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Screams of Silence

Six: When The World Gets Too Heavy Put It On My Back

August 23, 2007

You have an instant message from TONY

Tony: How's my art grad doing?

Tori: Shoot me in the head.

Tony: Still stuck, huh?

Tori: Like dried clay.

Tony: you'll think of something. You always come up with cool ideas. It's your final year too.

Tori: everyone in my class has got a theme for their spread but me. I'm going to fail. I'm going to end up not graduating and I'll be selling my artwork on the street so that I would be able to feed myself.

Tony: Dude, you won’t be living on the streets. You can live with me and sleep on my couch. We'll have take out or pizza or Taco Bell every night and we'll watch Star Wars and Disney.

Tori: That sounds awesome. I'll quit right now and be there soon.

Tony: I better start cleaning though.

Tori: You’ve got a band to focus on so you don't have to worry about college. But how are you able to pay rent and for food?

Tony: I work at a music shop. I teach kids how to play guitar too.

Tori: That's cool. Do the kids you teach like you?

Tony: They're alright.

Tori: I reckon it would be fun to be an art teacher. Not a high school one but a first or second grade one.

Tony: You'd make an awesome art teacher and an even better artist. You'd paint the walls of your kids' rooms.

Tori: No, I'd let them paint it themselves. They'd have their own artistic minds.

Tony: You'd be a cool mom.

Tori: But that would be ages away though. Let me graduate first. That is if I ever do because I'm so stuck.

Tony: Don't give up. You can do this.

Tori: Thanks, Tone. Anyway, how are you guys? How's Jaime and Jess?

Tony: They're okay and the band's fine. We're looking for a record company to sign us on for a contract. Hopefully we can our EP out.

Tori: And you said you'd never be in a band

Tony: I was a stupid kid then. And I'm still a kid now, just a little less stupid.

Tori: No, you're just as stupid.

Tony: I'm cut.

Tori: You'll live.

Tony: A friend of mine took pictures of us playing at a gig. Should I send some to you?

Tori: You don't even have to ask. Of course I would!

Tony: Coming right up...

Tori: Holy shit. Tony you guys look so professional.

Tony: Yeah right.

Tori: I'm serious, you guys look so good.

Tony: You're my friend so you're obligated to say that.

Tori: no I mean it.

Tony: haha, then thanks. I appreciate it.

Tori: you look so happy

Tony: is that a good thing?

Tori: you bet it is. I wish I did learn to play the guitar.

Tony: I can always teach you. In return you can try pass me some of your artistic wisdom.

Tori: I'll let you know when I have some. The pictures are great though. It's like I can draw them.

Tori: Wait.

Tori: Can I?

Tony: Really? We're not the best models.

Tori: it doesn't matter. You guys look fine. Like I can focus my portfolio on bands and singers and instruments. This can work Tony.

Tony: should I be flattered than you're drawing me?

Tori: only if it turns out alright. I should print these out and start sketching. I'll tell you how it goes okay? :)

Tony: okay.

September 15, 2007

You have an instant message from TORI

Tori: can I have 5 minutes of pep talk please?

Tony: You've got this Tori!

Tony: You're gonna be the valedictorian of your class.

Tony: An arrow can only be moved forward by being pushed back.

Tony: Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but rising every time we fall.

Tony: just because something doesn't look quite right to you, to others it may be the best thing their eyes have been exposed to.

Tony: you'll always be an amazing artist to me.

Tori: Did you make all of them up?

Tony: Did it work?

Tori: It did. I needed some motivation. What would I do without you, Tony?

Tony: You'd still be an awesome painter.

Tori: No I wouldn't actually.

Tony: why is that?

Tori: this is pretty silly but do you remember when we were kids and we'd always say that one day when you're in a band and I'm a famous artist, we'd meet each other? Whenever things got difficult art wise, I'd just think about all those promises we made when we were younger and that all the hard work would pay off when we do meet each other. The sore hands, the paint underneath my nails, the charcoaled fingers - it would all be worth it in the long run. But yeah, it's stupid.

Tony: It's not the slightest bit stupid.

Tori: It's not?

Tony: I'll beat up anyone who says it is.

Tori: Sure you will.

Tony: Jaime and I will tag team in a lucho libre match.

Tori: How is he?

Tony: He says that you should call him.

Tori: Tell him that I want his number :P

Tony: HahahaI'll pass it on. You feeling better now?

Tori: A lot better. You must be my muse or something.

Tony: I'll be your muse if you be mine.

Tori: I thought we were already like that.

Tony: Just go continue your portfolio. There's a band meet soon anyway.

Tori: Talk to you later?

Tony: You bet.

October 21, 2007

Dear Tori,

Happy 21st you loser! Hurry up and get your ticket to SD so we can hit the clubs hahaha.

Don't get too drunk tonight, my little art grad. You still have school in the morning.

Love, Tony

You have an instant message from TORI

Tori: I just saw your birthday gift.

Tony: You like?

Tori: I love.

Tony: Sorry it's pretty basic. I have less guitar lessons. Like I was teaching two brothers and they stopped.

Tori: That's okay. I love every present you give me. Sides, I always need new sketchbooks.

Tony: Have you opened it yet?

Tori: Nope. Is there something in it?

Tony: You tell me.

*The first page of the sketchbook.*

Dear Tori,

First off, forgive my horrible handwriting. I'm no artist like you. I can't draw a decent turtle, paint something that I can see or write legibly. So how you stand having me as a best friend sometimes genuinely baffles me. Your best friend should be someone like you, someone who shares your love of art and the beauty of design, not some dude who plays guitar in a crappy band.

