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Hidden in Plain Sight

Chapter 35

*Third Person*

There they all sat. One after the other they sat in line on uncomfortable chairs at the police station. In front of them were two rooms. Each room labelled 'Interrogation Room 1' and 'Interrogation Room 2'. Jaime, Vic, Mike, Tony, Danielle, Alysha and Erin sat in silence waiting. They were all ordered to come down and be questioned by authorities as they were all apart of Carly's case. It was nerve-racking.

Jaime was first. He was led into the room by two men. He sat opposite the men at a table and he felt terribly awful about this. He was scared. He was confused. He wanted to tell the truth because he knew the truth but he wanted to lie to protect her. It was all too confusing.

"My name is officer Briggs, we spoke the other night, and my partner is officer Raymond. We just want to ask you a few questions about Carly and what you know about her and the victim. Now let's start off with an easy one. Did you know Jessica Hatterson at all?'

Jaime just smirked a sarcastic smirk. "Yes, Jess was my girlfriend of 1 year before she passed".

"And how long have you known Carly Fox?" Briggs asked.

"Um... I'd say almost close to a year definitely" Jaime answered simply.

"Can you tell us about Carly. Just anything you know about her?" Raymond spoke up.
Jaime thought. To lie or not to. He was sure she didn't do it, so he told the truth. "Well, when I first met her, she was our new producer that Vic had found. She knew a lot of what she was doing and she had previously worked in Baltimore with another band..."

They cut him off. "And you also mentioned the other day she is Australian? Correct?" Jaime nodded. "Do you know the time when she moved from the country?"

"Um, I think she moved to Baltimore to record for a band when she was about 19. She lived up there until she was about 23 I think and then she moved here and has been here since".

Jaime answered the question as honest as he could. But they didn't reply. Instead, Briggs pulled out a note pad, wrote something down and whispered in private to Raymond. They were thinking long and hard about it. Jaime could tell something was up. They're facial expressions conveyed the worst to him, only he had no idea what it was.

Jaime began to shake internally, so scared of what he had just said and done. Officer Briggs then walked out of the room. It startled Jaime a bit. Raymond had one more question to ask.

"What was the relationship between Jessica and Carly like?"

"At first, when Jess met Carly, Jess was instantly jealous. Jess was a jealous type of girl, but that only meant she cared about me. Because Carly and I got along so well and became good friends, Jess grew jealous and worried. Carly felt horrible about what Jess was feeling and so Carly tried her best to make it up to her, they went for a coffee and talked it out and as far as both had told me, they settled whatever was up and they were happy with each other."

Raymond nodded. Jaime was escorted out of the room. It was now Vic's turn.

Vic sat in the same spot as Jaime and the officers introduced themselves. Vic was as nervous and confused as ever but he tried his best to keep calm. He was going to answer their questions with honesty and not hide anything. He was so sure Carly would not have murdered.

"Now Vic, it is understood that you were the first to meet Carly, correct?" Vic nodded. "Now can you tell us where you met her and about her?"

Vic took a deep breath. It's do or die now. "Well, we had just finished writing our new record and I came into Fearless to see if we can start recording and all the jazz, and while I was there, I was introduced to a new recruit to the Fearless Family, Carly. I met her and we had talked a little. She had told me she had been recording for a previous band before. I met up with her a few days later and had listened to a few of her demo's and I knew she was the one for this album"

Vic said everything with a large smile. Vividly remembering the day he met her and the days he listened to her demo's. Carly was such a friendly and talented person, he had no doubt in her. And he still doesn't.

"Being Jaime's friend and band mate, you would have known Jess. Can you describe Jess for us?" Briggs asked.

"Jess, she was one of a kind. She was a lovely woman and Jaime loved her to death. I remember when Jaime first met her, he wouldn't shut up about her. And so time went on and they dated and yeah. Jess became a good friend of mine, but a good friend was all she could be to me. Sure I liked her, but towards their one year anniversary, Jess began to grow very jealous of Carly and causing Jaime a lot of strife. She was always the kind of person to get easily jealous and stuff. She was very opinionated and open about it. I was worried for Jaime. He was trying to make Jess happy and keep his friendship with Carly which was entirely innocent. She just took dorm getting used to"

Vic was escorted and Tony was next. Nervous and shy Tony. He had been waiting for ages, as each questioning went for a good forty-five minutes each. He was even scared when one of the officers burst out of the room with Jaime in it. But he say down, quietly and patiently waiting.

