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Roots Beneath Ideals

Fresh Start

It's Wednesday morning. I haven't spoken to Vic since I knocked him on his ass. But now, now of all times I have to talk to him since I was stuck next to him on this fucking plane ride to New York! I begged the others to switch with me, but no. They refused. They thought it was best if we were stuck next to each other so we could work things out. Yeah right, fuck that. They made sure that we sat next to each other on the drive to LAX, the bus ride to our terminal and now the plane. Do they want me to kill Vic? But when we got our terminal I went straight over to Tyson. He and his mom gave me both warm hugs, while his dad gave me a smile and a nod. The guys gazed at us with confusing, beside Mike since I now tell him everything.

“So I’m going to guess those are your friends,” Tyson said when the guys turned to play off like they weren’t staring at us.

“Yup and my dad.”

“You look just like him.”

“I know.”

“And I’m going to guess the guy glaring at me is your ex.” He said more of a statement then a question.


“Well I must say that he is good looking-no homo- but he is, but he doesn’t size up to me of course.”

Tyson stretched his arms out in front of him then flex his right arm. I laughed at him. Tyson was skinny but had a fair amount of muscle on him.

“If looks could kill though…”

“He can be mad all he wants its all his fault anyway. Enough of them though, where exactly are you staying so if I need to run away I can.”

Tyson chuckled, “We’re staying at the Hilton close to Square.”

“Great you aren’t too far. We’re going to be staying at the Marriott.”

“Visit as often as you want.”

“Please do, he’ll never leave the hotel if you don’t. All he does is watch TV and eat.” His mom interjected.

That made me laugh.

Tyson then pushed me, “Don’t listen to her, it’s not true. I get out.”

“To run our cards dry.” His dad said.

“That is so not true.”

“Don’t worry, my daughter does the same thing to me.”

I jumped a little startled by my dad.

“So were you ever going to introduce me to your friends?”

I shrugged, “Not if it wasn’t necessary. Dad this is Tyson, he’s new to school and these are his parents.”

The three shook hands and traded names.

“So Keri is high maintenance like my son here?” Tyson’s dad asked.

“Very much,” dad said taking a seat next to him, “But it’s my fault, she’s my little princess.”

I gave him a bright smile.

The adults carried on with a new conversation and so did Tyson and I.

“When do you think they’ll make their way over here to beat me up,” he whispered with a chuckle.

“Who knows, maybe they’ll just jump you, that’s the usual attack.” I whispered back.

“Oooh how scary.”

We both laughed.

“Mike and Mitch are both sweethearts though; the other two will give you a hard time though. Oh and here comes Mike now.”

Tyson and I sat waiting for Mike to join us.

“Hello there darling.” I said with a smile.

“So you must be the infamous Tyson.” Mike said.

“Infamous, no, but I’m going to guess you’re the infamous Mike.”

“I sure am and I’m also Ker Bear’s protector so if you hurt her… You know the rest.”

Tyson nodded his head. So did Mike almost as an approval though then they shook hands. Mike took a seat on the floor in front.

“So Ker Bear…” Tyson chuckled.

“Don’t start, he’s always called me that and is the only one.”

“I can’t call you it at all?” Tyson asked with a playful pout.

“No.” Mike answered sternly.


Again I laughed at them.

“Hey, I can ask my parents if they can switch seats with the two of you if you want so we can all sit together.” Tyson offered.

“Yeah good luck with that.” Mike mumbled.

I gave him a sharp look.

“What? You know it’s true, he won’t let you leave his side if he can have his way.”

‘Now boarding flight N257’

We all got up from our seats and joined the line for our flight.
And just like Mike said, Vic wouldn’t let me leave his side. All it took was a little of his bitching for me to sit next to him. Mike did sit with Tyson though and my dad took a seat with his parents. Everyone was comfortable but me. Joy.

"Are you ever going to talk to me again?" Vic asked about two hours after we took off.

I continued to look out the window, "I don't see anything to talk about."

"Keri, really. Can we talk things out?"

I ignored him.

"Keri, you know that I-."

