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Was it really your time?

We don't stop till someone's bleeding

her outfit *~*

Jenna’s POV

At around eight thirty, I decided to drop the kids off at my mum’s while Whak picked up Mike and Vic. I had put on a lacy black dress, my favorite leather jacket, the cherry red DMs Aly got me (because it is that kind of weather) and a beanie. I had texted Teresa and she said that she wants to come with me but when I got there, mum said she went to pick up Nick at the airport, said there was an emergency so I have to go there alone. She managed to at least get the flowers that I asked her to get.

I kissed the kids goodbye and made my way to the house of the McGuinnesses. I wanna see her parents first, check on them. When I got there I saw a white Rover parked on the driveway.

I was about to knock when I noticed that the door was open so I entered the house and saw Timothy talking to Amelia’s mum on the couch.

“Jenna.” He said, his face lit up like a Christmas tree. “You made it. How d’you know we supposed to meet up here early? I texted you to meet at 10.”

“I didn’t.” I managed a weak smile. It’s true. I didn’t know he’s going to be here. He got up and immediately wrapped his arms around me. I inhaled his scent but pulled away quickly.

Then I turned to hug Amelia’s mum. “Jenna, dear, I’m so glad you’re here. It’s nice that you three are going to be together again. For the first time in years.” She said with watery eyes.

“Of course. How long has it been? Ten years?” I asked, and she nodded in agreement.
The three of us sat there while having tea for a while, just the usual “how have you been?” talks. I told them all about my kids and Vic and my hospitalization. They both said that they’ve heard the news and wished they had the time to visit me at the hospital. I said it was okay, and that I’m doing well now.

“So, Jenna is married already?” Amelia’s mum asked, and I nodded. “How long?”

“Uh two, almost three years.” I counted in my head. “Quinn is turning three, we got married two months after I gave birth. We wasted no time. We planned the wedding during the pregnancy so I was a bit useful during my pregnancy with Quinn than with Caleb.”

She gave me a confused look, to which Timothy smirked to. I know what she’s thinking.

“I know it all happened so fast. But I won’t change a thing. And I’m very sure of my husband.” I explained.

“Good for you, Jen. Well, how about you son?” She asked turning to Tim.

“Um…” He said clearing his throat. “I was in a relationship for a while. But, I don’t know things started to change. We suddenly couldn’t work out. But, there was no third party whatsoever. I-I think…well I felt myself changing for some reason, to a person that that’s not really me. I wanted the original me back. I wanted some things back. It turns out I haven’t even moved on from….” He said awkwardly looking at me in the eye. I nervously fixed my hair and reached for the unfinished tea sitting in front of me.

“Well, you’re still too young. You can still find love at twenty seven.” She said smiling warmly at him.

“I don’t know..” He replied.

“Come on. Don’t be like that.” She rested her hand on his right arm.

“I mean, I guess I want to get some things back first.” He looked at me again. “Some things that I lost when I so stupidly changed my direction.”

I tapped my fingers on my legs. We chatted for a few more minutes until it was time for us to go. We both thanked Mrs. McGuinness and hugged her and made our way out.

“Jen!” He called before I got inside the car. “Are we really riding different cars? We’ll go to the same place.” He placed his sunglasses on his chest and gave me his charming smile.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea. What about my car?” I asked.

“Leave it here. Come on, please?” He pleaded. “Pleaaaaase! Did I mention how extremely beautiful you looked today?”

“Thanks you look….nice” I said trying to find the words. “too. You look nice too.” And he does. He’s wearing a navy blue coat and slacks and a plain white shirt. And boy did he do that plain white shirt justice.

I sighed. He’s not going to stop, he’s just going to bother me with it until the end of time so I gave up. I walked to his car and he opened the passenger for me.


The ride to the cemetery was silent, and awkward, so awkward. I just stared out the window
and I’d catcht him at the corner of my eye glancing at me.

Nine. He has looked at me nine times already. I couldn’t take it anymore.

