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I'm Low On Gas and You Need A Jacket

The other side of me

We landed in Hawaii. My mom's side if from hawaiian, Samoan, and Maori. I've been doing Polynesian dancing since I was little. The boys don't know anything about this. They only know my moms side is from mexico which is half true and my dad is from Italy. We got a shuttle and arrived at our hotel. We all went to get something to eat. Marina looked at me, she knew I was going to tell them. "You're going to tell them?" Marina asked loudly at the table. I rolled my eyes and whispered thanks. "Tell us what?" Jaime said rubbing my back. I looked him, "Oh no don't tell me your pregnant!" Jaime said. "No!" I yelled. I rolled my eyes, and said "It's not that important" Vic lifted my face, "Of course its important" The boys leaned in and looked at me. I looked up and Marina, "You tell them." Marina sat back."Wellll missy over here isn't only mexican and italian. She's hawaiian, samoan, and maori. She's been dancing hula,tahitian,maori,samoan, fijian,and tongan since she was little. This girl can shake it." Marina said impressed with her words. I blushed into my hands. "Thats fucking awesome!" Vic said. I just smiled. Marina winked at me. I walked outside and I heard someone call my name. It was my cousin Eloni. "Hey cousin! what are you doing here? We miss you!" I hugged him, "Im here on tour with my boyfriend's band. This is Jaime, my boyfriend and his band mates, Vic, his brother Mike, and Tony." Marina came out from behind Tony. "Marina!" He yelled. They hugged. "Hey Eloni! Its been a long time!" "So hows the ohana?" I asked. He smiled, "Oh everyone misses you, tutu has been asking when your coming around." I began to feel my eyes tear up. I looked at the boys, "I need to go see my family, are you coming or not?" The guys nodded and marina said of course. We followed Eloni back to the house. We walked in, "LOOK WHO I FOUND ON THE STREETS!" Eloni yelled. My cousin Ahere walked in. "Oh my god Willow! Marina!" She gave us a big hug. "GUYS WILLOW AND MARINA ARE HERE!" Everyone came flooding out of the rooms. My uncle Tafua started to cry and I hugged everyone. "Who are these boys?" My auntie Molina asked. "Oh this is my boyfriend Jaime, and his band mates Vic, his brother Mike, and Tony. Tony is Marina's boyfriend." Everyone shook hands. "What are you doing here?" Uncle asked. "They are on tour." Everyone nodded and we sat down to catch up. I could tell the boys loved being around my crazy family. "So have you been back to Aotearoa?" My tutu asked. "I looked up. No, I want to though I miss it here" Jaime looked over, "Whats that?" he asked. "Aotearoa, is a city in New Zealand" he nodded. Eloni came in,"Oh willow I found our old luau videos from way back" I gasped, "No way" Eloni nodded and looked at the boys, "She was such a beast" He played them and I blushed. "Oh my god Eloni I was so young" We laughed. "You're really good" Vic said while smiling. I smiled back at him and said thanks. Fatua came in and said, "She would dance anywhere, she loved to do it" I smiled, "Yeah I wish I still did it" Eloni threw me a pareo which is a sarong. I tied it on my hips. My cousin Teva, Koa, and Tearoa drummed for me and I danced like I did when I was young. Everyone yelled for me and I blushed. "Ok enough enough" I sat down and got booed. Mike and Jaime kept their eyes on me. I walked outside and looked at the beach. It was their backyard. Jaime followed me out and wrapped his arm around me. I leaned my head into his chest. "I love seeing this side of you" He said while kissing my forehead. "I feel like you don't know me at all now" Jaime lifted my chin. "I dont care, I love learning about you" He kissed my lips and twirled me around. I giggled and kissed him more. Life is just getting better and better. We walked back inside. "Well its late and were all tired. Ill see you guys sometime this week!" We headed out and went to the hotel. Jaime and I got in the shower. He pinned me against the wall and kissed my neck, all the way down to my thigh. I moaned and ran my hand through his hair. After all the kissing he washed my hair. He lathered my body and I did the same to his. My hands slided around his chest and back. We got out and threw on PJ's. We got in bed and fell asleep.
I woke up with Jaime hovering over my face. "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" He said. I laughed and pushed him off. He layed back down beside me and kissed my cheek. Jaime got up and all he was wearing was his boxers so I smacked his ass and he fakely moaned. I sat up and laughed at him jumping around while singing opera. God this child is weird. I threw myself back and threw the sheets over my head. Jaime jumped on my and licked my face. I screamed and laughed at him. Finally we got up to knock on Vic and Mike's door. Mike answered in his boxers, I have to admit he looked kinda really hot. Jaime ran in to jump on Vic. "Morning" I said while flashing him a sweet smile. "Morning" He said back smirking at me. I realized I was only wearing Jaime's shirt and undies which were completely showing. I started to walk in and Mike smacked my ass. I turned around and pinched his arm. "You no love me" Mike whined. I grabbed his cheek and shook it, "Aww you'll live" Mike gasped, "I am offended" He said in the gayest voice possible. I laughed so hard and hugged him,"I just kidding Mikey" I said in a baby voice. "Liar" Mike growled in my ear. I could feel his hand going up my leg. I removed it and turned around, "We can't do this here" I turned around and walked over to Vic. "So what are we doing today?" Vic rubbed his eyes. "You're the local you tell me" I nodded. "Well, we can go to breakfast, then we can go to the beach,the pool, shopping, I dont know" Tony and Marina came in. "Dude I miss PCC" Marina said hugging me. I nodded, "Me too, me too" The boys looked confused,"Whats PCC?" Tony asked. "Its the Polyneisan Cultral Center. It's where people go to learn about the different islands of the Pacific. Like, Hawaii, Tahiti,Samoa, New Zealand, Fiji, Rapa Nui which is easter island, and Tonga. Its so sick" I nodded. "Tonga is my favorite. But I love all of the cultures" The boys nodded. "Lets go then!" Vic said. I got DRESSED and we got in the rental car. I drove us half way around Oahu. When we got there we got out tickets and started walking. Jaime and I held hands and so did Tony and Marina. Marina and I knew everyone that worked the exhibits. "We miss you guys" We heard alot. We spent the entire day there. I felt like I was boring them with my culture so I decided this would be it for the trip. We headed back to the hotel and went to bed.
