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Was it really your time?

We go together or we don't go down at all (part II)

“What do you mean? We’re not gonna see you on stage anymore? Why?” the green haired one, Alex I think, asked.

“Well…there’s no assurance yet but uh my family is growing so, a-and Tonight Alive has come so far. I uh don’t know. I’m still thinking about it.” I said stuttering.

“Man, that’s gonna suck.” The other one said frowning.

“Hey, there is no decision yet. I wish I could just work on it.” I replied,

“Can we talk a picture?”

“Umm…normally I would do that but uh, as you can see…”

We all turned our heads when my almost three year old daughter shot her hand up. “I’ll take your picture!”

“Really?” The green haired one asked.

“Yeah, how hard can it be?”

“Well okay.”
I can’t help but smile at how good she’s dealing with this. And she’s also so cute.
I stood in between all of them and smiled as Q took our picture.

“One…Two…Three.. ”She counted. “I think I messed it up. Another one.”
I’m grinning from ear to ear because Quinn is so cute. She’s a real blessing to me and Vic. I can’t imagine my life without her.

“Caleb’s in the picture!” She said giggling. “Okay. There you go.”

“Aww thank you baby girl.” The short haired one said.

“You’re very welcome.” Q replied politely. They each gave her a high five and then left us alone.
I felt her tiny hands wrap around mine as we watched the coaster.

“You did very good, princess.” I said kissing the top of her head.



“Momma, can we ride the horses later?”

“Horses?” I asked, confused. There are no horses here. And then I got it. “Oh the carousel! Yeah, of course. Let’s wait for daddy.”

After a few seconds, I saw them jogging to us. I looked at Jaime first. He looked like he’s been bitch slapped. But he also looked like he had fun.

“Hey, how was it?” I asked.

“T’was great, Jen. Thirty seconds and Cam…” Whak said. He can barely talk because he was panting so hard from running. “Cam…” He said laughing. “Cam was like, “Dude, if I die, tell my mom I love her.” And he was also like crying.”

“What?” I said chuckling.

“But he was no worse than this guy.” Vic said tapping Jaime’s back. And then he walked to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. “Hi, baby.”

“Hey! I think I did fine!” Jaime exclaimed.

“At least you didn’t shit on your pants this time, dude.” Tony said laughing.

And then Mike and Quinn said in unison, “Language!” which made Tony cover up his mouth.

“Daddy, can we go to the horses now?” Quinn held Vic’s hands and then batted her eyelashes.

“Horses? The horses can wait. What do you say we go to the Mirror Maze and then the Magic Castle?” Vic said with so much energy. I’m glad he’s having fun. He deserves it.

“Castle? Yeah!” Quinn excitedly said. She held her arms up in the air which meant she wants him to carry her. Instead, Vic sat down so Q can ride on his shoulders.

“Come on, my princess! I’ll carry you to your castle! But first, the mirror maze. We shall face danger and fight evil forces before we get to your castle, majesty.”

Quinn threw her head back and laughed as Vic runs and carries her around. I live for days like this. I can’t help but snap a picture of them. And then the most annoying thing happened, my phone rang. Timothy. Again. I don’t wanna ruin the day. I’ll keep on ignoring that.

Everyone is thrilled. They’re taking pictures and smiling all the time and eating while we all explored the park. It has been a long time since we had fun like this.

We went to the castle, which lightened Quinn up. Her eyes were glowing. Vic treated her like a princess the whole time and it was the cutest thing ever. He even bought her a tutu, a princess crown and a wand.

He would look at me eventually and I would do the thumbs up to let him know I was doing okay.
And then they all rode the Wild Mouse which left us three alone on the bench again. I fed Caleb with bottled breast milk and then Quinn insisted on riding the U Drive. I took photos of her.

A few moments later, Quinn said she’s hungry. I didn’t wanna leave the bench where they left us and I’m sure as hell don’t wanna feed her hotdogs so I tald her we should wait till the guys come back, and then we’ll eat.
Not long after, they arrived.

“Vic, it’s lunch time already.” I said.

“Really? Oh yeah. Okay.” He said putting an arm around me. “Now where should we eat?” He said looking around.

“You guys, don’t have to worry about that.” Jaime said. “Because, Jess already made a reservation at The Deck.”

“Really? That’s so cool come on.”

After we’re done eating, they proceeded on exploring the park. I would occasionally glance at Vic to see if he’s having fun. I just told him the real story of Ex and the City and I know that he said it’s okay, but I don’t know. I just wanna put it all behind.

I am basically today’s nanny. I walk around pushing a stroller and I would take photos of them, and ask them if they’re hungry or will hold something for them. But it’s okay. The smiles on their faces are priceless. Especially Tony. He’s usually very shy and timid but today he’s just hyper.

I like seeing all of them happy. And also Mike, he really enjoys taking care of Quinn. And Quinn loves his Uncle Mike and Aunt Alysha very much too. Me and Vic are walking behind the three of them. Q held both of their hands, which looked so cute.

They just finished riding The Wild Mouse and are on their way to their next ride when Quinn begged for us to ride the Carousel already. Of course Michael wasn’t able to resist. My phone had vibrated once again and for the sixth time today, I ignored it.

We stopped in front of the Carousel. There was no line so they all proceeded inside the metal barricades.

“Babe, you coming?” Vic said reaching for my hand.

“Are you kidding me? I have a one-month old to take care of.” I replied raising an eyebrow at him.
“Well, we can occupy the carriages thingy, they don’t move very much. Come on bring Caleb.” He pleaded. “Please. We don’t have a picture yet.”