“Um…let’s see what you have on your stereo.” I awkwardly pressed the button of his car radio.

“Jenna, wait.”

I pressed play and suddenly, Safe and Sound came on. He scratched the back of his head, probably feeling embarrassed that I caught him listening to our record.

“I’ve been listening to that a lot these past few…months.” He mumbled.


“I don’t know, Jenna.” He looked at me and then returned his attention back on the road. And then it was just the song playing, the song that I wrote for him and sang to him, neither of us are talking.

I wanna know. I wanna know why he’s been listening to my songs again when I thought he hated what I was doing then. I wanna know why he’s suddenly back in my life, like he can’t do this. He can’t be friends with me after what he did. I wanna know the reason why he made me think that he hates me going after my dream. And I wanna know why he thinks I’m so important right now but he didn’t think so years ago when he cheated on me with some random slut.
My thoughts are eating me alive. Is it bad that I’m thinking like this when I’m married? It is bad that I wanted to know the answers to the questions that have been inside my head for five years?

I want to ask him. I want to yell at him and tell him that he just can’t waltz back in my life after what he did, especially now that I have two children already and a husband that I really love. But I couldn’t. I’m all out of words. Instead, I just stared out the window. I single tear ran down my cheek. I wiped it away before he could see it.

He pulled over before I could cry hysterically in front of him. Thank God. I took a deep breath, my eyes roaming the place. There it is. Amelia’s tomb.

He placed a hand over mine and said, “Ready?” I nodded, quickly removing my hand from his.
We walked to her slowly. I had the flowers Tez picked up in my arms.

“Mia, hey.” I said. “Happy birthday!” I said smiling. I carefully placed the flowers in front of her tomb stone. Tim set a blanket on the floor and we sat on it.

I just stared at Amelia, not saying or even looking at Tim. Then, I felt his hand on my back.

“You okay?” He asked, and I nodded. Then I heard him chuckle.


“Nothing I just remembered something.” He said shaking his head. “Do you remember when I took the both of you to Home Coming? Well, you were the one that I asked of course but you said Mia didn’t have a date so you don’t mind sharing me to her. We ended up leaving her to that Indian dude…what was his name again?”

“Shirag.” I said. I remembered that night. I wanted to stay for Mia but she insisted that I should go and chase the moon with Tim, I don’t even know what that means. She said it’s a good memory to go back to when we get married someday. But now that memory just made my head and stomach hurt.

“Right! His name’s Shirag. I liked that dude. He’s funny.”

He laughed and lay down on the blanket placing his head on my thigh. I wanted to move because he can’t just do that, but I don’t know why I didn’t. I ran my hand through his hair, gently massaging his head.

“That feels nice.” He said closing his eyes. “You still know the spot.” He smiled.
We stayed like that for five minutes or so before he spoke again.



“I…I missed you. So much.”

Those words were daggers to my ears. It made my head hurt even more. I moved slowly away from him. His head suddenly felt heavy against my thigh.

“Y-you can’t say that!” I yelled.

He sat up and fixed his hair. “I’m sorry. Look, I’m really sorry. Forget that I said it. Please.”

“I’m sorry.”

“For what?!” I raised my tone and backed away from him once again. He’s trying to reach me.
“Don’t touch me please.”

“I’m sorry that I missed you! I’m sorry because no matter what I do, and how hard I try, I can’t forget you. I’m sorry because this,” He said pointing to his chest, “this heart is stubborn. I’m sorry because I STILL LOVE YOU. I’m sorry that I made you think that I cheated on you when I didn’t because I knew you wouldn’t let go and the pain of you being leaving all the time is too much for me already. I’m sorry for how I handled things then. I’m sorry. I’m just so sorry.” He said, almost crying. “And I’m sorry for this. I’m sorry that I had you, and I let you slip away because I was jealous of the time that you give to your work. I was immature. And now I can’t have you back. All I can do is watch you be happy with him. You are…happy with him, aren’t you?

