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No Going Back

Sammy Spills

Sam’s P.O.V.

“Just remember you asked for this. So her story starts before she was born. Lily has a brother named Prince. When he was born, his parents loved him. As he got older, it became more expensive to care for him. Soon his parents were on the brink of bankruptcy. One day they saw an ad in the newspaper, ‘Need quick cash? Call us today.’ They called and soon they had $500 in cash every month, and a growing baby expected in nine months. They didn’t want or need another kid. They could barely afford the one they had now. The spent late nights trying to find a way to make ends meet. It drove them crazy to the point where they decided to just kill it when it was born. When Lily was born they told the doctors their plan. Thy rejected it saying that this “experiment” had to stay alive for six months to make sure it had worked and to find the bugs. Her parents brought her home. After a week, she had almost doubled in size. Her parents brought her to the doctor and he explained everything. Lily is a science experiment to see if you can create a child who is a born genius, grows faster and is smarter and stronger than anyone else. She went through giant growth spurts through her life. That’s why when she was a month old; she was the size of a five year old. That’s when they started beating her. That went on till she was six months. Lucky for you guys, she won’t get much bigger till she is about 14. Her body is supposed to grow faster than her body so it reached a point and now it had to wait till her size matches her age, she also has an IQ beyond measure. She remembers pretty much everything. She learned to walk and talk and things like that from her family. When she was almost six months, she forged her parents’ signature and admitted herself into rehab. Her parents hated the idea, but once they figured out that they could just drop and run, they were more than happy to drive her there. Filling out the paper work was the least they could do. They didn’t even say goodbye. The closest thing she has is the rubber tooth around her neck. Her brother gave that to her before he left. Lily spent almost a month there and on her half birthday, she was sent to Loving Hearts, and believe me, there are very few loving hearts in that adoption center. Right away me and Lily hit it off. I became like her new brother and she became my little sister. I remember one day when we first met, I started talking about my favorite book and she had no idea what I was talking about. I asked her if she could read and she asked me what read was. I grabbed the first Harry Potter book, two pillows, and a flashlight and we stayed under her bed till she could read it and recite it from memory. Within a week, she had read the whole series. After that we only talked about Harry Potter for a month, then I let slip that there were movies and it didn’t take long for the conversations to switch from ‘Awesome book’ to ‘Oh my gosh, and the Quidditch part! Sooo cool!!!” We soon became outcasts in the adoption center. We’d be pushed around a lot. It bothered me most that they did it to Lily, but it never seemed to bother her like it bothered me. Then I found out why. One day I went into the bathroom with my razor, and as I closed the door and locked it, I heard something. I turned around to see Lily in the bathtub. She sat there, tears silently slipping down her face, washing the fresh blood from her chest. She sat there, razor in hand, as she sliced at her chest and arms. When she saw me she stopped. She got out of the tub. Walked over to me and clung on like a small kid. “Help.” She whispered through tears. I cleaned her up and gave her my sweatshirt to wear. We sat down on the floor and just talked. I learned that she doesn’t cut her wrists because that’s where her parents used to cut her and it hurt to remember that. We also made a promise that day. If one of us ever stopped cutting, they’d help the other stop too. After that we went our separate way. We still stayed friends, we just left the bathroom. If anything, that brought us closer. We started looking out for each other more and one day we spent the whole day on WebMD and figured out that she had ADHD, asthma, anxiety, depression, short term memory loss. A bit of OCD, and dyslexic. I never told you this, but the OCD and short term memory loss were like .07% and the ADHD, dyslexia, asthma, and anxiety were 27% chance so you may not actually have them, but the depression was 78% chance. That reminds me, Lily can’t sing certain songs, songs like Kick Me, Hold On Till May, Hell Above, La Vi Bohme from Rent, and many Bon Jovi and Billy Joel songs remind her of her parents or the adoption center. She can’t sing Kick Me because just the title brings back bad memories of beatings, Hell Above because it reminds her of the endless hours she spent outside while her parents yelled, La Vie Bohme because her parents used to make her sing that while they hit her and so did Stanley. Her parents were big Billy Joel fans so they used to blare it while thy beat her so that her brother wouldn’t hear the screams, and she listened to Bon Jovi while she cut.”
“What about Hold On Till May?” Vic asked. I took a deep breath and started.
“On Lily’s first birthday, Stanley got a bull whip. She’d hit Lily every night and every night, Lily would crawl onto my bed, bleeding and crying, and ask me to kill her. Then one day, it got really bad. Every Sunday at 3:45, a train would pass by our rooms and the window would rattle in its loose frame. That is when we wake up and start our chores, but one Sunday, Sanely came into the room really drunk. She grabbed Lily out of her bed, threw her on the floor, and started beating the shit out of her. Usually she would her tired and stop, but she never did. When the train went by at 3:45, everyone saw the window rattle, but no one heard it. Lily screamed so loud, no one could. Stanley didn’t stop even then. Everyone just sat on their bunks, too scared to stop her. Eventually, she got tired and stopped, but by then lily was close to dead. Everyone went back to sleep. I jumped off my bunk and held her. ‘I can’t take anymore.’ She said, barely over a whisper. ‘Everything’s all right. Everything will be all right.’ I kept saying. ‘Everything’s not alright. I would rather die.’ She said. ‘Just hold on till May. Everything will get better in May’ I said. ‘I promise.’ After that I’d find her in the bathroom cutting a lot more or on the floor being beaten and I’d hear her sat to herself through clenched teeth, ‘Hold on till May. Hold on till May. It'll all end in May.’ Even after May, she still said that. After that she’d crawl onto my bunk, lay next to me and whipper ‘Is it May yet?’ ‘Almost.’ I'd always say, and then she’d drift to sleep as she whispered ‘Good.’ Every night for years, she’d do that, and that little bit of hope is why you have someone to adopt today…. Well, anymore questions?”


So, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! Also new update tomorrow. Hope this one is okay. No I still don't know how or why he knows all this but I'll find a way to put it in the story. Thanks for putting up with this kind of stuff.
~That Noob


@That Noob
Omg thank you :D

DoOmKiTTy95 DoOmKiTTy95

Coming right up.

That Noob That Noob

This is great please update soon :D

DoOmKiTTy95 DoOmKiTTy95

Thanks. That means a lot to me.

That Noob That Noob

@That Noob
oh that akes alot of sense sorry for making you spill the secret thou o.O and i really like the stoy so far!!