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The Forgotten Memories Of Allison Fuentes

The Memory of Words and The Mystery Party Boy Who Happens To Be Vic Fuentes

I threw my backpack and duffle bag out the front door. Anger controlled me. I had a bottle of grey goose in my left hand and my Keys in my right. "Allison what are you doing?"

I turned to face him, tears threatening to spill from my eyes. "Fuck you." I hissed making my voice crack, backing up into the front yard.

"Al, stop you're going to wake the neighbors." He spoke calmly. The voice I missed. The voice I loved.

"I don't fucking care Victor Fuentes," I smiled drunkenly, "You're a piece of shit you know that?"

"Allison, can we talk about this?" He pleaded, reaching for me, but I backed up. His eyes threatening tears. He hated seeing me like this.

"Too late Vic, I wish there was something else I could say. You've broken my trust.." I paused, "and you broke me."

That was the nail in the coffin for him and a single tear fell down his face. "I hate seeing you like this. Just come back inside and we can talk."

"See Vic talking with you doesn't fucking work," I yelled, my eyes piercing through his soul, "We never talk and then you get too damn emotional and then I feel bad and always come back. But let me tell you Mr.Fuentes, it won't tonight."

"Why? Why can't we fix this?"

"First, I'm drunk. Second, it's an unfixable situation." I looked down, it really pained me to say that.

"So you're going to throw everything we have, everything we built?" He shouted, his eyes narrowed. Rage soon filled the space between us.

"Don't you dare fucking blame this on me." I yelled as I ran my fingers through my blonde hair, " You walked away the minute you decided to-"

Woah. Wait. That's no way to Start a story. Especially with no back story. Let's go back to the beginning of it all. You know, the forgotten pieces?

"Allison! Time to wake up!" I heard my mother yell from down stairs. I groaned at the thought of having to go to school yet again. I crawled out from under the covers, and checked my phone.

"You're hair is such a mess!" Rachel teased, as she walked by the bathroom. I mean she wasn't wrong, there was a big blue birds nest on the top of my head. "Hey Rachel why don't you shut up" I hissed.

"Love you baby sis."

I rolled my eyes and jumped on my hair. Painful it was, but I decided on straightening it today. I brushed my teeth and did my make up. And rushed downstairs.

Mom already had breakfast made so that was another 10 minutes saved. "Hey Alli, you know you're gonna be alone for the next week right?"

I nodded in response. My mother was a politician, and my father traveled the world. "Rachel won't be here?" I asked, staring blankly at the toast I front of me.

"Now honey, you know Rachel is the oldest..." She began walking out the door, "and engaged!"

I rolled my eyes at the excuse. Rachel gets to go to France because she's the oldest. Rachel gets to go to Italy because she's the oldest. Rachel gets a fucking new car... Can you guess why.

I slipped my bag over my shoulders and grabbed my keys to my car. I drove a black BMW fairly new. I mean I guess that's one thing I got and I didn't get the "because she's older." But I'm not complaining. I slipped into the drivers side and music soon filled the space. I was really on a blink-182 kick. And I began to sing along.

I pulled into the school parking lot and turned off the Engine. "Back to hell." I laughed as I slipped out and grabbed my stuff from the back. I viewed my surroundings, your cliché groups filled the courtyard. "Allison!" I heard my name being yelled.

"Peter!" I smiled and hugged him. Peter was my best friend. Although we were two completely different humans. He played lacrosse, was Valedictorian, well he was going to be. He was also a year above me. "How are you my love?" I grinned, latching our arms together.

"Well I'm doing fantastic. How are you?" He kisses my cheek, as we walked to my locker. "You know I love you right?"

"Of course Al," he smiled, "I gotta run. Smart kid stuff." He winked and walked away.

Peter and I weren't dating. We just talked 24/7. We had the same AP/honors classes. My thoughts went on and on until they were rudely interrupted. "Allison Stabler, the 'I don't fit in groups yet I get all A's kinda girl' am I right?" The kid emerged from the side, propping himself up against my locker.

"Excuse me?" I raised my voice, offended slightly. But what was I suppose to do.

"Jaime Preciado. New." He smiled, putting his hand out for me to shake it.

"New," I laughed, "Surprised you even knew who I was." I trailed off

"I do my research.. 'Al'" he put air quotes and enunciated my name, " but I'm sure you wouldn't know me."

"Well Mr. Preciado, you don't know what I've done." I countered, and finally felt like I had the upper hand. The expression on his face changed. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to be late." I smiled as I shut my locker.

