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Save Me -Jaime Preciado

I'm Low On Gas And You Need A Jacket

~Jaime's pov~ (yep not telling you what happened to Brianna yet)
We finished performing, our last song being A Match Into Water. We ran off and put the equipment away, signed things for some fans and I went to go check on Brianna while the guys went to get food. I walked into the RV planning on giving her a giant hug and saw her by the counter which was just cleaned. "Hey!" I yelled, but I stopped in my tracks when I saw her pale, sick face. "Bri?" I looked down and saw a rolled up sleeve and blood. Lots of it and a knife in her left hand, "Bri, what did you do?"
She looked sorry for a minute and then fell backwards. I heard the guys coming up behind me so I yelled their names and ran over to her. I pulled my shirt off and wrapped it around her arm, then got my phone and dialed 911. I told them what had happened while Tony, Mike, and Vic cleaned up the blood and put pressure on her arm to stop the bleeding while Vic kept checking her pulse. I could tell by his face that it was slowing.
The ambulance finally came and took her away. We followed behind and sat in the waiting room for hours until a nurse came in. By her look I though Brianna had died.
"Is anyone here for Brianna Pre-" she started to ask and I jumped up.
"Is she okay?" I asked.
"She is in critical right now getting transfusions since she lost a lot of blood. But she will be fine, the most she'll have is temporary amnesia, that's more from the medicine though," she explained, smiling briefly at the end.
"Can I go see her?" I asked.
"Only for a little while. Are you the only one here for her?"
"Just me and my friends, her family isn't really around," I explained her strange family state.
The nurse nodded and led me to the room where she was staying. I walked in and saw her. She was still sickly pale all though she looked peaceful. There were tubes everywhere, her face, arms, stomach and she looked so tiny and fragile I wanted to cry. I held her hand that didn't have the IV and just sat there with her watching the monitor as it beeped as if she wasn't enough proof that she was alive.


@Mercedes Perry
Honesty's_Lies_ Honesty's_Lies_
thanks I like that :)
Mercedes Perry Mercedes Perry
Misery Business? C:
Honesty's_Lies_ Honesty's_Lies_
sure :)
Mercedes Perry Mercedes Perry
Make a sequel! Please!!!
Honesty's_Lies_ Honesty's_Lies_