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Will The Story End, Will It Ever Change?

Chapter 1: I can Dream up the Words

*Carter's POV*

'It won't make a difference, I know it won't, I have to accept the past and move on' I murmured to myself as I slowly typed out the words, in a rush to finish writing my blog, 'But how can you move on from something that's got you in chain?' I concluded before posting it and breathing a sigh of relief. Ever since the incident, I discovered that I find relief in writing about it through an anonymous blog post that I update weekly, what am I looking for, pity? Some think this at first but really it's just an escape to stop all the racing thoughts in my head from taking me out, but mainly I do it to help others in my position as well as help myself, it allows me to be listened to and not mistaken as crazy, these people out there actually listen and it gives me comfort to know that I am not alone. I sighed at my thoughts before getting up and picking out my clothes for work tonight, being part of a bar staff is shit, due to a number of drunks hitting on you, plus you throw in the fact you're boss wants you to look 'hot and perky' to draw more male attention and money, then you've got yourself a long shift. I saw the clock was sitting at 7:30pm and realized that I literally start my shift in an hour, I must have been on my laptop longer than I initially thought? I quickly ran downstairs and switched the kettle on, I started making noodles before I realized that I actually didn't have enough time to make them, eat them, shower, get dressed and then drive to work, I made the decision to throw them out, despite the angry roars of my stomach. Once I was in the shower I done a quick wash of my hair and from then on it was PTA. As I was drying my hair with the hair dryer I also dried my body, despite the heat from it scorching my skin, while my straighteners warmed up I got dressed as quickly as I could, making sure that it was work and public appropriate, as for the makeup, it was a rough job. Once I was ready I grabbed my keys, purse, and coat, before giving myself a mirror approval and leaving.

As I was driving to work I figured that if I was quick enough I would have enough time to nip into the shop and grab a quick snack for my break due to the lack of food being provided in the staff room. I parked up outside and grabbed my purse, running around like I was a headless chicken I grabbed a tuna salad and bottle of water, I then picked up a cake for everyone as I was pretty sure it was my turn to buy it and raced back to my car, before getting back on my route to work. Once I got in I was thankful for picking up the cake as the first thing I got asked was if I had bought some, as I was cutting it up in the back room everyone was swooping in like vultures to see who could get the biggest and most iced piece, before I got a chorus of thanks. It had finally got down to the final 10 minutes before the bar opened and I heard my manager call my name from his office, "Yes?" I chirped as I walked in and stood in front of hs desk, I saw him inspecting my outfit before he stood up, allowing his large beer belly to be shown, it looked as though if he were to breathe out there would be buttons popping off in all different directions, "I saw from the log book that you clocked in 3 minutes late, why is that?" He asked staring me down as though I had just kicked his dog, "Well I uh, had to stop off and buy food for my break" I stammered as he put every nerve in my being on edge, "Hmm, don't let it happen again" he sneered before sitting back down, "Is there anything else you wanted, sir?" I asked hoping there wasn't as I wanted to get off of this small, dark, sweaty room as quickly as possible, "Yes. Your sales are falling, keep it up and you'll be out like the last two" he threatened before motioning to the door for me to leave, I gently nodded before exiting, "Did you scavengers even leave me a piece?" I laughed trying to shake off the last 5 minutes as I entered the staff room, I heard guilty laughs echo before the music out front started playing, "Time to go baby" Lacey smiled as she dragged me to behind the bar as we watched people piling in, let the night begin.


This is the first fanfic I've written in what feels like forever, so, please be patient if it seems like it's getting off to a slow start.
Please remember to rate and comment, I love getting your feedback.

-Lauren xxx


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