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I still think you're beautiful, and I don't ever want to lose my bestfriend.

I'm still here.

Carlee POV

Where am I? Why can't I open my eyes? Am I dead? No. I'm not dead. I can feel my body, I can hear.. but I can't speak or move. It's like I'm paralyzed. I'm so confused, I don't know what's going on. I can hear voices talking.. but I can't really make out what they're saying.

Until now. I hear a familiar voice.. my favorite voice. The voice that keeps me sane. Vic. Oh Vic.. What have I done? What have I done to myself? What have I done to you? I would cry right now if I wasn't.. whatever I am.

"Please tell me she's going to be okay."

"She's in very critical condition. We're doing everything we can.. Prepare yourselves for the worst."

No, what the fuck? I'm here! I'm alive. Don't tell them that, oh my god. I'm here.

Suddenly I felt a hand hold onto mine. I didn't know who it was. I wanted to freak out but.. obviously I couldn't.

"Please don't leave me. Please."

Vic.. I'm not going to leave you. I'm here.

"I never got to tell you how I really, truly feel about you.."

No.. don't do this to me. Don't..

"Carlee, I love you. I'm in love with you. The first day I met you, I knew you were something special."

I love you too Vic. I'm in love with you. God I fucking love you.

"I was so jealous of Tony because I thought you guys had something going on."

No, no. Never.

"But now I know the truth. I'm so sorry I brought you with us to this party.. I'm so sorry this is happening. Just please don't leave me. I need you here." he squeezed my hand tighter.

No Vic, don't be sorry. It's not your fault. Please don't blame yourself.. I'm never going to leave, Vic.

"Remember.. if you leave, I'm going with you."

I'm not going anywhere though.. Don't say your goodbyes Vic.. I'm here.

Silence. No talking. I can still feel his presence. I know he's still here. His hand is still in mine.
Oh Vic.. please keep talking. I need to hear your voice, it's the only thing that will help me through this.



My monitor is going crazy, what the fuck is going on? I know I'm at the hospital. But why? What is happening to me?

I heard shuffling, scrambling.. doctors were rushing in. I was being moved away from Vic's hand..

All I wanted to do was scream. Don't take me away from him. Leave me alone.

More silence. I could hear someone scribbling into a paper.. that was about it. Nothing, once again.

Until now.

"I'm sorry, sir. I'm afraid she has slipped into a coma."

What? No! I'm here! I can hear you!

"Now, because you are the only person here for her, we are going to let you decide if you want her to stay on the machine or if you want to pull th pl-"

Oh no.. please no..

"Keep her on the machine."

Bless him.

I felt his lips touch mine.. oh how badly I wish I could kiss him back. He grabbed my hand once again. He was here, he was with me. I just wish I could be here. I wish I could really be with him.. His lips touched mine again.. I knew he was leaving.

"I love you, Carlee. You'll be okay."

I love you too, Vic. I know I will. And so will you.

I'm going to fight.

Mike POV

It has been about a month since that night at the party. Vic doesn't really talk much anymore.. It kills me to see him like this, but I know there's nothing I can do. I can't stop what he feels. I wish I could, but I can't. A few different police officers have been here a few times trying to gather information to prove that Aubrey drugged Carlee, but they have no solid evidence yet. Even though they found traces of it in Carlee's body, it isn't enough to prove Aubrey guilty. I guess that's another thing that's killing Vic..

And the fact that Tony hasn't talked to us since that night either. Our band is falling apart. Vic does continue to write music, but he won't let us see what he writes down anymore.. It's just safe to say that things are falling apart. We're all falling apart now. When Vic is sad, all of us are sad. It just happens. It's just depressing to see my own brother like this knowing I can't do anything to help.

And believe me, I have tried. I have tried taking him places, I've tried bringing him things, I've tried talking to him, I've tried just being there for him.. but none of it works anymore. The only thing to make him happy at this point is Carlee. And it's obvious he's not going to be happy for awhile.. or ever again..

Jaime POV

School for me has been really boring and lonely.. Tony only hangs out with Aubrey now and I'm always alone. I've become the most hated person at school for calling the cops to try and save Carlee.. and I just don't get it. People are so messed up that it just hurts me. It hurts me to know that people wouldn't even care if she died. That's what's fucked up about this world.

And now it's time for 3rd period.. the class I would have with Carlee if she was here.. we'd usually talk and be happy together and make this class exciting, but now she's gone.. We'd piss people off in this class and that was the funnest part about her being in this class. But now I just piss people off by being here. Can't say I really care though. If they're going to hate me for saving someone's life, I don't want them in mine. We were still working on our journals and every single day I have written about that party. I have written about how I feel about it. And now I'm about to write about it again.

I can't help but feel like it's all my fault. I was at that party. I was with Carlee. If I would've stayed by her side, she would still be healthy. She wouldn't be in a coma. I was taking care of her after she passed out and I was too stupid to realize she stopped breathing. I could've gotten the cops there sooner, I could've saved her sooner, and maybe she would still be here. I mean.. she is still here... just.. I don't know. She's not really HERE. And I'll never forgive myself for that. Especially if she.. slips away.

I can hardly even describe how guilty I feel about that night. I'm responsible for someone being close to death. I'm responsible for my best friend being depressed. I'm responsible for all of us being depressed. I'm responsible for everything. People try telling me I'm not, but I can't help but feel that way. It's so hard.. and nobody will ever understand. I barely do myself.


I haven't said a word in over a month. I can't deal with this pain, but I know I'll have to. I'm going to keep fighting these demons until I know for sure if she's gone.

But if she's gone.. I'm gone too. If she dies, I die. And that's just how it's going to be. I'm sorry Mike, I'm sorry mom. I'm sorry dad. Jaime.. everyone else. I'm sorry.

I just can't believe they haven't been able to prove that it was Aubrey yet. I wish I knew the story, I wish I could help them put her to justice. But I have no idea what happened. I know nothing besides Aubrey drugged her so she would have sex with Tony and I would break up with her..

Tony. Tony doesn't talk to any of us anymore. Poor kid. He's become Aubrey's puppet.

I still write, but most of the time I just sit here and think. I've become a zombie. I've become trapped in my own head. I'll never be the same again. Unless she comes back.

Which I'm just hoping to God she will..


So nothing really happens in this chapter, just a filler. You get to see everyone's point of views.. including Carlee's.




haha, aw! thanks. the stories over now, but there is a sequel. :) thank you though!

sheepcat_ sheepcat_

Thanks... I just finished chapter 3 and I'm already bawling my eyes out... This is amazing so far. :3

love it this is amazing
rhana 2456 rhana 2456
lygophilia lygophilia
Corpse Bride Corpse Bride