We woke up and had breakfast. Everyone got bathing suits and we walked down to the beach. We layed out and tanned. Mike and I decided to go to the bar and get everyone drinks. We sat there and waited. "I really wish you could just be with me" MIke said staring into my eyes. "I can't I love Jaime way to much." I said looking at the beach. "But I know you have feelings for me too" He leaned in and kissed me. "No I can't. I can't hurt Jaime, he treats me so well. Who knows how you'll treat me. You're Mikey Whiskey Hands you like to bring home bitches and get fucked up. Im not into that Im sorry." I gabbed half of the drinks and left. I felt a smile form on my face as I saw my adorable Jaime assissting an old woman. I handed everyone their drinks and I layed next to Jaime. I could definaltey see myself marrying this kid. After an hour, we went to a restaurant on the beach and ate lunch. We walked back and chilled in the room. I texted Vic about dinner plans. We decided to go to a fairly nice place so I shot a text to everyone. I got DRESSED and we walked down to the restaurant. I sat nex to Jaime and Mike. Great. I could feel Jaime's hand rubbing the inside of my leg as usual. I could smell Mike's amazing cologne. I smelt his shirt, "You smell nice" I said smiling at him. I looked over at Jaime, everyone was talking loudly so I leaned over and whispered in his ear, "I want to have fun tonight" He choked on his beer. I smirked at the floor."You alright man?" Vic asked. "Yeah Yeah Im fine" Jaime said blushing. I giggled silently in my hands. We walked back but we stopped many times because Marina and I were shopping. We went in Victoria's Secret. "Babe come in with me, help me pick things out" I said tugging on his arm. Marina already had Tony with her. We picked out a few things and left. Finally we got back to the air-conditioned hotel room. I took off his clothes and I began to undress myself. "Lemme do that" Jaime said. He layed me down and pinned me. He began to kiss my neck but flashbacks of me and Mike were flooding my mind. I cleared them and continued to have sex with Jaime. After an hour of being wild we took a shower and fell asleep.
I woke up not facing Jaime but I felt him drag me into a spoon. I giggled and put my hands on top of his. He repeatedly kissed my cheek and neck. I got up and went outside on the balcony. Jaime joined me and hugged me from behind looking out to the city with me. "Being here with you is just amazing. I love you so much and I never want to let you go" Jaime said to me. "Awww! I love you too Jaime. You're the best thing that ever happened to me" I turned around and he put his lips on mine. We kissed for what felt like years. I knocked on Marina and Tony's door. I got let in and I jumped on Tony. "Tony turtle!" I yelled. He smiled his cutest little smile. "I know! Let's go to north shore and see the turtles!" Marina high fived me. I ran over to tell Mike and Vic. We got in our bathing suits and piled in the car. Tony was like singing some song about turtles. I kissed his cheek because he was just so adroable. Marina leaned over, "Hands off my man" She said with a serious look and laughed, "Just kidding" Jaime played with my hair and I leaned into his chest. "I love you" He whispered in my ear. I looked up and whispered, "I love you too" Vic looked back "Dude how can you deal with his feet?" I shot out a laugh, "I dont" Everyone started laughed. "Yeah and she bothers me by talking to me while she's brushing her teeth." Vic laughed, "Hastag Jaime's pet peeves" I giggled. "Hashtag Jaime's gross feet" He looked down at them "They aren't that bad!" "Yes they are" everyone said in unison. Jaime shook his head. I kissed his cheek, "Your my girlfriend you're supposed to protect me from these people" He burried his head in my shoulder. We finally got to north shore and Tony the Turtle got to see his turtles and pet them and swim with them and talk to them. He is obsessed. It was a pretty good day.
Tonight was the show and we got ready to head over to the arena. I got DRESSED and we drove over. Jaime held my hand the entire way and we walked in as people took pictures. We did a soundcheck and the boys performed awesome. "I would like to play a special song for Jaime's girlfriend Willow" Vic signaled me to come on stage. Jaime sat me down on a chair and kissed me. We heard awe's from the audience. They played one of my most favorite songs from Selfish Machines, The Boy Who Could Fly. I walked off stage and took pictures with fans. We headed back to the hotel and fell asleep.


wrote this at 1:30 am on the plane back home lol some asshole was snoring.



Me too
NiccoletteReta NiccoletteReta
This right here is why I have trust issues...
ItsHannahBear ItsHannahBear
Haha you're welcome!!! ;3
Thanks and I'm glad you did love (: I'm greatful for you're wonderful feedback (:
NiccoletteReta NiccoletteReta
Wow that ending shocked the living shit out of me i did not see that coming i really enjoyed that! :)