School was boring and pointless. However, that new Jaime kid seemed strange yet intriguing. How did he know me? These questions floated through my mind as I walked into my empty house. I decided to lay on the couch and watch tv. Quickly, I drifted to sleep.
I woke up to pounding on my window and yelling, "bitch if you don't get up and open this damn window I'll break it open." It was Peter. I slid my window open and he busted the screen behind it. "Peter what the fuck?" I hissed.

"Well good morning sleeping beauty," he kisses my cheeks as he walked over to my closet. "Put this on." He said as he handed me jeans, a flannel, and my shoes.

"Peter why?" I groaned, undressing and slipping in the clothes.

"Huge party. You're going with me." He poked his head into my room. "Damn girl you're hot."

I smiled and walked down stairs, "are we taking my car?" I asked, grabbing my keys. He nodded and put the address into my gps.

"Let's go hoe." He grinned, as I drove. "And I'm playing music!"

Drake soon filled my stereos. "This is shit Peter." I groaned, parking behind the line of cars outside this house.
We walked in, immediately smelling weed and booze. "What the fuck peter?" I laughed as he handed my a drink. "Let's go pretty girl, drink drink."

I took a sip. The burning taste fell back into my throat. But I shut up and continued drinking. "Well look who we have here." The familiar voice clicked into my head.

"Hello Preciado." I giggled, turning to face him.

"No mister? Now I'm hurt." He held his heart pretending to be hurt.

"Awe I'm sorry," I fake pouted," I'm going to get another drink Mister." I giggled while walking away.

I squatted down to get my drink from the cooler and then stood up. Suddenly, I felt hands on my waist, they didn't feel like Peter's.

"Hey, wanna get out of here?" They asked.

I turned around and looked at the guy. Even though he was creeping me out, I have to admit he's really cute.

"Do I know you," I slurred. Maybe I do?

"Yeah sure. Wanna make out?" The boy asked. I don't know if I did know him but oh well.

"Sure I guess," He wrapped his arms around me then his lips were on mine.

As soon as his lips were on mine they were taken away. I opened my eyes to see Peter punching the guy repeatedly.

"Stop Peter! Get off of him!" I yelled.

Everyone was surrounding Peter and the dude, who's name I still don't know. This is such a cliche party.

"Never touch her again!" Peter yelled.

He walked up to me and took my arm, walking us out of the house. "Peter stop!" I shrieked, "what the fuck happened!"

"God damn it Allison! He was feeling you up. Don't you feel gross about that?" He hissed drunkenly.

"Peter! You attacked that poor boy! That's not right..." I trailed off, "did you take my keys?"

"No." He grunted, sliding into the back seat of my car.

"Okay." I said shutting the door and walking back into the house. Eyes soon came into view. Multiple eyes pierced through my soul. Keys. Where are my keys. I walked onto the porch, and saw the poor boy brushing off his shoulders

For a split second our eyes met but he looked down. "Hey!" I shouted walking over to him, "are you good?"

"Fine." He harshly spoke. Not maiming eye contact.

"Look I'm so sorry about what happened, Peter is just.. Over protective." I grabbed his arm to stop him from walking away.

"Is that your boyfriend?" He looked up at me. Turning to face my completely.

"No." I trailed off looking at my feet, he cupped my chin and tilted my chin back up to meet him.

"If you aren't dating, then don't let him control you like that." He said releasing my arm and my chin and walking away.

I ended up finding my keys but decided it wasn't a good idea to drive home. So we just slept in my car that night. Well. Peter slept, my mind was still going on about that boy. Who was he, why did he kiss me, why why why?! My mind kept asking my similar questions but I could never find an answer.

I decided around 4 I was okay to go home, And I left Peter in the back seat to sleep. I swear running up and hitting my bed never felt so good.

I don't know why I drink when I wake up feeling terrible every time. The pounding got worse every time I moved.

"Ugh," If anyone said a word, I think I would kill them.

I took some ibuprofen and made myself Mac and Cheese. Why do I feel like something's behind me?

"Boo!" I turned around quickly and looked to see that it was Peter.

"You know you were an asshole last night?" I stated more than asked.

Immediately, Peter looked guilty. He should! Maybe that was too harsh.

"I'm so sorry Allison. My mind wasn't straight and I thought he was going to rape you," He said with an apologetic tone.

I turned to put the food in a bowl and then went over and hugged him.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. My parents weren't coming back today. Who was it?

I opened the door, looking to see a shaggy brown haired man standing in the doorway. "Uh hi?"

"You left this stuff at the party," he said as he handed me my bag and charger.

"Oh geez! Thanks I totally forgot." I smiled, "and you are?"

