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The Night Can Be Deadly

Twelve Against One

The school wasn't that overrun. Well from the inside. I still heard the screams of everyone calling for me. They were getting closer. And I was going farther. I had to find her. By this time, I was in the school. And searching through each and every class. Until I reached the cafeteria. Everything went in slow motion. As I burst through the doors. As I fought off the Geeks. I closed my eyes as soon as the door was closed. I slumped against the wall, my eyes still closed. It took a while but I tried to control my breathing as I closed my eyes and thought of things that soothed me. I clutched onto Iris's bandanna and sighed.

When I opened my eyes, I finally notice it's pitch black. So I dig into my bag and search for my matches. Trying to find the little thing to light the fire. A small glow fills the air and I lift it up. It's not really helping. Besides the clawing and growling at the door, all I hear is my breathing. My heavy breathing. The cafeteria no longer has that sweet smell of food and pizza. It reeks of blood, guts, and dead. I see bloody hand prints all over the walls. One of them looks familiar.
I go closer to the wall where the familiar one lies and place my hand on it. It's smaller than mine.

Not too small. Just a bit. It's Iris's size. I brush my fingers over the print gently and my bottom lip quivers. It's hers. I know it. I recognize all the small swirls from all the times I traced her hand and studied it whenever we would hold hands. "You were here." I whisper to myself before pulling away and turning. I follow a trail of blood to the kitchen. Step by step, I enter the place and look around.

Pots and pans litter the floor and blood is all over the walls like paint. A small breeze enters an open window and the sound of moving pots is heard. They're moving with the wind. I make my way to the back before I almost slip on a puddle. Of blood. Using force, I balance on the counter and stay still for a second. The puddle of blood is right in front of a door. It's more like seeping out. A gentle knock is heard from behind it. It's like a tapping. It only happens once every minute. I count 60 seconds before hearing it again. Someone is in there.

With my hands, I pry the door open and rush in. I look around and in the corner I see a figure. It's pretty dark and my match went out. All I can see is it's shadow. It's laying in fetal position clutching onto it's stomach or something. I light another match before slowly walking towards it. This is no ordinary person. It's her. My Iris. I can't believe it. I found her!!! This can't be real. My legs tremble and my lip quivers. Iris moves a bit and lands on her back. Her hair flows behind and in long strands cover her bloody face. She's covered in blood, head to toe. Once my legs give out, I fall to my knees next to her.

"Darling?" I question barely audible. Her eyes flutter open and her piercing green/blue eyes fill into mine. They're already glossy and so are mine. "I...." That's all she croaks. Nothing else comes out until she moves her hand away from her leg to reveal a large cut deep into her skin and her pants are cut open. Her other hand clutches onto the picture that was missing from her desk. Her eyes are closed and her heartbeat is faint. What I notice is that her stomach has a small bump. Relief fills my veins until I notice she's bleeding out. I grab her bandanna and wrap it tightly around her leg before picking her up bridal style.

She's oddly light. Not that she ever wasn't. She was just lighter than usual. I make sure I have everything before rushing out of the kitchen. "VIC!?!" I hear the group's calls. In the cafeteria is a map somewhere. I need to find the nurse's office. When I figure it out, I burst through the doors and see that there's no Geeks at the door or anywhere. But the whole group stands there, Kellin in the front. They're all panting and Kellin had just finished killing a Geek before ripping his knife out of the head and placing it on his hip.

He stops what he's doing before sighing and looking up. After brushing his hair away from his face, he stares at the girl in my arms. His eyes go soft and his jaw drops. I don't even wait, I take off with Iris before reaching the nurse. Not caring whether someone was hidden in there, I kicked the door down and placed Iris on the bed. "Is that really her!?" I hear Kellin's voice come in. "Yes." I mutter before searching the cabinets for wraps and gauze and alcohol.

"Oh my God. What did he do to her?!" His voice breaks and cracks. "I don't know. It looks like she was just in a fist fight. She'll explain when she's awake." I say before pulling out the wraps, gauze, and alcohol. Once I do that, I rush over to her side and unwrap the bandanna before pulling down her pants. Her hip bones stick out more than they're supposed to. Kellin brushes her hair away as I fill the gauze with alcohol. "Let's hope she's too deep in sleep." I sigh before gently wiping the blood that has crusted around the actual cut. Once that was finished, I wet another gauze with alcohol and then pressed it against the cut.

Iris's eyes shot open and she sat up straight before screaming bloody murder. She squirmed a bit but Kellin pulled her back down. Each time I would press the gauze to the cut, she would shriek rather loudly. It hurt me seeing her like this in pain. Her breathing was heavy as she panted as Kellin pet her hair and shushed her. I finally wrapped the white bandages around her leg tightly before pulling out a new pair of pants from her bag. I changed her tank top to a new one before washing her face of the blood and guts. Along with her hair. When I went to place the picture in her bag, I noticed something shiny.

A grenade lied in her bag. I'm not gonna ask. So I just zipped it up and sat next to her finally grabbing her hand. "Iris...." I state kinda trailing off. "Yes my love?" She croaks lightly as everyone watches in awe at the lady in front of us. "What happened with Jesse?" I question as I run circles into her hand. "Well I wa- " All of the sudden there was growls heard from all around and gunshots and booms. "Jesse." I hear Justin growl. "We have to go now!" I say eyeing the window where Geeks start to enter. I grab Iris before we all start to run out of the overrun building.

Outside of the school, was Jesse, a rocket launcher in his hands. A sly smirk fills his lips and he grins. "Iris, long time no see." he exclaims. "Blossom, go hide now." I whisper to her as I push her gently. She nods before hiding behind a car. Jesse walks up before grabbing Iris out of my arms. As soon as that happens, I pull my gun out. As does everyone else. Jesse chuckles before pushing Iris to the ground on the side. If you were to watch this, you would think it were a movie. Everyone stood in a line, side by side, in front of Jesse who stood there, Iris to his side on the floor, bleeding.

"Give her back Jesse!" I scream. "Never. Are you gonna be able to save her? Unlike you couldn't save Jaime? Jessica?" He chuckles. "GIVE HER BACK!!!!!!!!!" Kellin adds louder. "Fight me." Was all he said. "Oh we will." I say looking around.

It's tweleve against one.

Who will win?


A longer chapter!! Who will win?! Iris is back and alive?! For how long?! Predictions on who will lose and die? And who will win and live? Comment your predictions.



fuck fuck fuck fuck update

piercethveilhbu piercethveilhbu

I didn't have the time to enter, not that I didn't give the effort to. I would've entered, had I not been writing about 4 fics between this site, the All Time Low fanfic site and the Avenged Sevenfold fanfic site. People can be busy, and to say nobody gave an effort was a bit harsh in my opinion, but whatever cx

LoveAndDrugs LoveAndDrugs

Plus, i have like 30 minutes to enter cx

CalamityLife CalamityLife

Nonono. Im awful, promise >.< lol.

CalamityLife CalamityLife

You never know I might not think you're horrid. Try it out. You may save the story ;)