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Chapter Twenty

Nineteen hours later, the bus rolled to a stop in front of Vic and Mike’s large white house. I was clutching my phone tightly and staring at the screen. I had hoped that Mikey’s plane had landed by now, but I hadn’t received a text or a call from him. I sighed and stood up, gathering my luggage. Tony nudged me and offered a weak smile and grabbed my other suitcase. I yawned and followed him off the bus, the cold night air hitting my face and making me shiver. We all waited behind Mike as he unlocked the door and we all ushered in, the warmth of the house greeting us. All of us agreed to stay here and get some much needed rest for a few hours until Erin and Jess came to pick us up.

We all mumbled our goodnights as Vic and Mike climbed the steps to their rooms. Jaime took the guest bedroom, which left Tony and I to the couches. I look the loveseat, since I was considerably shorter than him. He went to the linen closet and grabbed some spare blankets, tossing one to me as he plopped on his couch. I slipped off my shoes and wrapped the blanket around me, setting my phone next to my head in case Mikey called. It was silent for a few minutes and just as I was drifting off to sleep, Tony spoke up. “Are you going to be okay with this long distance thing?”

I sighed. “No. But, I love him. What else am I going to do?”

He was quiet for a few moments and then muttered his reply. “You guys can make it. And just know you can always talk to me if you need it.”

“Thanks, Tone,” I yawned and within seconds I was into a blissful sleep.


Buzz buzz buzz. Buzz buzz buzz. I groaned and buried my face further into the couch cushion. Whose freaking phone was that? It took my exhausted brain longer than it should have to realize that the buzzing was coming from my phone. I instantly sat up and heard it crash to the floor. I groaned and fumbled around in the dark to find it. I felt my hand clasp around it and quickly put it to my ear.

“Hello?” I whispered as I glanced towards the clock on the entertainment center. The little green numbers informed me that it was six in the morning. I yawned.

“Ah, shit. I forgot about the time difference. Did I wake you, love?” my favorite ginger’s voice filled my ears, lifting my mood already.

“No,” I yawned through my lie, making him chuckle. “What time is it there?” I asked as I tiptoed around the coffee table and into the kitchen so I wouldn’t wake Tony.

“About two in the afternoon. Is it incredibly early in San Diego? I’m really sorry I woke you.”

I smiled and shook my head, even though he couldn’t see me. “It’s only six. It’s not too early. How was your flight?”

“Exhausting,” he chuckled. “Spending twenty-three hours on a plane next to Dave wasn’t exactly thrilling. How was your trip home?”

“Lonely and uneventful.”

“I miss you,” he said quietly.

I dug into my pocket and gripped my keychain in my palm. “I miss you, too.” It was silent for a few moments before I started giggling hysterically.

“What?” he laughed along, oblivious to what I was laughing about. I buried my head in my knee as I sat on the windowsill, looking out at the sunset.

“I don’t know if it’s the exhaustion talking or what, but you make me feel like a giddy teenager.”

His breathy chuckle filled my ears and made my heart swell. “I like giddy teenage girls.” As soon as the words left his mouth I started laughing again as he stumbled on his words. “I-I didn’t mean it that way! Oh god,” he groaned.

“I know, I know. How long ago did you get in?”

“About an hour ago. I’m so exhausted it’s not even funny. I’ve never had jet lag this bad.”

“Well you can’t go to bed now, or you won’t sleep tonight.”

“You sound like my mum,” he chuckled. I rolled my eyes and picked at a loose string on my pants.

“Gee, that’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever said to me.”

He chuckled again and my heart thumped faster. “What am I supposed to do to pass the time until it’s reasonable to go to bed?”

“Well talking to your lovely girlfriend might be a start,” I smiled.

“I guess if there’s nothing else to do…” he teased. I smiled into the phone and rested my head against the window.

“Where are you this exact second?”

“On my bed with my pup cuddled into me. You?”

“Sitting on an uncomfortable windowsill.”

“Why are you on a windowsill?”

“I went in the kitchen so I wouldn’t wake up Tony,” I said and craned my neck to see him still sleeping soundly in the next room.

“Wait, are you not home?”

“No, I’m at Vic’s right now. We got back really early so we all decided to crash here until morning.”

“Oh, at least you’re not sleeping on a moving bus,” he commented.

“True. Although the couch isn’t much better, my neck hurts like a bitch.”

“You poor little pampered thing,” he giggled.

I smiled. “Coming from someone who is laying on his own bed.”

He laughed. “I guess that’s true. What are you wearing?”

“Michael Chapman. Are you trying to get fresh with me from five thousand miles away?”

I could practically hear the smirk in his voice. “No, no. I’m just curious.”

“Mmhmm,” I grinned. “Basketball shorts and one of your shirts that you left. How about yourself?”

“Nothing at all,” he said cheekily.

“So you’re laying naked with your dog? I have to say that’s a deal breaker for me.”

He groaned. “Why you have to ruin my fun?”

I laughed. “Why do you have to walk into your own traps?” I heard a knock on the door and Tony mumble something. “Hold on, there’s someone at the door.”

“I hope it’s not a murderer,” he commented. I shook my head and looked through the peephole to see Mama and Papa Fuentes along with Jess and Erin. I smiled and unlatched the locks, pulling the door open.

“Mija! Mija!” the Fuentes’ called and engulfed me in a hug. I chuckled and hugged them back before moving on to Jess and Erin.

“Hey Mama, hey Papa. What are you guys doing here so early?” I questioned, still absentmindedly holding the phone.

“Ah, my sons, they need to learn to rise with the sun,” Papa said and made his way up the stairs while Mama walked into the kitchen and begun digging through their refrigerator. I turned my attention to the girls.

“One of them is over there,” I pointed Erin in the direction of the groggy Tony. “And the other is in the guest bedroom,” I pointed towards the stairs.

“Thanks, girl. How are you doing with not seeing Mikey?” Jess asked, tilting her head in curiosity.

I shrugged. “Horrible, as expected, and it’s only been a day. But, he’s worth it.”

She nodded. “I’m sorry, honey. But he is a nice guy. Plus, he is hot,” she whisper sang. I laughed as Erin nodded and made her way over to Tony. Jess started towards the stairs and I heard a small laugh coming from my phone and mentally kicked myself for forgetting. I quickly put the phone to my ear to hear his musical laugh coming through the speaker.

“What?” I asked, walking into the small bathroom to get some privacy. I sat on the edge of the porcelain tub and crossed my ankles.

“I’m quite the ladies’ man, aren’t I?” he giggled. I held back a chuckle when I realized that he heard the conversation with Jess and Erin.

“I guess so,” I smiled. I heard the guys’ whining through the door about being woken up so early. “I guess the guys aren’t happy about being up so early. I can hear them whining.”

“Are you upset that you were woken up so early?” He asked earnestly.

“It’s hard to be upset when it was someone so handsome that woke me up.”

He sighed wistfully. “I wish I could see you.”

“Same here. Do you want to Skype later? I’d do it now but I desperately need a shower first.”

“Yeah, what time?”

“How about in two or three hours? That will give me enough time to eat, get home and take a shower.”

“It’s a date.”



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