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Remember Me?

Blank Mind.

"Come on Alia! Just a small swim! It's so awesome!" Alysha yelled from the lake.
"I'm Fine!" I yelled back at her as I slide to turn the page to my book.
"Please?" I shake my head. I was getting kind if hot and I was sweating rain drops.
"Hey.. Your sweating. You should change that shirt." Ivan said.
"I'm fine... It's just really humid." He shrugs and runs inside the lake.
"I'm going to take a nap." I said to Rachel, who was reading as well."
"Alright... Let the window open." I nod and took off. I wipe the sweat out of my forehead. I needed a smoke. I got my little baggy and rolled a joint. I lit it up and put it between my lips, taking a long drag and let it out. I walked in my tippy toes, twirled and walked my way to the camping site. The sun was hot and the humid weather didn't make it any better. The smoke had left me thirsty.. And soon enough I was sure I lost my way from the camping site. I look around me and everything became very spiny. I grabbed my head and I fell into my knees.
"Shit!" I sit correctly and look at my knees that sure enough had a scrap. I sigh and sat down on the ground. The heat was unbearable and my feet were killing me. Stupid flip flops. I sigh and stood up again, just to fall again and hit my head.
"god damn." I laid there, at least the tree gave a nice shade. My throat was dry, my knees were bruised and bleeding and I was lost. Why did I agree to camp?

After about two hours in the lake, we all decided to back to the tents and grab some lunch.
"Where's Alia?"
"I thought she came back." Mike said
. "She isn't in the tent." Ivan said.
"In none of them."
"Maybe she went for a smoke or walk or something." Stephan said. "She does that a lot."
"She would've left a sign or something." Mike said. "She doesn't leave without saying where."
"Alia!" I yelled. Who knew where she could've went.
"I have a bad feeling about this...." Penny said. "I feel it in my gut."
"Let her take her hike, she'll come back." Vic said, reassuring us all. We all agreed and stayed calmed.
"She ain't coming." I spoke up. It was almost five and she wasn't back. "I'm you back to the lake and see where she went." A police car zooms by us, stopping few feet away from us. The two officers walk to us.
"Good evening."
"Good afternoon Officer." Jaime said. "What can we do for you?"
"We just got a call from a camper. Apparently she found a girl laying under a tree. do you know where the lake might be?" "How far is it from the lake?" I asked.
"About a quarter Mile."
"My girlfriend hasn't come back yet from her hike, can we go with you?"
"Of course." Me and Mike hop on the police cruiser, going to the spot. When we arrived, all the campers were surrounding the tree
. "Excuse us." I said while pushing people aside.
"Bryan?" The small crowd moved and I ran up to Alia.
"Thank god you're okay." I kiss her forehead.
"I'm really thirsty." The officer walks up I us and hands her a water bottle. "Thank you." The officer smiles.
"Okay, that's enough now. Go enjoy your vacation! Let them have some space." He yelled, I carried Alia into the police cruiser, bridal style. (If only)
"How you find me?" She asked.
"Police told us, they found a girl, and I didn't hear one word from you..." She shakes her head and closes her eyes. Her knees were covered in dirt and dried blood. Her feet were dirty and her shirt was covered in mud.
"She needs to be changed." Mike said as he got her in his arms. "I'll let Alysha and the girls do that. Go to sleep boy. We're going to do some fun tomorrow." I nod and thank the officers, they leave and I went into the tent I shared with Ivan and Stephan.
"She okay?"
"She fell asleep, she hurt herself, tripped but she's okay." "That's good.. Wanna play?" Ivan took out a tablet. "I'm bored."
"Whatever you say Iv." We took turns playing in his small tablet.
Maybe this getaway won't be so bad/



plz plz plz do it.!!!!

Ahhh! Sequel?! Please?

piercethewhat piercethewhat

I may or may not do a sequel!!



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