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Going Back To the Past

I'm Tired of Being Your Backup Plan

We both walked out to my car, "That movie was rad" Vic said. You could hear the excitement in his voice. "Yea it was cool and all, but it didn't compare to the originals." I love Star War,but I wasn't much of a fan of episode 1 . Now after seeing the second one, still didn't care much for it. They were good for what they were, but they weren't like the originals. "Why do you always say that about stuff?" Vic was right I often cared more about the past than the present. "Man I don't know, what do you want to do now?" I was only 7 o'clock on a Saturday. "I don't care, I just don't want to go home." Vic never wanted to go home, I never understood why it's just how he was. "looks like we are just driving around then" I suggested this but by not getting a response from Vic, I figured he was okay with it.

"I'm so sick of this town." Vic said after a few minutes of just sitting listening to the radio. "I feel it too man, Have you just ever wanted to get in the car and go?" I said."YES, I think about it all the time, I'm just ready for something new" at this point he was looking at me with that face he makes when he knows he's about to get me in trouble. "What?" I asked "Let's go" he said " To where?" I asked "I don't know, anywhere. Oh I know let's go to san Francisco. I have a cousin living there and he loves it." by now I had already pulled in an empty parking lot. "Vic we can't leave right now. First our parents would kill us, and second we only have a week of school left. If we leave now we may not graduate." Deep down he knew I was right. He sunk down into his seat after what I said.

"I just want to leave" He said this in the most pitiful voice I had ever heard come from him. I wanted to leave to but I knew I couldn't right now, I didn't care about my parents but graduating was important. "Listen we are both 18 and I guess our parents can't say anything, if you can wait a week I will go" this made him look of from the floor "What really?" Hope had entered his eye and it was there to stay.

It was 10 O'clock and the excitement of graduation had settled down in my house. Since saturday I had been planning the trip to San Francisco in secret. I didn't even tell Megan, in fear that she would spill the beans. Last night I had packed a bag, I really only took things I cared about, picture, little nic-nacs,and other useless stuff. I knew I could buy stuff like toiletries and clothes when I got there. To Vic I think this was just supposed to be a short trip, but this is a move for me. I don't plan on coming back.
"Anna I'm going to bed" mom yelled from down the hallway "Mom I'm going to stay the night with Megan" I yelled back "Okay but no alcohol or boys" she replied. That was my cue to leave I gathered my things and Left a note on my bed stating my intentions. As I walked out the door I yelled " Goodbye, love you" That was it I was gone.

"Anna Wake up" Vic was shaking me, " What?" I asked while wiping the sleep from my eyes. I turn to see that we are sitting in driveway of a house I had never seen before, "This is my cousin's house, He's overseas for awhile. He said we could stay here." Vic said while opening the driver side door. about 4 hours into our trip I was just too tired to keep going so at 3 vic took over on driving, Walking into someone's else house was weird but know that this was your new house was even weirder.

Everything was going fine for the first few weeks of living this new life. We both had jobs and were doing well for just leaving our entire lives behind. Neither of us had gotten in contact with anyone from home. I felt bad because I was starting to miss home but this is what I wanted. Vic didn't come home last night but that has become a common occurrence. I had figured out that he was fucking a girl from work, but were not together why should I care. Right? Well I could help but to care We Moved here together the least he could do was try to hide it better. This time it actually made me mad.
Later that day after coming home from work I found Vic On the couch, He had been crying you could tell by the state his eyes were in. "Anna can we talk?" Vic asked
" Did she break up with you?" I asked, he just looked at me "VIc I know what has been going on with Hayley" I continued.
"Anna I'm Sorry" he started but I cut him off
"No Vic I done with this, I love you, and I need to move on. Living her has shown me I have options in every aspect of my life, including you" I didn't want to hurt him but it need to be said.
"Anna Please" the look he gave me was unbearable
"Vic, you go out with whoever you want knowing how I feel, then when they fuck you over you come crying to me and i take you back." I couldn't even control what i was saying it just flowed out.
"I.." He started
"I'm tired of being your backup plan. go call up your list of other girls and find someone that will take you back." This was the last thing I had said to him before saying Goodbye



Omg thank you I just fell in love with your story now I can't sleep knowing your going to update

Thanks so much :)

I'm in the middle of writing the next chapter right now, It will be up soon

My heart just broke into a million pieces you need to upset asap

Love it!

Mepenguin26 Mepenguin26