"Vic." He replied.

"Well thank you so much Vic. You're too sweet." I smiled again, looking into his deep brown eyes. He soon looked down, twiddling his thumbs.

"I would say see you around in school but I don't know what school you go to." I joked, trying to break the silence between us.

"I-uh I got to go." He rushed off, walking down the road to the other complex. That was weird. Peter soon opened the door to see me holding my bag and charger, "What was that for?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Just something I left behind, like usual." I giggled, but something inside of me told me to run after that Vic boy and ask him questions.
Peter left soon after to do some, what he calls 'smart kid stuff'. I got a shower and immediately felt better, but I soon felt worse when I realized I didn't have any food in the house. I slipped on my high top vans and a flannel, I grabbed my bag, keys, and some shades.

That is always a plus in San Diego. It is almost never rainy with spectacular weather all year round. However I liked rainy days, rain just made me feel at ease.

I slipped into my car and started taking back roads with no music. The scenery felt nice. The neighbors was silent. I looked down at my clock and it read 5:46.

I pulled into the grocery store and grabbed a cart. I decided I deserved an aisle sweep, which is when you got up and down the aisles and grab everything that looks interesting. By the time I was done it was almost 8. "Your total is 435.56" the clerk said as I gave her the family card and walked back out to mine.

It was soon dark, and the street lights buzzed in the parking lot. I loaded the trunk up of my car and went the same route I did. Just letting my thoughts run wild. I was driving a pretty decent pace down this alley way when a boy ran out in front of my car.

I slammed on the breaks and swerved out of the way, barely missing him and the wall by an inch. My anxiety sparked up and I took a minute to catch my breath. "Fuck fuck fuck!" I shouted, breathing deep breaths.

"Hey look I'm sorry, it's just no one comes down this way." The muffled voice spoke. I rolled down my window to see his face.

"I almost fucking killed you." I hissed, staring into the familiar brown eyes, "where were you even going?"

He replied bluntly, "home."

I rolled my eyes as I rolled the window up. And slowly pulled out. Slowly waiting for the surprise line of traffic. I looked in my rearview mirror, staring at the short long haired boy. I stopped and rolled down the window yet again, "where do you live?" I asked, putting my head out slightly.

"Right next to you..." He stuttered. Slowly sliding into the passenger side. I looked at him staring Into this chocolate eyes. The memory of him at my front door flashed back. "You're Vic right?"

He nodded as he put on his seat belt. "Thanks again for giving me my stuff. I only remember Peter beating up some poor kid."

"Well why'd he beat this boy up?" He asked, as I pulled out into the line of traffic.

"I don't remember." I sighed, combing through my hair. Vic looked down, nervous and unsteady. "Are you good?"

"Yeah. It's just. You don't remember anything?" He pierced through my soul with those brown eyes.

"No, we're you at that party?" He looked away like he was guilty. Vic definitely has something to hide.

"If I tell you the truth, you'll get angry," Vic said still looking out the window.

"Just tell me Vic," I was a little scared that I might've did something with this dude.

"Well, you went to get a drink and I saw you. Keep in mind I was drunk too. I couldn't help myself, my hormones were all over. Once you had your drink and stood up, I went behind you and then we kissed for a little. Your little boy toy Peter grabbed me and beat the living shit out of me," he explained.

"Oh my god Vic. I'm so sorry about Peter. He just gets overprotective." I said now feeling guilty.

"I can see that." Vic scoffed.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean? Peter is like my brother," Again Vic scoffed. What's with the scoffing?

"Can't you see it? Peter likes you!" Vic raised his voice.

"No he doesn't!" I yelled.

"Are you blind?" He yelled back.

It seemed like the rain was getting heavier and louder every time we raised our voice.

"He doesn't like me! No one does!" Both of us were breathing heavily now, "Just go home Vic."

He got out and walked to his house. I decided to do the same.

The rain never stopped. The entire night I just looked out the window. My thoughts were everywhere. Eventually, I fell asleep on the window sill.


still Catsinthe_bronx

My account is getting cleaned and updated so I hope this will do.

I Hope you guys enjoy it! We've planned and worked on this awhile and there will be a lot more stories.

With lots of love




Catsinthebronx Catsinthebronx

Holly shit Vic

Actually funny story about the next chapter... Something like it actually happened to me xD

Actually funny story about the next chapter... Something like it actually happened to me xD

Why dont you continue this its so juicy and good i wanna know who knocked and what vic said and whats gonna happen with her sister and what ever else you have planned please continue this.

Piercethedate Piercethedate