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May These Noises Startle You In Your Sleep


Marie's POV
So evidently the boys want me to stay badly, I mean it's not like when I go home I'd have a lot of things to do. So I guess I could spend a little more time with them, I love there music and they're really sweet guys even Mike and he's a little quiet at first but then he's really funny. Even Tony is shy but then he's kind of outgoing and really sweet. But I have noticed the more I hang around Vic, Jaime seems really quiet. I think I'll go sit whim and talk to him get to know him even more than I do now. But first I need to answer Vic before they yell like little children again. Today has been a really good day lately. I'm hanging with Pierce The Veil and they're all really sweet and funny also who wouldn't love their friendships it's like their all brothers, it gives it that nice loved feeling you get when you hangout with family.
"Hey Vic , I'll hang out with you guy's a little longer okay?" I had told Vic and his face lit up with excitement.
"Yay". He had spoken like a true child. I saw Jaime smirk so I went over to him and sat on his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck.
"What are you smirking for ?" I had asked Jaime.
"Oh no reason but why are you sitting on my lap hum?" Jaime had asked with that sly smirk still plastered on his face. Then he had wrapped his arms tight around my waist so I didn't slide off his lap and fall for the second time today.
"Oh no reason, why you don't like it ?" I said with a futile attempt to get out of his tight grip , while being a bit childish with using his words against him.
"Well no I don't mind, and nice trick at taking my answer and using it against me." He had said while he playfully glared at me.
"So Marie again what would you like to do next?" Tony spoke up so everyone heard him not just me.
"Well actually we all could go back to my house and crash there for a while." Vic said.
"Sure I wouldn't mind since my place is a bit of a mess and I don't feel like cleaning it." I said and they all laughed.
"Well I guess it's decided on what we do next." Said Jaime.
But he still had that smirk across his face and I want to know why he has one.

Jaime's POV
I'm so happy Marie decided to hang at Vic's place. Maybe now I'll get time alone with her. When she said yes I had a little smirk playing on my lips.
I guess she caught it so she sat on my lap which is weird for her but maybe she wanted to sit on my lap.
As we're on the way to Vic's house she sits beside me and kind of snuggles into my side as I wrapped my arm tight around her shoulder, once I did that I heard her sigh happily which made me happy .
I think Tony noticed because he gave me a weird look but I smiled and shrugged and I think my reaction made Tony confused but at this point I was content and so was Marie and I didn't care what else could happen at that moment because I knew that it wouldn't matter.

Marie's POV
So were at Vic's house and it's a really nice place. The car ride was here was also very nice, I don't know but something about me being so close to Jaime also made me happy it just felt ... right to be like that I guess.And I could tell I made Jaime happy too because he put his arms around me tightly and smiled it was kinda cute to see him so content with me sitting like that with him.
I wonder what were going to do because it's almost 4:00 and I have to eventually return to my own apartment because I have important things to do ,but I think right now I'm just going to enjoy the time I have with them. I know that may sound weird but I feel closer to all of them and it's nice to hang out with them.

Vic's POV
I'm getting a little mad now, Jaime and Marie have been non-stop hanging out since we were at the restaurant and she hasn't been away from his side much ever since. So I'm going to go over to her and steal her away for a while just to talk to her.
"Hey Marie, want to take a walk with me, I could give you a tour of the house if you want to?"I had asked her.
"Uh well sure I'd like that." She had responded a little skeptical.
I saw Jaime tug on her arm when she got up from the couch.
"It's okay Jaime we won't be that long." She said softly to him.
"Okay Vic are you ready to go?" She said standing by my front door.
"Yeah just hold on a sec and I'll meet you outside K?" I said in a semi sweet voice.
"Okay but not too long." Marie said with a wink and headed out the door probably to stand on the porch.
"Hey, Jaime what's going on between you and Marie? I mean you two are really close since she decided to stay." My voice was steadily rising.
"Nothing Vic why would you ask? A little jealous are we?" Damn him and his smirk.
"What makes you think that ?!" I ask in a slight panicked voice. I could tell I was gritting my teeth as hard as I can.
"Okay tiger calm down, let's just stop and talk about this later when Marie's not here so she won't catch you guy's fighting over her."Mike told us some days I feel as if I'm the younger sibling and he's older than me.
"Okay dad!" Me and Jaime said at the same time and then we laughed.



Thanks I'm glad you like the new chapter , I wasn't really sure about it because it seemed a bit rushed but I guess not <3

Omg you're doing really good <3 :)

Laura Laura

The new chapters up I hope you like it :)

Okay!! :)

Laura Laura

Thank you. :) I'm almost finished with the other old ones then I'll start the new chapters to it.