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Wake me up and let me know you're alive

If only sorrow could build a staircase, or tears could show the way.

Chloey's POV
Why is Vic such a dick.. I got a call from Mike "Hey where are you??" "I'm at the park." "Me, Tony and Jaime are on our way over. Don't worry Vic isn't coming." "Okay cool I'm at the swings." "Okay meet you there." I hung up. . "Hey what happened with you and Vic?" Mike asked as they arrived. "He was being a dick.." "How did it all start?" Jaime asked taking a seat on the swing next to me. "Well when you guys left he asked me what was wrong." I looked at Tony.. I didn't know if he wanted me to tell them.. "Wait can I actually talk to Tony alone for a second..?" "Yeah sure.." Mike said.. I got off the swing and walked a way from Jaime and Mike. "I wanted to ask if I could tell them you and I kissed.. That's why this all started." "What are you implying that this is all my fault??" Tony asked. "No I'm just saying I wanted to know if I could tell them because this is how the fight between me and Vic began." "Yeah I don't care" Tony said. "Okay." We walked back.. "Okay well here's the story... Tony and I kissed, This is how the fight started.. I didn't know if Vic and I are together, And I always loved Vic and Tony equally. I truly love both of them.. Last night Tony kissed me. I felt confused and I still do. I was quiet and depressed cause I didn't know if I fucked up.. And obviously I did..." "No Chloey you didn't.. Its not you fault. You have every right to be confused because he didn't tell you if you guys were anything or not, Don't beat your self up okay." Mike said. "Anyways, I was quiet and when you guys left to the store he asked if something was wrong, I told him No, I insisted nothing was wrong I told him I was fine, I wasn't ready to tell him what happened with Tony and I because I didn't know how it would affect him... He kept thinking something was wrong and that I was lying to him, He kept on saying he knew what I was feeling, he said he would understand, He wanted to be there for me but I couldn't face him long enough telling him I kissed Tony. We argued, he told me to get the fuck out so I did. As I left my anger put the words out to him telling him I kissed Tony then I left." "Wow what a dick." Jaime said. "Yeah but it's my fault." I said. "No Chloey its my fault. I had no right to kiss you, even if you don't know what you and Vic were, It's my fault I kissed you and I'm sorry for it, I didn't mean to ruin your night." "But you didn't." I said to Tony. "Its none of your faults, Obviously you both were confused. Don't worry okay, When Vic is better from being an asshole you both should talk to him and find out exactly what he wants to do.. Just stop beating your selves up." Mike said as Jaime agreed. "Yeah Mike's right It's none of your faults Just be glad that the situation wasn't as bad as it seemed, You can always forgive someone, Because Vic didn't let you know if you guys are together and he just doesn't have a say in it, you have a say in it also Chloey, don't let Vic control your love life, If he truly wants to be with you hear him say it before you get confused again. And if you don't want to be with him then let him know. And even if your confused you have all of us to talk to we will be here for you always." Jaime said. I smiled. "Thank you." I replied. I smiled. "So how did you guys find out we fought??" I asked. "Well when we got home I got punched in the face and got yelled at for kissing you." Tony laughed a little. "What he hit you?!" I asked. "Yeah but it was what ever." "I'm sorry." I said looking down. "Its okay I'm fine" He smiled. "And how about you guys?" "Well I walked out right after Tony left, I didn't hear the fighting I just saw Tony leave pissed off, and that's usually a bad sign.. He was being a fucking asshole and I told him I wouldn't come back until he got his shit straight." "Where are you going to live??" I asked. "I could probably stay at a hotel or something." He said. "You can stay with me." Jaime said. "Sweet!!" He replied smiling. "Thanks dude." He said also. "What about you Jaime? How'd you find out?" "I asked him what's happened to him, He told me he changed.. That he doesn't care anymore.. That isn't like Vic.. I don't know whats screwing with him..Its not usual when he acts like this. I never heard him say he didn't care anymore. I then left because I couldn't stand how he was acting." "Wow.. I don't know what to say.. I'm just.. still confused. I think I'm going to go back. Its been a while now I need to talk to him.." "Chloey don't" Mike said grabbing my arm softly as I started walking. "Why I want to." "He could hurt you." Tony said "We don't know that I don't think he would though." "You never know.." Mike said/ "Yeah we wont know until I find out..." "You are taking a risk!" Jaime said. "So what I would do it for him. I need to talk to him. If we wait things can only get worse! If I am not back by a hour and I don't text you or anything then you should come check on me if you want to." I said turning away to walk to the house. I wasn't really nervous. If I get hit it wont hurt physically but mentally.. I can't imagine Vic being abusive. It might just be the pills that are fucking with him." I got to the house and opened the door. I saw Vic sitting on the couch drinking a bottle of Jack' and tear stains on his cheeks. He looked up at me and took another sip of Jack. "What do you want?" He asked looking back down. "Well..." I said looking down at my feet. I walked over to the couch and sat down next to him. "Vic I am sorry about today.. I need to talk to you, I couldn't wait to talk to you tomorrow the problem would only get worse." "Oh this is about the Tony thing isn't it." "No well, maybe but its about last night also..." I paused, Then continued. "Vic you said you loved me, Not that you want to be with me. And I know that we kissed, but that doesn't say you wanted to be with me. I mean it does a little but I am confused. I want to say sorry for today, I just was confused, and Vic I want to be with you. But you just have to say the word. I love you, I think I love you more than Tony, I think I just fell in love with Tony because he was just there in the dream and he was the first I met in the dream. But I love you more. I'm sorry for kissing him. I'm sorry." I said.. "Chloey I should be apologizing to you also, I have changed.. I don't know whats wrong with me I love you Chloey, I truly do, I want to be with you, forever! Please be mine." I smiled and my lips met his. "Yes." I said. We smiled and kissed. "I'm sorry for everything." "I am also." I said. I needed to text them to let them know I was fine. I pulled out my phone and texted Mike. "Hey I am fine.. Vic apologized to me. You guys should come over now he is in a good mood. Just don't tell Tony yet but me and Vic are together.. He finally asked me out." "Okay I will don't worry I wont tell Tony." I told Vic they were coming over And he was okay with it. When they came over Vic apologized for everything tonight and took back the words that he said. He didn't mean anything he said. He talked to Tony and they said sorry for the fight and everything. Then we had a good night even though I was stressing on the thought of me telling Tony that I am with Vic now.. I am nervous for his reaction. We spent the rest of the night talking about how stupid the fight was and everything, then I finally fell asleep.


Hey sorry this is so bad but Vic and Chloey are together now! C: So happy >.< lol but I will write soon hope you enjoy this chapter. Let me know what you think! <3
Thanks for reading



Thanks :)
I've listened to the song but some how never seen the music video

It's from the Yeah boy & doll face music video


It's from the Yeah boy & doll face music video


where did you get the back ground picture for this ? I keep seeing it and I dont know where its from

Fault in our stars reference in chapter 4

Iluvptv Iluvptv