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The Night Can Be Deadly

Just Don't Look

"Rise and shine princess!" Jaime cooed laughing. "We have a big day ahead of us so go and fix whatever you need. We leave in five minutes." I opened my eyes and rubbed the grogginess away. Everyone was awake and moving around. Fixing their hair and such like Kellin. I stumbled into the bathroom and saw there was remaining water in the sink, but it was full of blood. And sitting on the toilet was a slumped over body with a knife in her hand. Quickly, I scrambled out of there, bumping into someone. "Who are you, what do you want from me?" The woman asks, once I pull away. "We're leaving anyways." She didn't seem to buy it and held her knife closer to me. When she backed away, I didn't notice until after, that there was a Geek behind her. She screeched and was tackled to the ground and with one huge bite to the neck, she was gone just like that. I backed away, my eyes wide in fear.

"Vic? Are you alright?" Kellin says running over. "Y- yeah. I'm fine." "Okay, and don't blame yourself for this, just let's go." Kellin states dragging me. Jaime and Tony went to go see if outside was clear and when they would come back, we would go to the gun shop and get everything. "All clear!" Tony called as we waited. All of us made our way downstairs and met up with Tony and Jaime. "It's clear, so we are just gonna run for it. Whoever goes behind, well, good luck to you all alone." Jaime informs as he opens the door. When we walk out, I look around to make sure we really are safe. What I didn't expect was to see buildings on fire. You could just hear the crackle of fire burning buildings or cars. The smell of rubber and blood filled the air, causing us to cover our mouths.

"We're almost there guys." Tony says giving us sympathetic looks. Coughs and choking noises could be heard all around our group. Finally, we make it to the shop and notice that a window was broken open. We didn't really pay attention to it and went around the shop, looking for stuff to shoot or use for protection. I found a handgun, and a shotgun. Everyone else basically got the same and some hunter knives. "Hey Vic, the bow and arrows are gone, and there is this tiny little piece of black nail polish on the ground. Was Iris wearing black nail polish?" Erin asks. She was. "Yeah, she was. You dont think...." "I think so. At least she has a weapon. So let's get going."

"Who's house is closest to here?" Mike asks, darting his eyes around frightenally. "Vic and Iris's house. It's a block away." Alysha says. "Alright let's go." With that, we all made our way to the house. Mike pointed out everything on the way, from trees, to plants and birds he would point out everything. "Holy shit." Alysha whispered. I snapped up and gasped. Geeks surrounded mine and Iris's house. They scratched and clawed at the walls and doors. "I'm sorry Vic, I guess you can't go- " "No, I need something in there." I interrupt. "Vic that's suicide!" Jaime protested. "Suicide or not, I'm going in here whether you like it or not." I say. "Vic what do you possibly need from there!" "Just let me go please!!!"

"Not until you tell me what you need." Mike said holding a hand up across my chest. I looked down at it and pushed it away. With that, I ran right into the horde. "SON OF A BITCH! VIC!!!!!" Jaime screeches. Gunshots boom into the air as I push through the teeth chomping creatures. Odd enough, I made it thankfully. Not even harmed. "Vic are you fucking crazy!!!?" Jaime asks as he chases me. He slams the door shut and drags a couch to cover it. "Vic," More gunshots. "We don't know how long they will last. We are limited. Get whatever you possibly needed." I nod before running upstairs. Why was Jaime being so cold. He's never like this. I scanned my eyes over the room. The albums of pictures were gone.

And the picture of us on the nightstand had been ripped out of it's frame. Some of her clothes were missing. And an arrow was stuck in a wall. Along with some blood in the carpet. So she did come here. But left. I dug into the closet and pulled out a bag. Stuffing clothes inside. I went into the bathroom and searched the cabinets. In the bathtub was a Geek. The bathtub was full of blood. Shaking it off, I grabbed all of the pills and decided to look around on the floor for any sign of where Iris could be. But then something caught my eye. I bent down into the trash and picked it up before standing straight.

