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You can't tutor me on love

What's wrong with me?

Jaime's POV

"So, she just asked you to tutor Raven?" Vic asked.
"Yeah but looks like Raven is not happy with it," I laughed.
I mean, I have never ever talked to her, she looks kinda.. I don't know. The only things she's known by are her attitude and her style. She can't even read correctly! And then there's this Heather thing. She is weird. I've heard she plays drums but I don't know if it's true.
"Yeah it would be fun but people in our school are such dumbasses and soon the whole school knows. She will bring my social status lower than Emily's IQ!" I told them angrily.
Emily is another freak in our school. She is all fake, she thinks she's the point of everything and the most important one here. Can't her friends see she's just a bitch? A total slut.
"Chill out, dude. We will find some alternatives. Maybe you can go to her place instead of staying at the schoolhouse?"
"Well, from one side it's a good idea. From the other side, it's a terrible idea! I am not going to her place! Not in a million years!"
"Then you have to deal with all these rumors about you and Raven. If anyone except Heather talks to her, it's serious." Mike stated. The other guys were giggling.
"Oh gosh, I am getting sick of this,"
"Go ask her, Himes. If she lets you in her house, it's good. Noone at school will know. If she wont.."
"Yeah I am going! See ya!"

I got outside, they are always sitting on an old maple in the schoolyard. It's Raven's and Heather's favorite place. I walked to them and before I got to say something, Heather mumbled: "If you don't have anything important to say, go."
"Actually I wanted to talk about that tutoring.. I thought about doing this at yours place instead of the schoolhouse because.. Umm becau-" Oh goodness how low can you go down, Jaime? You even can't talk to a girl?
"Because why?"
"She is going to bring my social status lower than Emily's IQ!" Raven mimicked in a high pitch voice. What the heck, she was there when I said it?
"For first, dear boy, our school is small and we might be total "losers", but we get the news and rumors too," she said as she could read my mind.
"But, Emily's IQ is really low, I agree."
I chuckled.
"What are you laughing about, if you have nothing else to say, go!" Heather snapped.
Raven suddenly ripped a piece of paper from her Maths notebook and wrote something on it.
"Here's my address. Tomorrow at 5pm."
Wow, she actually gave me her address? Maybe I just should go and do this, be polite and come back alive. I didn't know what to do, I just walked away without a word. I heard Heather mumble: "A total douche."

*time lapse to the end of the day*

I was walking to the Fuentes' place, the guys were having a small party. Nothing big, not at all, but just video games and dick jokes and staying up all night. It's Saturday tomorrow and Vic's and Mike's parents were out for the weekend. They live only like a block away from me so I could walk there well. The only thing I was thinking about, like for the rest of the day, was Raven. Why me? But I can go and do this, be polite and come back alive. I stopped walking. Why am I freaking out about going to a girl's place? I am good with girls. Even if I haven't had one yet.
I literally felt how my ego just fell and got hurt. I am not good with girls. That's it. Hey, I've never even been on a proper date!
I was in front of the Fuentes' house, knocking on the door, knowing it was pointless. The guys were manifestly upstairs playing video games. Suddenly the door opened.
"What's up? You didn't show up after you went to talk to Raven! I walked in. Tony and Mike were sitting on the couch, "WTF" written on their faces.
„I was just confused. Raven gave me her address. I have to go to her place tomorrow at 5pm.“
„Haha, that’s gonna be fun,“ Mike smirked.
„Umm, let’s just go and play video games.“ I sighed.

After a huge Mario Kart tournament (don’t ask) and a 5 hours long Pewds marathon, Vic asked:
„What do you think about Raven or who do you like more, Raven or Heather?“
„I like Heather. I heard she plays the drums very well,“ Mike said.
„Raven,“ I said. Tony coughed. Every time we talked about Raven he changed the subject, or when we were talking about girls or who do we like the most, Tony went pale and didn’t say a thing. I don’t know what’s up with him. Maybe his gay? Even if he is, it’s okay. I am not homophobic or something. But maybe he likes Raven? Oh my god. No!
„Just shut up when you know nothing!“ Tony suddenly yelled at me. Oh dammit, I was thinking out loud again! Vic and Mike stared at me.
„What was that?“
„I don’t know, I just-„
„Go apologize. Go. And then you can go home. The party is over.“ Vic told me.
Tony had locked himself in the bathroom. I knocked on the door. I really was sorry!
„Go away,“ I heard Tony saying.
„I just wanted to-„
„Go away!“ Tony repeated.
I sighed. Why did I fuck up so hard? I ran downstairs, put on my shoes and got out without saying any goodbyes. I didn’t mean to hurt Tone! I just, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I didn’t know what do to next. I didn’t want to go home yet, I told my parents I am staying the night at Vic’s and Mike’s.
When I was 9, I was taking a walk outside. My parents went to LA because of work and I was alone and bored. It started to rain and I realized I had no keys to get home. I was looking for a dry place and I found an old abandoned railway tunnel close to the train stop and it was a nice place to go. It was dry and warm there. I always went back there when I didn’t feel well or I needed some time for myself. But when I went to high school and met Vic, Mike and Tony, I had no time for it anymore. I haven’t visited this place in years. I think it’s a good time to do it now. I remember a time when I was in this old tunnel again and I saw a girl there, she was sitting in the corner and drawing . She was humming something and when I walked over her and said “Hi!” she ran away. I think I scared her. I’ve never seen her again. I don’t know anything about her. I even didn’t see her face.
I walked towards the tunnel and suddenly heard some kind of crackle. Who would go there at such time? I checked my phone and it was 3.30am. I sneaked there carefully, trying to be as quiet as possible. When I got closer, I saw a short girl with a hoodie and skinny jeans. She was holding two bottles of aerosol spray and drawing a graffiti on the wall. There were a lot of bottles on the ground too. She had headphones on so I hoped she didn’t hear me. I tried to get more closer but suddenly she put the bottles down and took her headphones off. She heard me. Shit!
“Hey!” she waved at me.
I waved back and walked to her but when I got to see her face…
“Jaime? Oh what the actual fuck..” she mumbled.
“It’s almost 4am! What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at home in your bed?” I laughed. Right after that I realized it wasn’t very nice and mentally slapped myself. We are at the same age and you are outside at 4am too!
“I thought boys are nicer when they aren’t with their friends but no, just a thought,” she shrugged. She picked up her bottles and said: “I’ll leave now. I should be at home in my bed, shouldn’t I?” she said angrily.
“I am sorry, you can stay, of course,” I said awkwardly.
“Wow, Jaime Preciado is sorry? That’s something new!” Raven snapped at me.
“Tomorrow at 5pm, I gave you my address. Seeya!” she said, a can-you-see-that-fuck-you-in-my-smile face on.
I have to go.
That will be my chance.


Okay this is a new collab story with Hold.On.Till.May and it's gonna be awesome.
And I am a new writer, I don't know about Hold.On.Till.May but we still need feedback, good or bad. I hope you liked the start, comment what would you like to see happening and what do you think about this!



Aye lmao, I'm here x

bad.acid bad.acid


TheDeviousPoppy TheDeviousPoppy

Thank you, it means a lot ;)

This's pretty good aww

bad.acid bad.acid


Haha :)