I couldn’t believe my ears. I’m trying to break down everything that he said to me. It took me a while to answer.

“O-of course!”

“Why did you take so long to answer? I know you still love me, Jenna. I feel it. I can feel it in the way you look at me…” He said grabbing my arms tightly and pulling me closer to him. I fought him but his grip is too tight.

“Let…go...of me…..” Tears are starting to form in my eyes because he’s hurting me.

“I feel it in the way you touch me….” He said pulling me into a hug, grabbing my waist. I’m trying to pull away, but he’s too strong.

“No….” I’m trying so hard to get out of his extremely tight grip. I wanted to yell for help. But my throat has closed, I couldn’t even speak clearly.

“Everything that we’ve ever been through, I know it’s still there. So please. Calm down. Let go. Stop fighting. And come back to me. I’m going to be better than he ever was. I can be the fathe—”

I managed to get my right arm out of his grip and as soon as he released it, my palm hit his face. I had slapped him. “Don’t you dare say that! Let me go!”

He saw that I was hurt already so he released me. His grip was so tight I felt like there will be bruises on my arm and back.

I got up and ran as fast as I could. I’m so scared. I reached for my phone inside my purse and dialed Vic’s number immediately. Tim ran behind me yelling something like “im sorry.” I spoke as soon as he picked up.

“Vic, where are you? C-can you come and get me? Please?” I said crying. I hid from Timothy, and it seems like I had lost him.

“Jenna, why? What’s wrong?”

“Just. Please I-I’ll tell you when you get here.” I said catching my breath.

“Okay, where are you? We’re going to get you.”

I told Vic where I was hiding and he said they’ll be over in five minutes. I sat up on the floor, hugging my knees as I waited for Vic to get me. Five minutes after and they are still nowhere to be found, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and was shocked to see who it was.

“Jenna, I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“Stay away from me! Don’t touch me!” I said but he kept on reaching for my hand, which made me panic even more.

“Come on. I’ll take you home.”

“I said don’t touch me!” More tears ran down my face. “Don’t ever come near me again…”

“I’m sorry.”

And then the next thing I know, he’s on the ground. Vic had punched him. His lower lip is bleeding. I guess he really didn’t want to start a fight so he just stayed down and didn’t hit Vic back. I felt that he knew he deserved it too.

“Jenna.” Vic said picking me up from the ground. He wrapped his arms around me protectively and wiped the tears from my face. Then Mike came running towards us and is aiming a kick at the man on the ground but I reached for him.

“Enough, Mike! He’s not worth it.” I said. “Come on. Let’s go, please.” I pleaded.

“Consider yourself lucky, bitch.” Mike said pumping his knuckles.

We went back to the car where Whakaio is waiting for us.

“Jen, what happened?” He asked looking at me from the rear mirror.

“Just drive, Whak. I’ll explain later..” I said sobbing. Vic took me in his arms and I leaned my head on his chest.

*Vic’s POV*

“Here, homie.” Tony handed me a bag of green peas from the freezer. I placed it on my knuckles and stood up, feeling the need to pace.

Erin gave Jenna a glass of water and Aly sat beside her patting her back.

“That motherfucker was lucky.” Mike said and Alysha shushed him.

I just looked at Jenna, who stil looked so scared. I still don’t know what happened. It just seemed like the guy was harassing her and so I went after him. Everyone is gathered in the living room.

“What really happened out there, Jen?” Whak asked again.

“She’ll talk when she’s ready.” Jess joined the conversation.

Jaime, who looked at me curiously, asked, “So...how bad does your knuckle look?”

“One swing, man. I swear. It was awesome. I never saw Vic like that. The guy was at least a couple of inches taller than him—“ Mike bragged.

“And bigger than him.” Tony added.

“One swing?! Holy shit, dude.” Jaime said smiling smugly.

“I don’t care if he’s bigger and taller.” I said, my pride slightly taking over me. “You.” I pointed at Jenna. “Care to tell me what happened out there?”