“Vic they don’t move at all.” I said shaking my head. I guess it wouldn’t hurt if we do that. The carriages don’t go up and down. And so the three of us, me, Vic and Caleb sat on one carriage.

I saw Quinnie climb a horse beside Mike and Alysha. Erin and Jess are behind them followed by Mike and Tony. And then my dudes are everywhere.

Vic put his arm around me and I leaned on his shoulder. We watched Caleb sleep. He’s so peaceful.

The ride started to move. I took a look around and I see everyone really having a good time. I see the lights and I felt the cold hair hit my face as the ride moved in a circular manner. It was kind of a blissful moment. I rubbed Vic’s thigh with my free hand as I leaned in to kiss him.

His lips felt warm despite the weather. I wish I could say the same for me but my lips are freezing, The contact slightly made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. He wrapped his hand around my back, pulling me even closer. Cam snapped a photo of us.

He smiled as we both pulled away. “I love you.” He whispered with his eyes closed. I don’t feel the need to say it back. He knows I love him. He kissed my forehead and then the ride stopped.

There is no line so when Mike had asked for another round, the crew politely obliged.
Tony has the biggest smile among them. I don’t ever think I’ve seen him this happy. Sure he smiles a lot and is very nice to me. But his eyes just look….very blissful. I think Quinn brings out the inner kid in everyone. We are very blessed to have her.

Mike ran opposite the ride’s direction.

“Michael! What are you doing?” Jake called. “I wanna join you.”

And so Jake joined him. “Matt! Try it. It’s better than a treadmill!” And we all laughed.

Matt joined them, and the followed by Whak, and then Cam. Jaime took a video of them. They did three more laps until Mike sat in front of our carriage. The three musketeers continued to jog like a hamster.

“Hey lil bro. What brings you to our humble carriage?” Vic asked.

“Man, this is cool. I wish Kellin and all the others are here.” He said wiping out sweat from his forehead. He’s beaming at us almost like he’s gonna break his jaw from it.

“Yeah, me too buddy.” I said.

“What’s that smile for?” Vic asked.

“I’m thinking of asking Alysha to marry me.” He shot back. That made Vic and I jump. He gave us a weak, nervous laugh.
“Wow.” I managed to say.

“D-does Tony know? When do you plan on telling me this?” Vic was anxious.

“No. No one does. I…uh…I actually didn’t even know until about an our ago.” He said nervously.

“W-wow.” I said again. I’m in shock. I don’t know why because I saw this coming already but I guess I’m in shock because I was right.

“I know, it’s been crazy, what we just went through last month and the trauma and stuff. But I don’t know, I just feel it you know? Do you ever just feel it?” He said. Yes. I saw Vic’s smile from the corner of my eye. I know that he knows what Mike’s talking about.

“I know what you’re feeling, lil bro.” He said.

“I-I just kept thinking…y-you know? I see you,” He said point to Vic. “and your family and you guys are happy. A-and I guess I want that too. And I want it with Alysha.” He said glancing at his girl.

Mike’s old enough to have a decision like that in his life. And I think the both of them are ready to take it to the next level. I see the two of them and I can tell that they love each other very much. And Michael’s going to be a good father someday. I see him with Quinn and he’s just amazing with her.

“Well.” I said breaking the silence. I guess Vic’s still in shock. “At least you guys are more ready than we ever were.”

I lightly elbowed my husband. He shook his head and then beamed widely at his little brother. “Congratulations, man.” He said hugging Mike. “When are you planning to do it?”

“I don’t know yet. That’s why I talked to you guys about it. You have to help me.”

The ride stopped and we agreed to help Mike propose to Alysha. How hard can it be?

After we got off, Quinn asked for another stick of cotton candy. And since it doesn’t really happen every day, I let her have another one, just this time. I asked Vic to look after our son and hold my things, including my phone.

“I want the watermelon flavor this time mommy.” She demanded.

We waited a few more minutes and she played with me hand while doing so.
Then, we made our way to where we left them. I was still meters away, but I could see it clearly. Vic is talking to someone on the phone. He’s pacing. And he’s does not look happy.

Wait, could that be….no! That’s my phone! Timothy! I rushed back. But it’s too late. Vic has already hung up the phone.

“Hey, who was that?” I asked, hoping and praying that maybe there is slight, just very slight possibility that it wasn’t Tim.

“Timothy.” He said plainly.


“What’d he want?”

Everyone is staring at us.

“Well, it seems that he’s been calling all day and you have been rejecting his calls.” He said arching an eyebrow at me. Uh oh he looks pissed.
“Well….I…I-I didn’t wanna…um…I just wanna focus on this.” I said swallowing. “What did he say?”

He just stared at me as if I did something wrong. I didn’t do anything wrong but I guess it made me nervous. “Nothing much. Just that.”


“He said he wants to see you tomorrow.” He said plainly.


“It’s Amelia’s birthday.”

Shit. I slapped myself mentally. How could I forget?


So I updated a pretty sucky chapter. I've been reading other fics and it turns out my fic is trash lol. I'm sorry for the slow update. I've been having "episodes". My bipolar is eating me alive. And if you guys dont know Amelia, she's Jenna's childhood best friend. She died when they were sixteen so it really broke Jenna's heart. She ended up writing a song about her. It's called "Amelia". That song is the bomb. I cried for days after listening to that. So yee


omg plez update!! I love this! Thx.. :D

PandaStar PandaStar

Let me know if u guys still want more chapters :))

piercejenna piercejenna