"Will you shut up? Just shut up, I'm so sick of hearing those words come out of your mouth; I don't want to hear them from you anymore. You cheated on me for god sake! I even met that bimbo. What is with you and blondes? You told her I was your friend, not even best friend. I mean Jesus I know I told my friends that you were only my best friend but I didn't cheat on you, I would never do that to you and you promised you wouldn't either. Everything that has been coming out of your mouth these past few months have been lies and I'm sick of them. So how exactly am I supposed to believe that you quote, love me? God you make me so mad. If I never confessed to you we wouldn't be in this mess. Honestly this relationship was regretful."

The pilot turned the seat belt sign off just in time. I got up and found Mike and Tyson a few seats back.

"Don't tell me. You bitched him out." Mike said not looking up from his magazine.

Tyson was fast asleep.

I saw Mitch and Joe leave their seats to comfort Vic.

“He’s probably near tears now."

"Good, he deserves it." I said dropping myself into the empty seat they left me. "I told him I regretted our relationship. Was that too much?" I asked resting my head on Mike's shoulder.

Mike spaces his index finger and thumb, "Maybe just a bit."

"Did he really expect me not to find out?"

"Yeah I guess. I really thought they were friends... Damn my brother is a good liar."

"Don't praise him dumb ass."

Mike chuckled, "I'm not. But we're spending three weeks together, how do you expect to avoid him that entire time?"

"He'll be stuck in a recording studio. That's how I expect to avoid him. Plus I'm going to tour my future college and hang out with Tyson."

"Have you heard back from them yet?"

"The envelope is sitting in my purse. I'm scared to open it."



"Ker Bear, that's how that ivy school shit works or whatever. First they send you a rejection letter then they send you an accepting letter."

I laughed, "What crazy movie have you been watching about ivy league schools?"

"How High," he whispered.

I laughed again and shut my eyes to sleep, "That movie doesn't even go with what you said. The plot is completely different."

"Do you think you'll ever take him back?"

I shrugged.

"Vic's really torn up without you."

"It's not like he doesn't see me."

"It's not the same and you know that, also you've been avoiding him since Saturday night. I almost thought you weren’t going to come to the show."

"I would never miss a show, I promise."

"Don't make that promise if you plan on going to school in MA."

I chuckled lightly, "I'll fly out for every show."

"Sure. Any way you look uber tired try to get some sleep. I'll protect you from the big bad wolf."

"Gee, you make me feel so safe."

I settled myself some more, ready to sleep, but of course something or someone always has to interrupt me.

"Keri, look what you did!" Joe said.

"Fuck off dude, just leave it alone." Mike said as I bit my lip from lashing out.

"No way that's my best friend and your brother, how can you just sit here and defend her while she makes him cry?"

I sat up, "Why the hell am I the bad guy, I'm not the one who cheated on him!"

"Because you’re the heartless bitch who broke things off and you haven't shed a single tear."

I turned away biting my lip again. If I say anything it's not going to be pretty.

"Joe seriously leave Keri alone. All you’re doing is causing a scene and she's going to make a bigger one if you don't leave. Keri is just as upset as Vic, the only difference, Keri is over it. Vic fucked up. End of story."

"Yeah, but hasn't she heard the words forgive and forget?"

I turned back to look Joe square in the eyes, "How the hell do you expect me to forgive and forget that he cheated on me while I was away at school, only mere hours away from him. Do you know how fucked up that is?! Why the hell are you even in my business in the first place? This has nothing to do with your nosy ass. Just because I'm done crying and he's not, doesn't mean that I'm the bad guy."

Tears threatened my eyes, but I refused to cry over this. Everyone on the plane was looking at me like I was crazy. I wanted to tell them all to fuck off, but I kept it in. I just wish everyone would leave me alone. Tyson awoke from the commotion.

"...I'm sorry, I didn't know you felt that way."

"Of course you didn't. All you care about is getting on my nerves."

"You never-."

"I'm not going to pour my heart out to you. Can you please go away now?"


Joe walked back to his seat, leaving Mike and I alone again.

“What was that about?” Tyson asked.