And then her perfect steel blue eyes met mine. Her eyes almost looked like a stormy ocean. Her knees are still trembling. I’m worried and also a bit mad. I wanna yell ‘I knew it!’ but it wouldn’t be right.

“We were just…talking and then he said…”

“Talking about what?” I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

I have to calm myself down because my anger is slightly rising above me. I didn’t wanna embarrass her in front of our friends especially now.

“Amelia.” She said swallowing. “A-and then…” She awkwardly looked at our friends.

Alysha’s the one to get up first. She took Mike with her, and then they all followed until it was just me and Jen left.

I stood across her. I can’t actually stand up for her if she’s doing funny business with the guy that’s why she’s so freaked out.

I took a deep breath and just looked at her. “Were you cheating on me?”
“What?! No! Why is it so easy for you to accuse me of something like that?” She yelled.

“Then what happened? Tell me.”

“We were just talking about Amelia and then suddenly he just confessed that he missed me.” She paused and looked at me for a while before continuing. “He said that he didn’t really cheat on me, it was just a show. He also said that…that he still loves me and that he wants me back. That’s when things got heated up. I-I was backing away from him and he was pulling me closer to him. I tried to fight back, but he was too strong. H-he….s-said that he doesn’t care if I have kids and he’s going to be our kids’ father. And I slapped him.” She said breaking down into tears.

I immediately went to her side and wrapped my arms around her again. I was so stupid. Shit, I deserved to be kicked for even accusing her of cheating on me.

“I’m sorry baby.” I lay us down on the couch and kissed the top of her head. “Forgive me. I’m so sorry.”

“And so…I ran and he chased after me. He was still reaching for me and I told him not to touch me because his grip was so tight a-and…”

“Shh. It’s okay. You don’t have to explain anymore.” I said, running my hand back and forth her arm.

“Aahh.” She said crying. What the— I sat us down again. I stared at her and she just stared back. I furrowed my eyebrows at her. Then, I placed both of my hands on the collar of her jacket. Slowly and carefully, I pulled it down, exposing her bare skin. She looked down, feeling embarrassed.

And then I saw it, there are bruises on both her arms. It angered me. I’m going to fucking kill that guy. I swear to God. Nobody’s ever allowed to hurt my Jenna. I’m going to fucking kill him. I don’t care what happens after. There is just one thing on my mind right now, and that is kill that fucking bitch who hurt my wife. So slowly, I stood up.

“Vic…” She said, reaching for my hand. I was breathing heavily. I need to let my anger out. I need to fucking kill him. THERE ARE FUCKING BRUISES ON MY WIFE’S ARM.

“Vic, calm down. He didn’t mean to—“


“Vic! Vic look at me.” She took my face in her hands. “Babe, come on. Calm down. Let’s sit.

She pressed her forehead against mine. Okay, okay. Victor, breathe.

“Breathe, baby. Come on. Shhhhh…I’m okay. It’s fine.”

“No it’s not.”

“Okay, but just calm down. Please.” She pleaded. She rubbed my sides with her warm hands. And I couldn’t take it anymore. I gave in. I sat down on the couch with her, tears are falling from my eyes.


“Babe, calm down.”

I pulled her in a hug and for a moment, we just cried in each other’s shoulders. I know I’ve been a jerk to her these past few days. I know that she deserves better. I have to make it up to her. I wanna be better for her.

“I love you so much, Jenna.” I said looking down. She cupped my face in her hands once again and lifted my face. Her eyes are so perfectly blue.

“Well, that could work, because I kinda like you too.” She said smiling at me.
And so I laughed. Our lips met and suddenly everything felt okay. All the anger and rage disappeared at the contact. I feel safe and secure.


u guys have to understand that i cant not write. I'm so obsessed. Idk if anyones reading but im still going to update bcos why the hell not here ya go.


omg plez update!! I love this! Thx.. :D

PandaStar PandaStar

Let me know if u guys still want more chapters :))

piercejenna piercejenna