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Wake me up and let me know you're alive

I need your love like a boy needs his mothers side

Chloey's POV
I decided to take his word. "Everything will be fine.." So I laid back down to close my eyes and relax. I felt someone put something gently over my mouth. I opened my eyes to see what it was. But it was Vic just putting the oxygen mask back on for me. I heard Vic humming a song, It was cute.. I fell asleep to the sound of him humming.. I woke up in a smallish white room. I saw some one peek in to see if I was awake. And about a minute later they came in. "Hello, my name is Dr.Faye, whats yours?" "My name is Chloey.." I said still getting used to the lighting. "Nice to meet you Chloey..I am going to ask you a couple of questions. Is that okay?" "Um, yea sure.." "Alright, whats your last name?" "My last name is Hunter." I see Dr.Faye start to flip some papers back from her clipboard. Soon she asks me "Are you by any chance related to some one named Jill?" My expression on my face went from tired look to worried scared look. "Um yea, my moms name is Jill.." "I'll be right back.." Dr.Faye said as she walked out of the room. So I just laid there staring at the ceiling thinking about why she asked me if I was related to anyone named Jill.. What if something happened? I turn over to look at my phone to see what time it was. I saw a voicemail icon on my phone and saw that I had a couple missed calls from my mom. I started getting more worried as I went to my voice mail to check it. "Enter your password." The automated voice recording said. I entered my password and it said "You have 2 un-heard messages, First un-heard message." "Chloey, just remember that I love you with all my heart, It was Anthony who did this to me." Mom stopped and started coughing really bad. "I love you just remember that, I hope you had a good day baby girl, I'll be in your heart forever. I'm just glad I got to say goodbye..." You could hear my moms voice crack and you could feel her tears rolling down her cheeks. "Mom don't go!" I say to myself even though she can't hear me. I start to cry. "Good bye baby girl I'm always in your heart." "Mom!!" I start to cry harder. That fucking dick asshole Anthony what the fuck did he do to my mom? I swear if I see him around I kill him until hes dead and then some how bring him back to life and then kill him again. Dr.Faye walks in with a necklace in her hands. "Chloey..I don't know how to say this.. But.. Your mom passed away about 20 minutes ago." Tears immediately start to roll down my cheeks. "Before she.. You know.. left.. She told us to give this to you." She handed me the necklace . This is her infinity necklace. She got this when I was just born she told me.. She said she got it because she will love me for infinity, she would love me through no matter what. "Thank you.." I said trying to stop crying and taking the necklace from the doctor. "I'll have your friends come and visit you now if you want." "Actually, can I have about 5 minutes to my self." I said wiping the tears from my face. "Yea I'll have them come in about 5 minutes." Dr.Faye said. "Thank you." I replied and she walked out the door. I look at the necklace and I start to cry.. I grab my back pack off the floor and pull my knees back. I look through the back pack to find my blade. I didn't realize that the boys were coming in. I pull back my sleeve to cut myself to let the pain go away for a while. I put the blade to my skin but I hear someone yell "Stop!!" It was Vic. He ran up to me and pulled my arms away from each other. Tony grabs the blade out of my hand and Mike and Jaime are just standing there in shock. I start to cry even more hiding my head in my knees pulling my hands out of Vic's grip to cover the rest of my face. "Chloey, What were you thinking, Why would you do that?" Vic said. I look up and see Tony leave the room and Jaime chasing him. Mike is just sitting there. "I better go with Jaime." Mike got up and left the room going after Jaime. "Chloey, Why would you do that." Vic said looking at me. "If you were me you'd do the same. All the shit I've been through.. All this pain. I don't want it anymore." I said wiping the tears off my cheek. "Whats wrong Chloey.? I can help you." Vic said to me. I sigh and told him whats wrong. "I am in the hospital again, Its like my second home. I am surprised that no doctor recognized me. My stepfather.." I start to break down in tears again. "My step father killed my mom apparently." I said as my voice cracked. "WHAT?!?" Vic said as he stood up really fast looking at me. "She left me a voice mail and the Doctor gave me a necklace from her.." "Can I hear the voice mail..?" I play the voice mail and hug my knees covering my face with my arms and cried my eyes out. After the voice mail got finished I instantly hung up the phone and looked at Vic. I saw Vic's eyes tear up. "I'm sorry your lost your mom." He said. "I wish you knew how sorry I am... I know you feel like shit right now.. But things will get better She said she loved you forever and you know that. I mean at least she called you before she passed on.." "Yea I know." Right now all I could really use is a hug.. Vic instantly read my mind and hugged me. "Thanks I needed that." He pulled away from the hug. "There's something else bugging you isn't there." Vic said to me. "Well.. Why did Tony leave like that?" I asked. "I'll have him explain it to you later okay?" "okay.." I said even though that wasn't the biggest thing that was on my mind. "There's something else isn't there..?" He asked me. "What will happen.. where will I live? Will I have money or did my step dad take it all? Is he in prison. I don't know anything. All I know is that he killed my mom.." I said looking down. Dr.Faye came in and said "Chloey you guys can check out because we put your stitches in and we know you want to go and talk to the police about what happened." I started to get up but Vic grabbed my hands and said "Here let my help you up.." He helped me get out of bed and get my back pack. Its not like i'm broken I can carry it my self. But my body was pretty sore from being flung across the room into lockers and stuff. The Doctor gave me some pills for the throbbing in my head. We left the room and met Tony and them in the waiting room. Vic and I went up to the desk to check out and we went to the police station to find out what really happened..


I will edit this tomorrow :) baii hope you guys like it!!


Thanks :)
I've listened to the song but some how never seen the music video

It's from the Yeah boy & doll face music video


It's from the Yeah boy & doll face music video


where did you get the back ground picture for this ? I keep seeing it and I dont know where its from

Fault in our stars reference in chapter 4

Iluvptv Iluvptv