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"Vic! Get up, Es hora de ir a Warped!¹" Mike shouted, shaking his older brother's small, sleeping frame. Vic rolled over, blinking rapidly as his eyes adjusted to the light, "mear fuera, hermano!²" he groaned in response.

Mike sighed and grabbed his barely-thawed water bottle off the nightstand. He unscrewed the cap and quickly hurled the bottle at Vic's face. Vic shot up in his bed in response, shouting, "maldito idiota!³"

"Sorry, man, you refused to get up," Mike laughed, watching his older brother angrily climb out of bed, thoroughly soaked. Vic stripped the bedsheets, cursing Mike under his breath as he tossed them in the laundry basket.

"I made breakfast, maybe this will make up for getting you all wet?" Mike asked, offering up a plate of toast. Vic shook his head, disregarding the offer as he shoved his brother out of the room so he could get ready to leave.

Vic tore off his pyjamas, ignoring Mike's muffled shouts from outside the door. He quickly pulled his slender legs into a pair of skinny jeans, followed by sliding a rainbow leopard-print button-down on. He bust through the door, knocking Mike over as he went, buttoning his shirt as he paced through the apartment. A flood of thoughts ran through his mind.

"Asshole!" Mike called as he stood up, brushing himself off. He sighed, following his brother out to the kitchen. He glanced over Vic, sensing worry in his offbeat breathing.

"You alright, Vic?" he questioned. Vic whipped around, facing the taller Mexican.

"I'm fine, just too many thoughts at once," he reassured his younger brother. Mike nodded slowly, clearly not believing it for a minute. Vic ignored him.

The phone rang, abruptly interrupting the short silence. Mike reached for the receiver, putting it to his ear.

"Hello? Oh, hey Hime."

"Alright, what time?"

"Got it, be there in thirty."

He put the phone down, looking back to Vic, "Jaime says they want us early for Warped, so we need to be at the lot by 9:30. If you're all ready to go, we can leave right now."

Vic nodded, "sounds good. I'm ready, we can go whenever." Mike slung his backpack over his shoulder and grabbed his duffel, nodding towards the door. Vic followed suit and put his things in the trunk of their small, economical Ford Focus. He then proceeded to start the car, watching his brother walk to the car. They drove off, exiting the subdivision they lived in.

"Are you excited?" Mike asked, scrolling through notifications on his phone.

"Of course I am, it's Warped," Vic chuckled lightly.

"Sleeping With Sirens is coming early as well," Mike announced, "I still don't get why we all need to be there early."

"Probably for the sake of not taking over highways with all the buses. They're probably going to stagger departures." Vic shrugged, exhaling shakily. Mike whipped his glance over to his older brother.

"Are you nervous about something?" he furrowed his brows.

"Nah, I'm fine." Vic smiled, regaining focus on the road. In reality, he was having an internal freak-attack, but he wouldn't tell his brother that. Sleeping With Sirens would be there early, too. Kellin would be there early. Of course, Mike didn't know this, but Vic had developed a small crush on Kellin since the tour their bands had done together.

"No, your breathing sounds fucked. What's going on?" Mike interrogated. Vic rolled his eyes.

"Let it go, hermano, I'm fine," he snapped. Mike flinched at Vic's defensiveness, shaking his head as he regained composure. He knew there was something up with Vic, and he was going to figure out what.

They pulled into the lot, only to find that three other bands were there early. Sleeping With Sirens, as expected, along with All Time Low and Black Veil Brides. Vic found Jaime and Tony's cars amongst the lot, parking in between the two.

"Amigos!" Jaime shouted excitedly as the Fuentes brothers exited their car, collecting their things from the trunk.

"Hola, Hime-time," Vic giggled as Jaime leaped around like a five-year-old, "I see you're a little excited." Jaime plainly responded by jumping even more.

"Hey, we have ten minutes until they do checks. We should probably get our things on the bus, then get back out so we don't miss checks," Tony announced, glancing at his watch. The rest of the band nodded in unison as they collected their things, taking them to the Pierce The Veil bus. Climbing in, they just tossed their bags in the middle of the living space floor. They could unpack during the drive. After seeing the time, they scrambled outside to go for checks.

"Good morning, everyone, I hope you all had a good drive over." Steven, the man in charge of California departures, "this year, we are kicking off in Houston. The drive over is about twenty hours, there is thirty hours of allotted travel time due to staggered travel. Can I get one member of each band to call for checks?" Pierce The Veil exchanged nods to Jaime.

"Black Veil Brides? Do we have all members here, and do you have all of your equipment?" Steven called across the lot.

"Everyone is here, except Jake and Jinxx as they are already in Houston. We've got all the instruments packed," CC shouted in response.

"Continuing. Sleeping With Sirens, are all members here and all the equipment here?"

"Yes, however, we do need a new snare drum when we get to Houston," Jack yelled.

"Pierce The Veil?" Steven asked.

"Everybody's here and alive, we've got all our instruments." Jaime called back.

"Everyone, in the buses. Leaving in ten!" Steven dismissed. Each band retreated to their own bus.

Once on the bus, Tony went to straight to sleep in his bunk, Jaime started putting his things away, and the Fuentes brothers seated themselves on the sofa in the living space. They scrolled through social networks on their phones for a few minutes until Jaime left to the other end of the bus.

"Okay, Vic, tell me what's going on," Mike shook his brother's shoulder.

"Nothing's going on. What are you talking about?" Vic replied, trying to act innocent.

"Don't play dumb, you know exactly what I'm talking about. You were acting weird this morning, what the fuck was up with that?" Mike snapped.

"I wasn't acting weird. Fuck off, Mike," Vic retorted, standing up and walking out of the living space.

Something was definitely up, and Mike wasn't going to give up until he figured out. Vic can try all he wants, but in the end, Mike was always going to figure out exactly what was going on.


Fin. I have no idea if anybody likes this, it's only been online anywhere for thirty minutes and I only started it cos I'm off school today. So, if you would, comment what you think of this...? x

Spanish Translations
Hola : Hello
Amigos : Friends
Hermano : Brother
¹ : It's time to go to Warped!
² : Piss off, brother!
³ : Fucking Idiot!


I'm so using those spanish words tomorrow. ALL. DAY. LONG. Huehuehue

ItsJustBands ItsJustBands