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My Darling

Chapter Four

“Movie?” Tony asks. “Sure.” Tony smiles and I do the same.

“Alright, well allons-y!” I scream. Yeah, I’m a little obsessed with a show called Doctor Who.

“What?” He asks and I grin.

“It’s French. For let’s go.” I say and start laughing ‘cause that’s what The Doctor had to say when he said ‘allons-y’.

“Ooh-kay.” Tony says slowly.

I nod and walk over to the living room. I see a large cabinet and a small piece of paper was taped on it that had ‘MOVIES’ written on it.

I make my way over to it and open the two doors. I bet you’d expect to see so many DVDs, it’d be like movie heaven, right? Wrong. There was only one DVD and the original Star Wars trilogy.

I make my choice, which was very easy, and walk over to Tony.

“So what did you pick?” He asks. I turn it over to reveal the cover.

“One of the best movies. Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan!” I happily exclaim and I hear distant laughter coming from Mike’s room.

“What? You like Star Trek?” Tony asks surprised.

“Yeah. I mean, the only other DVDs in there were the Star Wars trilogy and Star Trek is way better than Star Wars.”

By the time I finished my sentence, Tony’s eyes were wide and his mouth was to the floor.

“What?” I ask. He blinks a few times and shakes his head.

“Nothing. It’s just you need to check your facts there. Star Wars is where it’s at.” He says and then my eyes widen and my mouth goes to the floor.

“Excuuuse me?” I ask in my best Ghetto voice. “Star Trek is the best. You need a reality check, honey.”

“Read my knuckles. Star.” He says and raises his right fist. On his knuckles was the word ‘STAR’. “Wars.” He continues and raises his other fist which had the word ‘WARS’.

“Well, that’s such a shame. You looked like a nice young man.” I say in a light British accent, acting like an old lady.“Guess I was wrong.”

Tony just chuckles and looks down at his feet. It looked kind of… cute. I blushed lightly at the thought.

“We still aren’t watching that, though.” Tony says, looking up at me.

I just look down at the movie in my hands, back at Tony, then back at the movie. I make a run over to the TV and put in the DVD before Tony could say anything. I grabbed to remote and jumped on the couch.

I look over at Tony and he had the same expression he had earlier when I told him Star Trek was better.

I chuckle and pat the seat next to me. He makes his way over and sits down at the spot I was patting. I press play and the movie begins. I hear Tony groan next to me and I just hit his arm.

It felt weird, acting like this. I was acting so comfortable around him. Maybe because I was. That feeling was so foreign to me. The only person I felt comfortable with was my mother. Not even Bailey and we’ve been friends since first grade. Usually, I would keep my mouth shut and let them do the talking. I was always that one girl in the back of the class, ignoring the world and drowning people out with music. I built up walls and never let anyone through but if you knew what had happened to me in the past and what was going on at the time, you’d do the same thing.

After about ten minutes, I lay my head on Tony’s shoulder and he puts his on mine. I am getting way too comfortable here; it’s starting to get scary. But then, the sound of angels arose from the heavens. Also known as that Jaime guy’s screaming.

“We are back and we have food!” He screams and comes into the living room. I see his eyes widen in shock once he sees the TV.

“Whoa! Tony watching Star Trek?! No way, what did you do to our turtle?!” Jaime shrieks.

“Jaime, save me!” Tony yells, holding his arms out and Jaime runs over, taking him into his arms.

“It’s okay, turtle. I have you and now you’re safe from her evilness.” Jaime says to his friend.

By now, I’m just laughing at them. I held my sides and my eyes water a bit. They are so weird.

“Mike! Get your stoner ass down here, it’s time to eat!” I hear the voice of the man I hate say. I internally groan, remembering why I’m here and who I’m with because of it.

I rise from my seat and walk to the kitchen to see Jaime digging into a burrito and two empty wrappers in front of him. How the hell…? Tony is over at the other counter making a salad. Mike comes into the kitchen, his eyes red and clothes reek of weed. I don’t have a problem with weed, but I hope Mike doesn’t do any other drug. Let’s just say I have a colorful history.