Happy Birthday! Being your friend after 15 years is either one of the most remarkable things ever or one of the creepiest. I’m going to go with the former and say that it is so rad that we’re still friends. Take a real, legal, 21st birthday shot for me would you?

I hope this year and the ones follow that are filled with good times and good company. I hope that art school is going well and that your portfolio will kick ass. I know it will. There’ll be times where you have no inspiration or motivation but that’s okay because it happens to everyone. I know you’ll have the strength and determination to keep on keeping on even though you think that you’ve reached the point to abandon all hope. Don’t you dare give up your dream of becoming an artist and making your name known, because I know that you will accomplish everything you set your mind to.

I’ve written this letter a thousand times in my head and I can never find the right words to say when I get to this part. I’ve been meaning to tell you this for a long time and it can never come out right. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’ve never really thanked you for being my friend. Friendship is a common thing but our one means a lot to me. You’ve been there all the time and never gave up on me, even when I tried to push you away. I’m an idiot for thinking that you weren’t worth it. For all the times that it didn’t work out, I’m sorry and it’s all my fault. Don’t you ever think for one second that this means nothing to me because sometimes this is the only thing I have that matters. And I don’t ever want to you think that I don’t want to be your friend. I’m sorry I’m so selfish and stupid. You deserve to have a best friend who cares for you better than I do. I’m sorry I’m not holding up my end of the bargain. At least, I don’t feel like I am. If we had never became friends, I’d be half the man I am and I don’t even want to think about what life would be like. This is probably the weirdest thing I’ve ever said so I’ll stop now.

Anyway, happy birthday Victoria Ella Holt. Hope you have the best 21st birthday bash ever and you better have more to come. Just wait for what I have planned for your 80th, grandma. I hope you get spoilt since you’re still your daddy’s little princess and your birthday wish comes true because it has to. Even if it’s for a freaking unicorn or for the sky to rain M&M’s, I hope it comes true, no matter what it is.

Love, Tony.

PS: If being an artist doesn’t work out, you can always be a comic book drawer and bring Terry Perry to life. Just saying.


Tori: Tony…

Tony: What?

Tori: Thank you so much. I’m so touched by what you wrote.

Tony: Don’t mention it.

Tori: I’m literally tearing up. I know I say this every year but this one is my favourite. Thank you. You’re the best friend I’ve ever had. I don’t need someone else as a best friend who is into art or likes the same things I like. I’ve already got you. I don’t need anybody else. No one’s going to come close when it comes to finding someone who is better than you as a friend. My best friend.

Tony: I can think of someone.

Tori: Unless the person you are thinking of is yourself, you can’t. I love it Tony. You even drew some pictures.

Tony: Yeah, I was getting bored.

Tori: You should be the designer for Terry.

Tony: Your fingers create all these awesome paintings and sketches, mine create music.

Tori: A good split of talent, if I do say so myself.

Tony: Indeed it is.

Tori: Do you wanna know what my birthday wish is?

Tony: But if you tell me it won’t come true.

Tori: You said it has to come true.

Tony: Damn, I did. Okay, kid. What’s your birthday wish?

Tori: That we’ll be meeting each other before ten years’ time.

December 6, 2013

You have an instant message from TONY

Tony: hey trouble.

Tori: hey buttmunch

Tony: how was your day?

Tori: It was alright. There are so many projects that I’m working on at the moment.

Tony: It is the holiday season.

Tori: Yes it very much is. How’s your work going?

Tony: We’re having a sale this weekend. Expecting stock to sell out fast.

Tori: Can I just say how awesome it is that you and your friend co-own a business?

Tony: And that I give you free clothes?

Tori: Hush child.

Tony: hahahaha

Tori: I’m really proud of what you’ve done though. You guys are doing so well.

Tony: We’ve had some highs and lows but we’re doing fine. The profits aren’t too shabby either.

Tori: Am I getting a cool as Christmas present this year? :D

Tony: Even better

Tori: Can I know?

Tony: You sure you don’t want to keep it a surprise?

Tori: tell me tell me TELL MEEEEEEEEEEE

Tony: I booked a flight to Phoenix. I’m landing there next month.


Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Tony and Tori are finally going to meet!

So I’m going to take a little break from this story (we have a confession to make – I’ve (Precious) written all the letter chapters, excluding chapter 2. Claire wrote that gem :D ) anyway, I’m leaving you in the steady hands of Claire and she’ll be taking charge of the next chapters. Thank you so much for not giving up on this just yet. We’re really stoked to see all this positive feedback from all of you and we’re so excited to share this story with you.

Don’t forget to vote, subscribe and comment! We love all comments and appreciate every vote so keep it up. Don’t be a silent reading. If you love it, tell us. If you hate it (though we hope its only mild), tell us. If you think you have a clue what’s going to happen next, tell us. Just spill your heart out about this story if you wish. We won’t bite ;)

And to Claire, I can’t wait to see where you take this! you've got this!!!

Love you all, my darlings xoxoxo


Thank you so so so much for such amazing story! I read it instead writing my school work

AlexMIWxoxoPTV AlexMIWxoxoPTV


Divinebitches Divinebitches

Oh my lord. I haven't been on here in so long! Let them be happy precious!

Divinebitches Divinebitches

We're still alive! Life's pretty busy though. Hope you understand. Thank you for your patience. X

preciado-s preciado-s

did yall die? still waiting on an update. ily xx :(

catsarecool catsarecool