Mike shook his head, telling him to leave the topic alone.

Tyson nodded in understanding then went back to sleep.

"Wow." Mike said


"The first thing me and you are doing when we get to New York is finding you a punching bag. You need to get rid of the rest of that pent up anger you have."

"Will you please?"

Mike placed my head back on his shoulder, "Yes. Now this time I promise I'll keep everyone away."

"You better or else your next."

The next morning I woke up with a dying headache. I couldn't recall last night’s events.
All I remembered was getting off the flight then Mike and Tyson took me to a gym after we all checked in. I think we went to a club afterwards… I guess I had one too many drinks. I tried looking at my clock to see the time, but the sun was in the way making my headache even worse.

“God, why did you make the sun so bright?”

My phone began to ring adding more to my headache. I searched for it under my covers, finding it at the bottom of the bed. I looked at the caller id.



“You sound like you’ve been through hell and back.” Ashley said with a chuckled.

“Fuck you? What time is it?”

“Well its noon here, so three in the afternoon.”

“Holy hell.” I groaned.

“I called your phone a million times last night, what happened.”

“I don’t know, I really don’t…”

“Did you get drunk?”

“I’m going to guess so… God my head hurts so much. This sun is bright.”

Ashley laughed again, “You poor baby.”

“I wish you were here to whip me up your remedy.”

“I should have sent you off with some; you’re in New York for heavens’ sake.”

“I know, I know. God where’s Mike when I need a good cup of vanilla latte.”

A knock came to my door.

“Please be Mike.”

“You are so desperate,” Ashley laughed, “I love when you’re hung over, you’re so funny.”

“Shut up.”

I unlocked the door and sure enough Mike was there with a large latte waiting for me to down, with Tyson on his side. Without saying a thank you I took the cup back to bed, I continued my conversation with Ashley.

“What are the plans for today?”

“Forget that. What’s going on with you and Vic? Is everything okay, is he being an ass, trying to get back down your pants… anything?”

“Nope, we haven’t talked since I freaked on him.”

“What happened, what did you say? What did Joe have to say more like it?”

Mike and Tyson each took a seat on the bed as if though I invited them, but I crawled into Mike’s arms anyway.

“I told him I regretted our relationship, I never want to hear him say he loves me ever again and that everything out of his mouth has been a lie so how could I ever believe him. Then of course Joe came to blame everything on me.” I sighed, “I really don’t care about anything involving me and him anymore I just want to be left alone, you know?”

“Yeah… don’t get mad for what I’m about to say okay?”


“I think Joe really has a thing for you.”

I was a little shocked but then remembered that kiss.

I felt Mike stiffen a bit.

I thought to give him a questioning look, but did otherwise.

“No, he’s too heartless against me.”

“Yeah, but he’s like a high school boy, they pick on you until they have the nerve to say something to you.”

Well I think that kiss was the way of saying something.

“No… Well maybe, but I’d like to think he’s not.” I sighed again, “I’ll call you later to tell you about my day.”

“Alright, take care lovely and don’t kill anyone.”

“I won’t, but no promises.”

I hung up then looked at Tyson and Mike.

“So when do you plan on saying thank you?” Mike asked.

“Mind telling me what the hell happened last night, “I said then took a swig showing Mike I wouldn’t be thanking him.

“See I told you,” Mike said to Tyson.

“Told him what?”

Neither of them spoke.


“Even though you say you’re over Vic, that you would drink your problem away if the boxing thing didn’t help.”

My jaw dropped.

How could he say that? How could he say that to a guy that he barely knew? Tyson probably thinks I’m some kind of drunk now.

“Thanks Mike, you’re a great friend, let me tell you.” I got off the bed and opened my room door. “Get out now.”


“Get out. I can’t believe you of all people would do something like that. You’re supposed to be my best friend. Just get out please.”

Mike stood his ground, “No. If Tyson is going to be part of this group then he has a right to know what’s going on and how you can get. If I can’t be with you while you’re away at school then I’m going to trust Tyson to watch over you.”

“You barely know him.”

“Even so, I still trust him.”