I look over at Vic sitting at a bar stool. A half-eaten taco sits on a wrapper in front of him while he smiles idiotically at his phone.

“Yo, Vic!” Mike calls out to his brother. “Stop texting Cara and eat!”

My blood boils at the mention of that name.


The bitch that ruined my chances at a real family. He still talks with her? Hell, I bet they’re even dating! He’s living happily in this beautiful house, with his awesome friends, his girlfriend, his loyal fanbase. All of this while my mom goes off and risks her LIFE just to care for me because this asshole can’t be a father!

“Cara?” I ask no one I particular. Vic snaps his head towards my direction and looks at me with wide eyes and guilty expression.

“Yeah, Cara. Your dad’s girlfriend.” Answers Jaime. Vic just stares at me and I clench my teeth. “She’s really nice. Maybe you can meet her?”

“No need.” I say to him. “I know everything I need to know about her.”

I look at Vic and shoot him a glare before walking out of the kitchen and up the stairs to my room.

Vic’s POV

Ugh! Why is everything so hard with her? It’s like I’m walking on eggshells. I love my daughter with all my heart but it’s hard to put on a smile when all she does is give me the cold shoulder.

But why wouldn’t she, though? I’m a horrible person for what I did. I wouldn’t be surprised if I found a knife in my back one of these days.

“Vic? You alright man?” Jaime asks as we walk to the front door of our home. Was I okay? No.

I nod and crack a small smile.

“Yeah. Just thinking about things.” At least it wasn’t a complete lie…

Jaime stops and looks at me with a completely serious face which makes me uncomfortable because he’s never serious.

“You know you can tell me anything, right?” He asks and I nod.

“Of course I know that.”

Jaime looks at me for a second the opens the front door.

“We’re back and we have food!” He screams. Well, at least he’s back to normal. “Whoa! Tony watching Star Trek?! No way, what did you do to our turtle?!” I hear Jaime yell.

I walk into the living room and see that Star Trek was playing. I also so Tony and Maxine, or Max as she likes to go by, sitting a little too close for my liking.

I dismiss it and walk into the kitchen, setting the bags down on the counter then getting a taco.

“Mike! Get your stoner ass down here, it’s time to eat!” I scream as I take a seat at a bar stool.

I open the wrapping as Jaime and Tony walk in. Jaime takes out three burritos while Tony goes over to make a salad, considering he’s vegan and there is literally nothing a Taco Bell he can eat.

I eat about half of my taco while Jaime starts on his third. Fatass.

I unlock my phone and see that I got a text from my girlfriend, Cara. I instantly text back.

From: Cara :)
Hey bby! :*
To: Cara :)
Hey bby! how r u
From: Cara :)
Good i miss u tho :(

Cara worked over in Los Angeles while I lived in San Diego. We don’t see each other much and when we do it’s mostly last minute and us just going to church since Cara is super religious.

To: Cara
I miss u 2 :(

“Yo, Vic!” I hear Mike say. “Stop texting Cara and eat!”

“Cara?” I snap my head up and see Max and it was obvious she was pissed off.

Cara. The girl… the girl I cheated on her mom with. I felt a tsunami of guilt wash over me.

“Yeah, Cara. Your dad’s girlfriend.” I hear Jaime say. God dammit Jaime, shut the fuck up! It’s not his fault, though. He didn’t know my past. None of them knew. Not even my own brother.

“She’s really nice. Maybe you can meet her?” Jaime continues.

“No need.” Max says. “I know everything I need to know about her.” And with a glare, she walks up to here room. A few seconds later, I hear her door slam and I let out a breath I didn’t even realize I was holding in.

“Dude, what’s wrong?” Jaime asks. “The look she gave you was all but loving.” Should I tell them…?

“I-I need to tell you all something.”



I love this story and can't wait for you to update. Don't take to long, okay? I'm not the best at waiting, but I will try.

That Noob That Noob

m o r e <3

Dreamcatcher Dreamcatcher

We need to know what happens next omfg pls :c

Dreamcatcher Dreamcatcher

please update omffff

please update omffff