"No." I whisper to myself. In my hands was a pregnancy test. With a small pink plus. My lip quivered. All of my emotions, such as crying and getting angry flooded back to me. Sure, I wanted to cry and get angry because the love of my life was missing. But the fact that she was carrying my baby set me off. Dropping to my knees, I let out a loud sob. The stick drops to the ground, making a small clink noise. "No no no no no!!!" I chant covering my mouth. "Stop Vic." I whisper to myself. I can't be like this. No baby shit. I needed to find her. With that, I grab the test and shove it into my pocket before entering the room and running downstairs. In the kitchen, I search through the drawers and find what I most desperately wanted to come for.

Stuffing that into my pocket, I turn around to face Jaime. "What are those things in your pocket?" "Nothing!" I say sneaking the items into my bag. "You just put them in your bag give me it." "No." I say standing my ground. "GIVE IT VIC!!!" "No!!!" Jaime charged at me, knocking me over, to hit my head on the counter, dropping the bag causing the items to drop on the floor. I'm dizzy for a moment until I see Jaime crawl across the floor to where my foot is. Next to my foot, are the items. He picks up the stick. Suddenly, his face goes from cold to soft. "Did you know?" "No, I'm guessing she was gonna tell me later today." I say. He turns to see the small black box. After opening it and facing the ring he looks up at me, "I- I didn't know Vic. I'm sorry." "Yeah...." I trail off.

Just then, the door breaks down and the sound of Geeks fill the room. "Shit! Let's go!!!" I collect my things and pack them up before stepping up with Jaime. But my head starts to spin again and I'm unsteady. I fall again just as I see a Geek coming at me. I try to back away but I'm at a dead end, my back against the counter. Shuffling around, I grab a knife and kick the legs, causing it to fall. Next, I stab the head and pant lightly. "VIC!!!!" Gunshots fill the air as I scramble up and where Jaime is. He set a fire to where the majority of the Geeks were. "What the fuck man?! Are you trying to burn my house down?!" "It's the only way now let's go!!" I glare at him and he rolls his eyes before taking off.

I scream in frustration before entering the crowded living room. He's burning my house down. All of my memories with Iris, gone. Fuck I need to leave. "VIC!!!!!" I hear Mike call with the others. Not including Jaime. I break for it and as I leave, I grab a picture of Iris from when we went on a date. (A/N: The picture is of Iris in the characters) But once I make it to the door, a huge chunk of the ceiling falls in front of me setting more fire to the door. "VIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I hear more chants. The smoke is starting to get to me as I cough and choke on the thick smoke. More gunshots ring the air as I hear Mike screech at the top of his lungs, "VIC!!!!!!!"

The door burns away and drops to ashes, making it accessible to leave. So I leave as fast as I can. But I trip and end up crawling out. I can see I'm black from the smoke. Once I'm in front of Mike, I fall flat on my stomach with a loud choking noise as I gasp for air. Mike drops to his knees and flips me to my back before going to my side and brushing my hair out of my face. "It's okay Vic." He murmured. My emotions swam back up to me and I burst into tears. "She's pregnant Mike." I say lifting my shaky hand to hand him the test. "It's okay Vic. Everything will be okay." And then my pissed off side joined my emotions. "You." I say standing up, in a cold voice, pointing my finger at Jaime. "You burned my house down. Look at it!!!! All of my memories with the love of my life, gone!!!!!!!!"

When I look at the house, it finally crashes down. Just like my heart. Dropping to my knees once again, I let out another loud sob and I feel Mike rub my back. "Just don't look Vic." More tears produced faster than I could think and I sobbed harder as my house finally dropped into ashes.

"Just don't look."


Yeah it sucks. But that one comment (you know who you are) made me feel confident and wanting to continue more! But if you keep the comments up, I may just continue it even further! So tell me what you think please!



fuck fuck fuck fuck update

piercethveilhbu piercethveilhbu

I didn't have the time to enter, not that I didn't give the effort to. I would've entered, had I not been writing about 4 fics between this site, the All Time Low fanfic site and the Avenged Sevenfold fanfic site. People can be busy, and to say nobody gave an effort was a bit harsh in my opinion, but whatever cx

LoveAndDrugs LoveAndDrugs

Plus, i have like 30 minutes to enter cx

CalamityLife CalamityLife

Nonono. Im awful, promise >.< lol.

CalamityLife CalamityLife

You never know I might not think you're horrid. Try it out. You may save the story ;)