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A single night without a ghost in the walls.

Cold. Cold was practically the only thing I could feel when I woke up in the middle of Mike's bed, Jaime at the end, pacing nervously back and forth. Mike was leaning against the bathroom sink counter, his nails being bitten down as far as they could go.

I loved nervous Mike. Nervous Mike looked so young, so worry-free, so innocent. I took a deep breath and looked to my right, Tony sat on a chair, Stephanie in his lap. They were whispering amongst each other, but I felt too weak to make my presence known.

I felt like a train wreck. Tired, dehydrated, weak. I cleared my throat quietly, even talking was too much physicality for me. Jaime and Mike's head snapped up and toward me quickly. Nervous Mike was gone. Always worrying and incredibly pissed Mike was back. Jaime's eyes looked tired and relieved. I swallowed some saliva, my throat was so dry. I could barely keep my eyelids open to look at all my friends. Steph had rushed to my side in record time, a glass of water in her hand and a straw placed into the water. I drank thankfully, it felt amazing to ingest liquid.

"How you feeling?" She brushed some hair away from my face.
"Weak," I peeped almost inaudibly.
"Mike said you fainted, mentioned you not eating," She kissed my cheek.

I looked at Mike, his eyes warned me to keep up the lie. And I felt disgusted. I had over-dosed and he wanted me to lie about it? I had all our friends worried, and he told them I had become anorexic? Surely I had lost a lot of weight doing the cocaine but I was not anorexic.

I shook my head nervously, and she looked so sad. She helped pull my hair into a bun and gave me some more water. She had given me a sandwich soon after, and I had to pretend to choke it down. Though on the inside, I wanted about four more. I could feel my body tremble slightly. I needed a fix.

I tried to keep it cool as Stephanie and Tony said their goodbyes. They had a busy day ahead of them, from what I understood.

"Brook," Jaime said lowly, pulling the chair closer to Mike's bed.

I tried to smile. I was officially too weak to talk anymore.

"I wish you wouldn't have kept all your problems inside. If you felt this way Brookie, you could have told someone. Let them help you. Let them be there for you."

I just reached for his hand, bringing both my hands around it. I rested his hand atop my heart, showing I cared about what he had to say. Demonstrating I loved and trusted him almost as much as I trusted Mike.

"I have to go. I have so much packing to do," He rubbed his eyes and stood up, pressing his lips against my forehead, "get better Brooklyn."

Finally the front door was shut and Mike locked it tightly. Vic was obviously out of the apartment, because I could tell Mike was ready to unleash a storm. I closed my tired and heavy eyes, trying to get a glimpse of my beautiful boyfriend.

"I don't even know where to fucking start," He whispered.
"First of all, you're stupid. But I'm glad you're okay. I love you to the moon and back and I wouldn't be able to live knowing something like this could've killed you," His face looked stressed.
"Second off, I am beyond pissed that you would go past your limit like that. And that you would put me in a position where I have to lie to all the people who we care about and care about us. I feel like a dumbass. And lastly, I am sorry for the way I spoke to you earlier. It was unacceptable."

I tried to smile, but before I could listen to the rest of Mike's schpeal I was passed out. Where did we go wrong? When did life become so difficult?


Write more please I love it:D
I realllllyyy like this. More please :)
eliseypoo eliseypoo