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Hidden in Plain Sight

Chapter 37

*Third Person*

In latest news, the murder case known as 'The Murder of the Decade', officially goes to trial today in San Diego Courthouse today. The trial follows almost a year of investigations into the mysterious death of local woman Jessica Hatterson. The victim's death was absolute mystery and had doctors and autopsies stunned when they discovered the cause of her death.

Police seized a house in San Diego 3 weeks ago and arrested a woman who allegedly murdered Miss Hatterson. She was taken into custody and held in San Diego Correctional Facility and interrogations followed closely.

"The arrest of this woman follows as investigators discovered the cause of death and also video footage and other means of evidence that convicts Miss Fox" Commissioner Brendan Carter informed the press.

"The evidence will not be released to the press at all as circumstances apply. What we have discovered is very new to investigators and authorities and will only be announced during trials"


It was the most absolute nerve racking day ever for everyone. Jaime especially, but his friends also involved were feeling just as heavily nervous. They were all dressed in brand new suits and sat one after the other in the second row of the court.

The entire court was filled. Not one seat was left. Only the seats where Carly and her lawyer will sit when they enter the courtroom. It was silent. So silent you could hear a feather drop. You could almost touch the tension in the room it was so tense. It was unbelievable.

Jaime hasn't slept for the past week leading up to the murder, and wasn't sleeping well after the questioning. He just kept thinking of Carly in that interrogation room. He didn't see Carly. He saw a demon emerging from her. Every night he dreamt of Carly. She stood in a black room, one light that was shining on her back. Her messy blonde hair and prison oranges were all he could see. He would reach out his arm and turn her around. She turned and Jaime was met with deep black holes for eyes and an evil smile that scared Jaime out of his sleep.

He couldn't bare it.

The doors burst open. Two officers walked in first, then two more men that dragged Carly by her arms and then two more followed behind. Jaime could swear it wasn't Carly that they were dragging down the aisle. It was someone else and he could swear it. Vic and Tony couldn't believe their eyes when she came through the doors.

Both of them took a large gasp in shock of seeing her. Like Jaime, Vic and Tony saw someone else. They knew it wasn't Carly. It wasn't the sweet smiling girl. It was like an evil entity had taken over her body. There was no emotion in her. Her body was rough. It was scary.

Mike. Mike, just kept everything internal. He didn't like to show emotion, but he sure felt it. The sight of Carly sent rounds of chills down his back that he couldn't control. Mike could feel an energy from Carly that he had never felt before. None of them have felt this before.

This day is going to be fucked.

"All rise, the honourable Judge Pritchard presiding" the officer spoke from beside the judges chair. The judge sat the crowd. The trial begins now.

"We are here today to stand Miss Carly Fox for trial for the murder of Jessica Hatterson on the 12th of April 2015. How do you plead?"

The judge spoke in a deep rough voice. He was a tall, well-built man with dark brown hair. He looked down at the girl in orange with cuffs on her wrists and chains on her ankles.

She stood. "Not guilty, your honour." She sat back down.

Jaime felt a rush run through his veins when he finally heard her voice. But her voice was almost broken. It wasn't the happy voice he was used to. But he understood.

Officer Briggs, Officer Raymond and Dr Benedict sat on the table adjacent to Carly and her lawyer. They had large files sat in front of them and a laptop. It was intimidating.

"The court brings to the stand, Dr James Benedict" the officer spoke. This is where the real trial begins.
Dr Benedict made his way the the speakers stand where he swore an oath and sat down. He was asked to explain in fine detail, his months of research and his findings.

"The victim first entered my autopsy lab on the 15th of April, 3 days after her death. I was told of her death. I was told that the victim was out drinking and had felt ill before she vomited in the bars bathroom. She was them rushed to hospital still in her radical episode before her heart had stopped beating.

Being told this, it sounded like alcohol poisoning, but the doctors and medical staff at San Diego Private Hospital had found no signs of it. I took the victim into my lab and underwent my series of investigations. I took blood samples, urine samples and stomach contents and sent them all away to be tested for various reasons.

I looked deeply into many things that could have caused the victims death. She had absolute no signs of alcohol poisoning, even though she had consumed alcohol the night of her death. I looked for signs of heart attack but found nothing. I looked for everything. In her blood, in her brain, everything. Toxicology came back with absolutely nothing. I was becoming very confused.

Months later, I discovered something. I kept the victims samples for filing while I was still investigating. One day, I was looking at the blood sample when I noticed a tiny, very very fine speck in the blood. As shown here" - Benedict points to the screen shown above for photographic evidence -" this tiny speck was isolated and found to be sitting on a red blood cell. It was extraordinary.

A specialised team and I had investigated this cell and had miraculously discovered an infection type substance growing within the cell. We had this infection removed from the cell and sent away for analysis. We investigated more blood cells and found the same thing.

Reports came back. It contained everything a synthetic drug has. Synthetic drugs that drug addicts would use, only this one was deadly. Very, allusive, very painful, very deadly".



Also, I know absolutely nothing about drugs, science and all that jazz, so don't believe anything I'm blabbering on about. It's all made up.



Devynleigh Devynleigh

Split it!!

If separating it into 2 parts makes the story have a better ending than I'm all for it. I don't mind waiting a little longer

Devynleigh Devynleigh

Part 1 and 2 chapters, definitely.

Part and part 2, that way you add more drama and make it even more intersting huhuhuhu anyways I like this very much, you're doing a good job, xoxo.

pierce-my-soul pierce-my-soul