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Wake me up and let me know you're alive

You threw the first punch Now it's your turn to run

Vic's POV

I had a dream... It was some crazy shit... It was of me and Tony fighting and then other things happened. I knocked on Tony's door. "Hey.. How are you?" I asked Tony. "I'm eh.." "Yeah same.. I just thought I'd come by and give you some company..." "Oh so you give me company? But you never gave Chloey company?" "What do you mean?" "You were never fucking there for her! I always had to fucking be there! She was alone even with having me there, She was alone." "She never wanted me there for her! All she wanted was you, She always wanted to be with you. Why didn't you just fucking be her boyfriend?" "Trust me Vic, I've tried, But she said she loved both of us, I wanted her to be with you, Because I thought you would be more for you. But no! I always had to be there! I never fucking understood her, She was too fucking weird!" "SHE WASN'T WEIRD! SHE WAS JUST IN PAIN! MENTALLY AND PHYSICALLY ITS NOT HER FAULT! SHE HAS BEEN THROUGH MORE SHIT THAN ALL OF US COMBINED I FUCKING BET YOU!" "You shouldn't say you were "there" for her, you shouldn't "bet" that shes been through more shit than all of us, YOU WOULDN'T EVEN FUCKING KNOW WHAT SHES BEEN THROUGH! All you did was sit in your room listen to music write your little lyrics or leave the house probably to hook up with some random bitch!" "I would never go off with some other girl, Tony you should fucking know that! I loved Chloey, I loved her with all my heart and I still do, Yes you're right I didn't know how much you knew about her, Yes you're right you can say I wasn't there for her, even though you know I tried." You Vic, I'd like to say if you were an actor you do a fucking great job of acting on this kind of shit, well played." Tony said. I didn't know what to say, I thought of what all just happened. I got so mad I couldn't come over my self with what just happened. Soon I felt my fist flying through the air connecting to Tony's face. "HOLY SHIT TONY ARE YOU OKAY?!?" I said realizing what just happened. Tony was laying on the ground, I knelt down to him. "What the fuck was that for?" He asked. "I-I have no idea what came over me. I'm sorry Tone" After all that happened. I woke up, I realized it was just a crazy dream, But this morning I woke up absolutely depressed. I sighed and got out of the recliner, everyone else was asleep. I barley remembered my dream, I only remembered me punching Tony and asking if he was okay, the rest I have no idea why I hit him or anything. That's something that pisses me off when I can't remember my crazy dreams. I walked down the hall to my room, opened the door, then closed it making my way to my closet to get pants,socks,shirts, my daily needs to take a shower. I got every thing then turned on the shower, I walked back to my night stand and grabbed my razor blades, Nearly dropping them every where Mike walked in "Haven't you ever heard of knocking??" I asked. "Yeah but your my bro.. I don't gotta." "I'm gonna take a shower I'll be out in a few." "Sweet, do you want anything to eat?" Mike asked. "I don't care just get me something." "Okay, I'm going to Mc.Donalds." "Okay." "Bye see you later." "Bye." I said and Mike left and closed the door. I checked the floor for any missing razor blades, I took one out of the package then placed the others back in the box I kept them in. I walked back to the bathroom in my room and placed the razor on the edge of the counter. I undressed, put my towel over the shower doors and closed them as I stepped in. I washed my hair, becoming so depressed I thought of Chloey, I couldn't take it anymore, I had to see her. I rushed out of the shower, quickly trying to finish washing my hair, Turned the water off grabbed my towel dried off, put my clothes on and went to my bed room. I tried to find a piece of paper and a pen. "Dear who ever is reading, I'm sorry I must go, she can't be all alone, I love her, Please stay strong.. I love you all." I finished writing the note I folded it and put it in the back pocket of my pants, I grabbed all the pills that I had in my room and took a cup off my entertainment center. I went back to the bathroom and filled the cup of water and opened the bottle of pills. I wasn't sad, I was more relieved that I'd get to see her. Even it there's a god or not I know I'd be able to be in peace with her. I took about 20 pills and began to throw up. I soon passed out...


Hey guys! sorry this is so short....
So Everybody wants Chloey back right?
Well I came up with a hugggggeeeeee twist to the story! Hope you guys like it <3 Don't worry Vic will be fine <3 love you all thanks for reading I'll write hopefully soon! let me know what you think



Thanks :)
I've listened to the song but some how never seen the music video

It's from the Yeah boy & doll face music video


It's from the Yeah boy & doll face music video


where did you get the back ground picture for this ? I keep seeing it and I dont know where its from

Fault in our stars reference in chapter 4

Iluvptv Iluvptv