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My Darling

Chapter Seven

“So,” I say as Tony and I walk to the house. “Do you know who that girl is? I mean, you do remember her name and all.”

“I remember her name because who can forget the name of their stalker?” Tony says and I laugh.

“She stalks you?” I ask, still laughing.

“She stalks all of us!” Tony says dramatically and begins to laugh with me. “But mostly me and it’s frightening.”

“Oh, looks like someone out of thousands has a crush on Mr. Tony Perry.” I tease.“Fangirls! Fangirls everywhere!”

“She’s more than just a fangirl.” Tony says. “She’s obsessed with us. She buys all our merch, comes to all our shows and meet and greets, knows all our songs by heart and you don’t want to even know how many times she tweets us her fanfiction.”

After the last one, he shuddered and I laughed loudly.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if she has a lock from each of your guy’s hair!” I laugh as we walk up the door to the house.

“Oh God, I don’t even want to think about that.” Tony says and laughs as he unlocks the door and steps in, me following.

Not even five steps into the house and I’m pulled into a bone crushing hug from a very upset Vic.

“Max! Oh my God, you’re okay.” Vic says into my neck.

“V-Vic. Can’t breathe.” I muster out and he finally releases me.

I look up at him and see that his hair was all messed up, his cheeks were tear-stained and he was visibly shaking.

“What’s up with you?” I ask him once I catch my breath.

“He was freaking out because we couldn’t find you.” Jaime answers for him. “He just kept muttering something like, ‘Not again.’”

After hearing that, I tense and look at Vic and see him glaring at Jaime.

“Shut the fuck up, Jaime!” He yells.

“What did I do?!” Jaime yells back.

“You opened your stupid mouth, that’s what you did!” Vic yells again.

“Jesus Christ would you just shut up!” I yell and all attention goes to me. “Why didn’t you just call me?”

“We tried.” Mike says. “You weren’t answering.”

I gave him a puzzled look while taking out my phone and sure enough, eight missed calls from Vic, five missed calls from Mike and three missed calls from an unknown number that I assume was Jaime. There were even some texts from Vic that read: “Max where are you” “please answer me” “whatever i did i’m sorry” “Max please you’re scaring me just come home please i’m sorry” Oh my God…

“We couldn’t calm him down.” Mike says and I look up from my phone. “We even put two and two together. Since Tony wasn’t anywhere to be seen, we figured you guys went out but he just wouldn’t hear it.” “Then why didn’t you call Tony?” I ask.

“Tony is an idiot and left his phone here.” Jaime says and throws Tony his phone.

“Max.” I hear Vic say and I look over at him. “I’m sorry.”

“For what?” I ask.

“I-I don’t know. I just feel like I need to say sorry.” He answers. Kind of…

“You did nothing so there’s no need to say you’re sorry.” I mumble and I’d be surprised if he heard me.

The room goes silent. Everyone looking everywhere but each other. “

“I’m going to my room.” I murmur and started to walk passed everyone and up the stairs but Vic grabbed my wrist.

I looked back at him and saw that he was just staring at me, like he was contemplating on what he was about to say.

“I love you.” He says.

I didn’t know how to respond to that. The only person to ever say that they loved me was my mother.

I just give nod, not knowing what else to do, and pull my wrist free from his grip. I walk up the stairs and into my room, closing the door behind me.

I set my coffee and phone down on my desk and slumped down on my chair. I put my feet on the edge of the desk and let out a heavy sigh.

It’s not like I hate Vic it’s just that… oh who am I kidding? Just yesterday I wanted to cause him pain of any kind. But those texts… How he just instantly thought that he had done something.

Maybe I never really hated him. Maybe I was just angry. I mean, I had ten years to think about his actions, I was bound to develop a little anger towards him, right? He had just hurt my mother so badly. I remember those nights where she would get drunk and just sit at the table and cry. All because of him. Even after seventeen years, she never stopped crying.

I blamed myself. A constant reminder of him. Of course she said I wasn’t and that it was just the alcohol bringing back old memories but I knew it wasn’t just the alcohol. Now, don’t get me wrong. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that my mother loves me. It’s just hard for her, watching me grow up without a proper family.

Sighing, I got up from my chair and grabbed my phone. I untangle my headphones from my phone and put them in my ears, blaring ‘Alone Together’ by ‘Fall Out Boy’.

I drop down on my bed, face first into a pillow and let the sweet sound of Patrick’s voice drown out the world around me.

I’m running. Running where, I have no idea but I have only one thing on my mind… Run. Run before they catch you.

Sweat mixed with tears and blood stream down my face. My legs burn and my feet feel like they’re splitting down the middle but I don’t dare stop, in fear of what’s behind me.

Leaves crunch and twigs snap under my black combat boots as I run through the forest. Trees and bushes zip passed me in a blurred mass of green and brown.

I’m running so fast, I didn’t notice the trap on the ground and the next second, I’m strung upside down by my ankle.

Breathing heavily, I look hastily at my surroundings.

“Help!” I cry out. “Help!”

After what seemed like an hour but what was probably just a few minutes, I give up. It was no use. No one could hear me all the way out here. But then there’s a voice. A voice that I just want to forget but I can’t. Forever etched inside my mind, torturing me for the rest of my days.

“Oh, Maxi.” It laughs and I cringe at the old nickname that I haven’t heard in years.

I bolt upright in my bed, my eyes bolt around my darkened room. My heart beats fast in my chest and I can’t get my breathing under control. I couldn’t even control what came out of my mouth.




Now I shall go and continue writing chapter eight which will probably be posted in a couple of days.


I love this story and can't wait for you to update. Don't take to long, okay? I'm not the best at waiting, but I will try.

That Noob That Noob

m o r e <3

Dreamcatcher Dreamcatcher

We need to know what happens next omfg pls :c

Dreamcatcher Dreamcatcher

please update omffff

please update omffff