Tony was asked the same questions as the others, describe Carly, describe Jess, describe them together, all that junk. But the last question stumped him. He knew he was being asked the same questions as the others and he answered them honestly, but this one. Wow.

"Can you remember the night of Jessica's death Tony? The time from the club to the hospital at her death?"

Tony's heart skipped a beat. He hadn't thought of the traumatic night since. It was a painful night.

"Well, we all decided to go out to Carly's favourite club Wolf, as she was performing there. She is a really talented singer and instrumentalist. We had gone out for drinks to celebrate our album being halfway done. We'll use any excuse to drink. But i can remember this so vividly. Carly had finished performing and had joined our table. We downed a drink and then Carly was off to get some more. Hers, Jess and I think Mikes. She was at the bar and returned with the drinks and all was as normal. Everyone was just enjoying the vibe and I went to go talk to Jaime, but Jess was on his shoulder and she didn't look so good. She said to him she didn't feel well and then just bolted to the bathroom. The girls followed her to make sure she was okay, and that's when it turned shit. An ambulance was called and shortly after arriving at the hospital, we received the terrible news. Jaime was in a terrible state for weeks. And that's all I can remember"

Tony was escorted out and joined his friends who were still either waiting to go in or waiting for the rest. Everyone all looked a bit off, but who could blame them. It was a terrible time. Mike was next.

Mike was asked the same questions as the others, not that he knew. He was under the assumption all the questions were tailored for him. But they weren't, the answers were his though, and that was the difference.

"Can you describe Carly and Jess together?" Briggs asked.

"Carly and Jess were two different people to me. Jess was a conservative person, she was unsure of a lot of people, especially Carly, and she was very opinionated. Carly was a sweet girl who can drink. Boy can she drink. She doesn't like to go out much but when she does, she gives me a run for my money. Carly was a fun person who was really talented in her fields of recording and music. I was left out a lot of the tension between the two, but I didn't think Jess liked Carly much. She was always jealous and from what Jaime was telling me, he wasn't coping well"

The officers wrote their stuff and talked with each other. Mike was alright with it. Sure he was scared but he was calm. He was calm in his answers and was self-assured. He liked Carly. She was fun and a lovely person. He was happy that she made his best friend so happy.

Then the big one came. "Can you describe the night of Jessica's death?"

Mikes answer was a but different to the others. Most of the others were focused on Carly and being with her, Mike was slightly different.

"While Carly was performing, Vic and I were talking a bit and behind Vic I was watching Jaime and Jess. Jess in particular. We had asked her so many times to come out with us but she kept refusing if she heard the name Carly. But we got her out this one time and from what I was seeing she didn't want to be there. Sure she was smiling and talking with the girls but her attitude changed when Carly had joined us. She went quiet, she was back to normal conservative Jess. And then Carly offered to get her another drink as well as mine and yeah all was as normal. But then Jess got sick and was taken to hospital and yeah, she passed and no one knows why"

Mike was escorted out and the next few people were brought in. To the officers, the questioning wasn't adding up to the evidence. Sure the evidence doesn't lie, and in most cases the questioning makes it whole but this time it didn't.

The evidence proved Carly was the bad person, but from what the questioning had told, Jess was the bad guy. They were told that Jess didn't like Carly and was a naturally jealous person and that Carly was always sweet and fun and never liked doing anyone wrong.

Were they all playing some kind of game? And if so, what kind of game were they playing? But if all else fails, the evidence never lies.


So they've been questioned. They haven't lied have they? What's going wrong?

Let me know what you think and tell me what you predict the end will be like.



Devynleigh Devynleigh

Split it!!

If separating it into 2 parts makes the story have a better ending than I'm all for it. I don't mind waiting a little longer

Devynleigh Devynleigh

Part 1 and 2 chapters, definitely.

Part and part 2, that way you add more drama and make it even more intersting huhuhuhu anyways I like this very much, you're doing a good job, xoxo.

pierce-my-soul pierce-my-soul