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Was it really your time?

Spinning around, I’m weightless

“Hon, can you put these in your suitcase? Mine’s fully loaded.” I walked to Jenna carrying a maybe dozen of my caps.

“What the—?! We’re staying there for two weeks, how many caps could you need? You know your suitcase is much bigger than mine, and you’re a guy.” She said pushing down on the clothes. I saw her looked at my toiletries who are still sitting on our bed, untouched. “And come on, Victor,” she gasped standing up, “Put all of these in another bag before packing them. They might spill. Remember when you—“

“Oh kay! Fine! That was one time! You don’t need to remind me about it every bloody time.” I said chuckling. I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

“I just don’t want to do laundry after a sixteen hour flight.” She said pouting.

“Shh, okay? Relax. You won’t.” I said. “And you better stop frowning at me because you might get cute little wrinkles on your cute little forehead.” And then I kissed her forehead.

“Yes, because if they spill, you’re doing laundry.” She said pointing at my face before going back to packing. It’s been three weeks since the operation, and we already got the confirmation from her doctors, and they said Caleb could travel too. But of course, there are limitations so I got the quickest flight possible to Australia. I know how much Jenna wants this. We leave tomorrow night.

“I’m just not really good at packing.” I whined sitting down on the bed. “And you are. So we’re a perfect match.”

I’m not lying. She’s really good at packing, amazing even. She packs all of my suitcases ever since we got married. And she really takes it seriously. I shot a look at her and her face is just so determined to pack all of our things tonight. And there is nothing sexier than my wife pumping and bouncing on top of the suitcase as she pushed down hard on the clothes for it to fit. Q’s tucked to bed and Caleb will be asleep for another, I don’t know, forty-five minutes? We haven’t had sex in god knows how long. And by the way, I know exactly how long.

She got up and walked over to where our closet is but I snatched her right up and we both collapsed on the bed. A light squeal escaped her mouth. I turned her over so I’m on top of her. I started kissing her neck and the side of her face. Then I untied the knot on the cute red shorts that I got her from a souvenir shop in Barcelona. It just looks so good on her…or off her.

“Vic! We need to pack.” She said furrowing her eyebrows.

Jenna,” I said imitating her tone. “We need to fu—“

“Six weeks! The doctor said six weeks. Are you gonna kill me?” She got up and I sighed. She continued to the closet and I sat on the edge of the bed like a little kid who got rejected for a school play or something.

“Yeah, but there are other things we can do. You know that right?” I suggested and got no reply, not a thing except the sound of our cabinets and drawers.

Then she came out with a bunch of underwears and some clothes. “Where is your charger? You can’t forget your charger again. And the toiletries, Victor, are not gonna pack by themselves.”

“I’m still going to charge tomorrow.” I said. She tied her hair in a bun before kneeling down on the second suitcase. “I kinda like it when you’re bossing me around. It’s sexxxxxy.” I said emphasizing on the sex.

“Shut up. And three more weeks, Victor. Can’t you wait for another three weeks.” She said looking at me. You can hear the guiltiness on her voice.

Okay, now I feel bad. I feel like a sex monster. I’m such an idiot. “I can. Honestly. But after three weeks it is on!” I said pointing at her. “I’ve been waiting for you since that Collide with the Sky Tour anyway.”

And she laughed. I got up and started putting all my toiletries inside a clear bag. I gave her the bag as soon as I finished putting everything in it. I returned to my position on the bed and just stared at her. The silence between us has become so comfortable. I just got lost in her again. Caleb’s cry broke my trance. Time for myself to be useful, I thought. She got up but I stopped her.

“I got it!” I said running to the nursery. Caleb’s diapers are quite full so I changed it. I carried him to our room since he’s awake and he won’t be asleep until Jenna feeds him. Might be fun if I have someone that I can talk to while she packs.

“Moooom, look who’s awake and ready to play with Daddy,” I said entering the room. Jenna smiled at us.

“Is it his feeding time already? What time is it?” Jenna asked, so I glanced at the alarm clock on our bedside table.

“Almost 9 pm.” I said. And she looked up as if she’s counting hours. “Yep, it’s Caleb’s feeding time already. Is it your feeding time already? It is, isn’t it?” I cooed.

“Umm, there is already a pumped breast milk on the fridge. Just be sure to put it back where you got it, okay?” She said tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

“What? You’re not feeding him directly?” I asked.

“There is a reason for the bloody breast pump and that’s that.” She said.

“Fine. If you’re not gonna breastfeed, then I’m gonna do it. Take him while I get it. Is it at the back of the fridge?” I handed him over to Jenna.

“Yeah, please return it to where you got it, okay?” She repeated.

I ran downstairs to the kitchen and got the milk. I put it in a bottle and rushed upstairs.

Little Caleb sat in the corner
Eating his momma’s milk,
He put in his thumb and pulled out a plum
And said "What a good boy am I!"

I sang while I enter the room, shaking the bottle of milk in my hands. I saw Jenna laughed at me.

“You need to do that again. I need to record that. What the heck is that?” She said laughing.

“What you didn’t have Jack Horner in Australia? They didn’t teach you that in Australia? Oh, I feel sorry for your childhood babe. In that case, I don’t want our kids growing up in Australia. How can you not know Jack Horner?” I teased and she playfully hit me on the shoulder. Like what she said, I repeated the gesture and she took a video while I sang and danced again.

She held out her hand and I said, “What? I’m gonna feed him. You do your thing!” And she pouted at me like a little kid but still I wouldn’t give in.

She handed me Caleb and I held him in my arms. I can’t wait for him to ask me questions about me and Jenna, for me to teach him how to play the guitar, or to play basketball. It won’t matter what likes better, because I’ll always be the proudest father. Having Quinn is nice, but it’s different for a father to have a son.

I love you in the light, I love you in the dark

I sang him the song Jenna sings Quinn.

and my mind has been made up
because you threw the sparks
that set my heart on fire

and now the stars are falling from the sky
they're on fire and fall straight into your eyes (your eyes)

And Jenna sang along with me while she packs.

I am Invincible, as long as I'm in love with you
I am Invincible, there is nothing we cannot do

We finished the song and just as she zipped the last suitcase, Caleb fell completely asleep. Jenna put all the suitcase on one side of the room and then stood behind me. She wrapped her arms around my waist and buried half of her face on my arm as she rubbed our baby’s head.

“He looks so much like you.” She whispered.

“Yeah, let’s also hope he doesn’t get my height.” We both laughed. We stayed like that for another five minutes before finally deciding to go to bed. We tucked him to bed and headed back to our bedroom.

She checked her phone for the last time and we shared a kiss or two…or three or four, before turning out the lights. I put an arm around her. She rested her head on my chest as I rubbed her shoulder. More days like this please, my last thought before giving in.


short chapter, it just popped into my head in the middle of my political science class so


omg plez update!! I love this! Thx.. :D

PandaStar PandaStar

Let me know if u guys still want more chapters :))

piercejenna piercejenna