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A Flair for the Dramatic

Drive Home

I tried my hardest to keep a smile on my face on the car ride home. I was still upset, how could I not be? How could Keri keep this from us, from me? I didn’t like Aaron, yes because he’s dating Keri and because I just didn’t like him. By the end of the ride I just sat and listened to their conversation.

“So how are you going to help us find new members?” Mike asked Keri.

“I don’t know what makes you think I’m helping out now. You should have called me months in advance, like when this first happened.” Keri responded.

“Well, you could just hold auditions.” Aaron said.

“Because, Keri, you almost never answer your phone, and Aaron, trust me, we’ve been there.”

I saw as Keri crossed her arms, “Blame Vic, he’s the one who sent me off. If he told me to stay, I would have.”

I turned to glare at her, but it turned into a smile as she winked at me. Mike then punched the back of my seat.

“Lay off, don’t place all of the blame on me, it was Keri’s decision in the first place.” I half yelled.

I took a quick glance to look at Keri again. She had her window down and the wind was blowing through her hair. Again, she kept with the light brown almost blonde dye. I wasn’t complaining she looked really good. My hand itched to reach into hers, it took every ounce in my body to not reach over. She caught me looking and returned with a bright smile. She knew what I was thinking, we we’re both thinking the same thing.

“Well, either way, I’m not here to resolve your problems, I’m here to vacation.”

“I think it would be fun to help them out Keri,” Aaron said.

“Yeah Keri, I think it would be fun.” Mike mimicked.

Keri pulled out her phone to make a call, “Hey, are you at work…? The shop with Tony…? Okay be there soon, bye.” She ended the call, looked at us and said, “Alright I have someone you would love to meet.”

“WHO?!” Mike and I asked with excitement.

“Take the next exit and turn onto Rosemont.” Keri instructed.

Mike began to shake Keri’s seat, “Tell me now, we need them!”

“Stop it dammit! I met them a few summers back at this music festival. Their band just recently broke up. You’ll love them, I promise.

“We better, or you’re in for it Ker-Bear.”

“Oh how I’ve missed you, Michael.”

“Well damn, what about me?” I asked feeling left out, as always.

“What about you?” Mike asked.

I looked at Keri and pouted. She smiled, hitting me lightly. It was nice to know that Keri and I had slightly mended our friendship to the point where we could play around like this again. Somewhere along the line we swore to never date again, but when I really think about it, I don’t care about that, I’ll get her back one way or another, so I’ll do anything it takes.

“Don’t worry, I’ve missed you too Vic.”


I swear Monday couldn't come any faster, I couldn't wait to post a new chapter! Be ready for next week, we're gonna meet some new friends, enjoy darlings!


I'm glad you're enjoying dollface :*
heyyitskee heyyitskee
So good!