOOOO! WHY DID YOU MAKE ME CRY!? I LOVED THE STORY BUT WHY DID YOU MAKE ME CRY!? *sits down in a corner and sobs for the ready of eternity*

Okaay...I imagined real life tony dying in a hospital bed...I instantly started crying at the thought of losing someone I looked up to. This seriously broke me heart <\3 why end it so sadly? ;_;

You really fucking like killing my feelings don't ya? First it was the one before with I think it was Vic's sudden death and now this? Oh you could write a horror novel and make me buy it and then get the living flying fucks scared outta meand make me wanna cry because of the attachment you create with the readers. Oh your an amazing writer but your killing my feeling now. ;~;
Honesty's_Lies_ Honesty's_Lies_
Your welcome I hope you write more books though
Janese Janese