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Falling Inside The Black

Chapter 4

-Unknown POV-
My eyes flew open, my heart was racing and I had almost jumped out of my bed...what did this tell me? I had another nightmare. Only problem? I never remembered what I dreamt about until the next nightmare when it happened all over again. I let go of the stuffed animal I was cuddling tightly.
It always took me an hour to finally get to sleep and if I woke, I would not be able to fall back asleep. So far this week, I've only had about a total of 19 hours of sleep. I was drop-dead tired but I couldn't sleep or I'd have a nightmare.
My teachers have noticed also that I'm not performing correctly. They think that it’s just family problems. But not even close. They also think it’s just because my brother 'Died' a month and a half ago...but I know where he is. He's off with his head in the clouds being a kind gentleman to all who shows him a smile. They gave me extra credit to do to help my grade but honestly...I had given up on my education since before he left. I had given up when I got sick, it was no use fighting it now. The sickness went from my liver to my kidney.
I rolled over onto my right side leaving the open wound to breath. The last time I got sick they tried to remove part of the infection from my liver. But in order to do that, they had to cut a hole in my side to remove a bit of my cells.
I had almost gotten to play this really cool HetaGame, last night but the link wouldn't load correctly. I almost felt bad for emailing it to one of my friends. I didn't even know the link wouldn't work. Arrogance on my part I guess.
It was too hot outside and the clock read '1:13' am. I won't fall asleep again until later tonight. Well might as well get some gaming in. I sat up and pushed the covers off.
Would it be better to go downstairs? Or to wake up my sister and tell her I had a nightmare? But what if she asked what it was about? I’d tell her I would not remember then she'd send me to bed. But I can't fall asleep anyway. So what good would it make?
I stood up, gripping my Hello Kitty doll in a suit and tie tightly, and opened my door quietly then I walked over to my big sister's door. I knocked one...twice...and a third time before I peeked my head in and saw my sister's head peeking out from her blanket and the light of her phone shining on her pretty face.
"Sara?" I called softly opening the door further then shutting it softly.
"Did you have that nightmare again?" She asked and I nodded. "Do you remember anything?" She asked and I shook my head. "Are you gonna be able to fall asleep?" She asked and I shook my head causing Sara to sigh.
"I'm sorry," I replied stepping outside of her room and into the bathroom then flipped on the light. "Damn it I messed up again," I hissed softly, looking into the mirror at my reflection. I was an albino female with bloody red eyes. I looked into my reflection not noticing my reflection smiling back at me.
My white/silver hair was tied back into a low pony tail, leaving my bangs and some loose bangs hand still. I traced along the scar on my cheek. I looked at my tee shirt that hung off my one shoulder and showed my black bra strap.
I sighed softly. There was no one like me...I was technically the only albino in this entire county and the next 5. I closed my eyes quickly, not noticing that something just came out of the mirror. I slowly opened my eyes again to see North Italy, from the show Hetalia, smiling at me. I noticed he had shadows covering different parts of his body.
"Ita-chan?" I breathed out, reaching my hand out to him. I kept my Kitty in my other arm, gripping it tightly. He must be my imagination for he was false. But inside, I wished he were mine.
"Something wrong bella?" He asked reaching his hand out to touch mine. I didn't actually let our flesh touch, for I pulled away just slightly.
"I'm going mad Ita-chan...I'm forgetting everything. All I know is your and everyone's loving words to me. Even if you are just a character...a made up character I cherish and love and adore."
"Bella, my poor...poor Bella...Germany can help you. I promise, even if you forget we can all remember together right?" He called to me, like a sweet piece of chocolate on a day in which nothing is sweet only bitter to you. I felt my grip on my Kitty slipping slightly but I still held her.
"Really? You will save me Feli?" I asked taking a step closer to him. I became addicted to him slowly then all at once.
"I promise, Now take my hand." He instructed and I faltered slightly.
"Sing a song first?" I asked looking at him, the shadowed spots were nothing...They were just tricks of my imagination.
"Okay, Sweet Dreams?"
"Sweet Dreams," I nodded grasping his hand as he began to sing.
"Sweet dreams are made of these...Who am I to disagree? Travel the world and the seven seas...Everybody's looking for something...Some of them want to use you...Some of them want to get used by you...Some of them want to abuse you...Some of them want to be abused, Ready Bella?" He asked and I nodded, closing my eyes then falling limp in his arms, not feeling my body hit the floor sharply and my Kitty fell from my grip.
'Another is ours,'
'Shall we bring more in? '
'No...Let's wait,' A conversation was whispered through the air with the body of a young albino lie on the hard, brown-painted,wooden floor. She lie there with shallow breathing and the thud had hit the ground.
"Are you okay?" The girl's sister Sara called loudly, the noise piercing the silence sharply. The silence answered her which made her sit up quickly.
"Hey? Are you okay?" Sara asked again, getting up and walking out to her door and opening it. She left it open as she knocked on the bathroom door.
"I'm coming in okay?" She asked opening the door and hitting her sister's head off of the door. "Hey! Stop blocking it! Let me in," She pushed harder successfully opening the door. But at the sigh before her, she let out a strangled gasp and dropped to her knees.
Blood pooled around the younger girl's head and the white hair was now a disgusting red. The blood still continued to pour out of the gash on the back of her head. Her sister lifted her head into Sara's lap and tried to use a stray towel on the ground to stop the bleeding.
"Hank! Hank wake up! Something happened to _____ !" She screamed with tears pouring down her face. "Wake up! Call 9-1-1! Now!" Her husband woke with a jolt and proceeded to call for help.
"Oh stay with me baby girl, please," She begged softly, stroking the girl's face and planting it with kisses everywhere.
"They'll be here in an hour and a half. We're driving her now!" Her husband yelled pulling his pants up over his shorts. He picked the girl up and slung her on his back and ran out to the car as her big sister grabbed the keys and wallet and leapt into the car with the bloody towel.
The girl’s Kitty lie abandoned and forgotten on the floor, like it was just thrown to the side. It tilted its head to look at the open door and smiled softly. Bloody teeth and crazed eyes looked at the door.
‘And now we wait,’

(Word Count- 1,338)


Hello guys!
I'm back with the revised version of Chapter 4.
Now you might have already read this and went 'Hey! I already read this! This is stupid.' I fixed it.
There's a major plot point in the revised part so please read it again!
Well that's all. Bye~!


Awwww! Poor Gil. Mike just got a little mad, that's all.

Otaku-chan Otaku-chan

Awesome job :) ITALY WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO THAT GIRL!? Hehe Mikey with Italy's curl.

Otaku-chan Otaku-chan