“I cannot believe what I’m hearing right now. This is complete bullshit.”

“Not complete.” Tyson said finally joining the conversation. “I understand that you’re mad and yes Mike shouldn’t have told me all those things, but…”

“But what?” I said placing my hands on my hips.

Tyson and Mike looked at one another.

“Guys what the hell is going on?”

Tyson sighed, “I had a cousin who went through a similar situation like you. Only she resorted to drugs instead, she’s in rehab now.”

“Wait, let me get this straight. You think that I’m going to push myself so far that I might hurt myself and end up in rehab or worse?”

Mike nodded his head.

“Okay well let me tell you this. Yes I’m messed up over the break up but I refuse to let something like that happen. Last night I let myself get carried away, but it wasn’t because of the break up, it was just me. So don’t try and make me look bad. Got it?”

They both nodded their heads and I closed the door.

“Now what are we doing today?” I asked.

“Whatever you want to do, it’s your choice.” Mike answered. “Wait I take that back, all you want to do is shop. Let’s just walk around, see the sights.”

“Boring,” Tyson and I said in unison.

“I’m starting to like you more and more Pierce.”

“Why thank you.”

“Fine then, what do you want to do?”

“Ice skating!”


“Please Michael, please, please, please? Remember you said you’d do anything for your Ker Bear?”

“I hate you.”

I smiled, “Yay! Give me five minutes to shower. Pick something out for me.”

Mike grumbled as I got in the shower.

“Keri we’re watching Harry Potter when we come back.”

I sighed, “Fine.”

I got out and my clothes were laying on the sink.

Once I was don’t getting ready we were out the door and found the ice rink.

“Aww isn’t this fun?” I asked the guys.

They were struggling to stay up the entire time.


I giggled going around the rink again.

“There’s no need to show off Keri.” Tyson said.

“Not showing off, just having fun.” I stopped to take both of their hands. “Come on just take your time.”

“What do you think we’ve been trying to do?” Mike said.

“Struggling.” I laughed.

“Ha-ha very funny Keri. I’m actually getting the hang of this though.” Tyson said.

“See all you need to do is take your time. Haven’t you gone skating before Ty?”

“No, I always stay away from dangerous things like this.”

“I see hot girls, I’m leaving.”

“Be careful Michael Christopher.”

“Thanks mom.”

Tyson and I watched as Mike struggled to make his way over to the girls.

“Well it’s me and you now.” Tyson said with a smile.

“Don’t get any bright ideas.” I said returning his smile.

“Actually it’s a dull one. I just want to continue holding hands. We don’t want me to fall and cause a scene do we?”

“Oh of course not.”

“One more thing.”


“Can I take you out to dinner tonight? Not as a date or anything, just dinner.”

I laughed, “Nice save.”

“Thanks. So?”

“Sure, where?”

“Planet Hollywood.”

“Oooo I’m in.”

“Yes! I mean, cool.”
“So how was your day?” Ashley asked.

“It was great. I went ice skating with Tyson and Mike, then we walked the square, and then Tyson and I went out for dinner.”

“See I knew you two were going to hit it off.”

“We didn’t hit it off, we just went to dinner.”

“You went on a date.”

“It wasn’t a date.”

“Shut the fuck up it was a date.”

“Okay maybe it was.”

“It was. So where does this leave you?”

“What do you mean?”

“Are you going to take his offer?”

“Oh that. Maybe.”

“I don’t see why not. Vic is still seeing you know who. I think you should also be able to date.”

“Of course I’m able to date, but it’s only been like five days.”

“Bitch you better hop on that blue eyed country boy before some other chick does.”

“Okay, okay.” I said laughing.

“When you come back home I better hear the words ‘Tyson and I are officially screwing.’”

I shook my head still laughing, “You are too much for me sometimes. I love you.”

“I know, well I’m going off to bed, this whole time difference thing is not going to work out well with me.”

“You’ll live. Night.”



@#13790 Thanks I'm glad you're enjoying your read

heyyitskee heyyitskee
this is the best story i've read so far!
#13790 #13790