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To Love Preciado

A Night Out

After I hung up the phone I scurried across my room trying to get ready quickly. I threw on a thin black hoodie with some leggings. Not caring if my outfit matched I slipped on my red Vans. Before leaving I tucked my cigarettes and a lighter into my pocket along with my phone. Since it's getting late, I have to sneak out through the window and walk there. The neighborhood can be super sketchy at night so I grabbed my pocket knife and slid it into another pocket.

I checked myself in the mirror, making sure I didn't look like a complete slob. But of course, I found bruising around my neck and on my right cheek bone. Should I even bother covering it up with makeup? No. It's 10:30 at night and I can just put my hood up.

I turned off the lights in my room, giving the impression that I'm sleeping. I quietly opened the window, feeling the cool breeze hit my face. Although my room is on the second story, getting down from here is pretty simple. I climbed out the window, snuck across the roof, then lowered myself onto the brick wall next to my house.

I began walking briskly towards Vic's house. I threw my hood over my head and pulled out a cigarette. I placed it between my lips and lit the end. The smoke seemed to calm me down a bit. My anxiety and nervousness lessened. It didn't make the thoughts and questions go away though. The entire walk to Vic's house I thought about Jaime. I know he gets pretty bad when he's worried, so I hope he's okay.

I stood infront of Vic's door. I wasn't sure whether to knock or not. I pulled out my phone and sent him a text: I'm outside.

I waited for a response, but I received nothing. A minute passed and I heard something coming closer. I looked up to see Vic coming from around the corner of his house.

"I have to sneak you in, so follow me." he whispered. He turned around and started walking away.

I caught up to him, following him to an open window on the side of his house. He let me enter first, then he climbed in after me. We were standing there in his room. I never realized he's the only one with a room downstairs in this house until now.

"What did you have to talk about?" he asked me.

I sat down on his bed, he did the same. I sighed before giving him an answer. "I ended up cutting myself earlier." I looked down, not able to make eye contact with Vic.

"Why did you do it?" I could hear the pain in his voice.

"This afternoon my father beat me and he said awful things. I started to believe what he told me. Next thing I knew, I was in my bathroom convinced that it was what I deserved." I then decided to pull off my hood, showing him the bruising.

He reached his hand out, his thumb ran over my cheek softly, causing no discomfort. "I'm so sorry, Rosaline." his voice trailed off. "I wish I could've been there to stop you this time." he said sincerely.

I looked up at him, seeing that he was hurt. A frown painted on his face and empathy coated his eyes. "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done it in the first place."

For a few seconds no words were spoken. "May I see how bad they are?" he asked me shyly.

"They're kind of on my thigh. I would have to pull my leggings down. Do you mind?"

"I don't mind, just cover the parts you don't want me to see."

I slid my leggings down to my knees, then I unwrapped my leg. Vic looked down at the raw gashes, tears started to flood his eyes. He placed his hand on my healed thigh, lightly stroking the scars with his thumb. The two of us were out of words to say for a while. When Vic finished examining the fresh cuts and all the scars, he voluntarily rewrapped my thigh. After that, he gently pulled up my leggings, placing the waistband comfortably over my hips.

He brought his hand up to my face, holding it while looking into my watered eyes. He then pulled me into an embrace. He gave me a squeeze and whispered in my ear, "Darling, you'll be okay." He then let go of me.

We sat there awkwardly for the longest time. I finally spoke up, "Are you mad at me?"

"No no no, of course not. I know these things tend to happen. I'm just glad you came to me afterwards." He gave me a sad smile.

"Okay, just checking." I said quietly.

"You know, if you need company, you're welcomed to stay here longer."

"Thank you, Vic." I tried smiling at him.


Accepting his offer, I lied down on his bed. According to the grooves in the mattress, I was lying in his usual spot. My head sunk into his pillows and I then got comfy. His bed's big, but not big enough for the both of us to lay down without ending up spooning each other. Vic was still sitting at the end of the bed, his back was against the wall. I was sort of invading his space. Instead of letting my feet dangle off the edge of the bed I placed them in his lap. He looked at me and smiled. I tossed him one of the pillows, wanting him to get a little bit more comfortable.

Although it wasn't intended that I spend the night, Vic softly said, "Goodnight, Rosaline." He reached over and flipped the light switch, his room was now dark.

"Goodnight, Vic." I replied before falling asleep in his bed.




I'm honestly flattered :) I didn't really think someone enjoy my writing that much.

twitchdelaraven twitchdelaraven

I'm so sorry I haven't updated in like a bazillion years! :( I was having trouble logging in. I'll start updating right away!

twitchdelaraven twitchdelaraven

Omg :0

DoOmKiTTy95 DoOmKiTTy95

Amazing. Please update again soon.