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I Will Follow You

Sweet Dreams

I walked downstairs after Jaime screamed my name about 12 times like a dying dog. When I reached the bottom my heart sank, Alysha was standing in front of me with tears streaming down her face. "Alysha?" I questioned, scared that my eyes had deceived me.

She didn't say anything, just ran to me and wrapped her arms around my body tightly. "I'm so sorry I didn't come sooner." She sobbed into my shoulder. I pulled back frowned at her.

"It's okay, how did you find out?" I asked.

"Your dad called my mom and confessed everything." She said as she wiped away some tears.

"Scarlett, why the fuck was Jaime screaming your name at 10am in the morning on a Sunday?" Mike asked as he walked down the stairs. He finished rubbing his eyes and then looked towards me and Alysha. The sudden realisation that his ex-girlfriend was standing in front of him hit and his face dropped. The silence surrounded us and made the atmosphere thick with awkwardness.

"That's kinda why." I said motioning towards Alysha. Mike nodded slowly and then something changed in him.

"Good to see you Alysha." He said as he walked to her and kissed her cheek. He then walked off into the kitchen leaving both me and Alysha in complete shock.

"Well that was awkward and confusing." Alysha mumble, her hand tracing the outline of where he kissed her.

"We should go upstairs." I suggested and she nodded quickly. We both turned and ran up the stairs and into my room. The second I closed the door Alysha started crying hysterically. "What's wrong?" I raised my eyebrows at her.

"I didn't wanna let him see me cry but seeing him again brought all those feelings and memories back, it was just too much for me." She sobbed into her hand. I could barely make out what she was saying but I think that was about the gist of it.

"What actually happened between you guys? Mike didn't really explain." I put my arm around her and walked her over to the bed.

"When we found out you were dead things got difficult between us, he began touring a lot and I was distant. We just grew apart." She said through her tears. I just held her hand and tried to be there for her.

"At least you don't need to watch him be happy with someone else." I pointed out. She looked up and a wave of guilt washed over her.

"Oh Scarlett I'm sorry, I'm a mess here and I haven't even given that a thought. How are you even able to live here? Do you wanna move to LA with me?" She babbled on.

"It's okay Alysha. I'm okay, it's not easy but I'm getting there. No I like it here and I really think it's best that I stick to what I know. I'm gonna be 26 soon and I've wasted most of my life worrying about what other people are doing and what I feel like I need to do with my life. Honestly, I need to start doing something I love." I told her. She nodded along, understanding what I was saying.

"And what is it that you love?" She asked.

"I wanna be a model like you Alysha, and actually do it for real this time." I told her. A smile spread across her face which made me smile.

"I'm so glad you've just said that Scarlett." She almost slid off my bed with excitement.

"Watch yourself." I laughed.

"Shut up Scarlett." She giggled and then rolled her eyes. "So be truthful here, how are you dealing with Vic being with Sarah?" Alysha turned serious again. I made a face remembering her face when she walked into Vic's room after I slept with him. "What's that?" Alysha eyed me.

"What's what?" I looked away avoiding her eyes.

"You're looking away? Did something happen? DID YOU AND VIC HAVE SEX OR SOMETHING!?" She basically shouted. I shoved my hand over her mouth to shut her up since Vic is actually with his girlfriend in the next room.

"SHUT UP." I whisper shouted at her. She nodded and pushed my hand away from her mouth.

"You gotta tell me what happened?" Alysha demanded. I took a deep breath and then exhaled.

"2 nights ago we got drunk off tequila and he kissed me. I was too dumb and drink to stop it. I don't know what to think of it but he hasn't spoken to me since and she almost caught us in bed the next morning and shit that was awkward so like I don't know man, I'm confused even telling you this right now." The words basically fell out of my mouth, I couldn't even think of them they just exploded.

"Oh, my God you need me around Scar." She shook her head at me.

"I'm a mess." I laughed.

"We are going to fix this okay." She smiled at me. My phone began vibrating indicating an incoming call. I looked at it and noticed he number was blocked.

"I just got this phone and already I have a phone call. Weird." I mumbled and picked it up from my bedside table. "Hello?" I questioned down the receiver.

"Scarlett!" My dad said frantically.

"Dad what's wrong?" I asked him, curious and kinda freaked out.

"I need you to come and bail me out of jail Scarlett." He said quickly.

"Why are you in jail?" I was so confused by this point.

"Well you're alive Scarlett and I faked your death, it's kinda illegal." He pointed out.

"Yeah that is true. You obviously made it clear that you're not dead and people are catching on and since everyone knows you're in fact alive the police were going to arrest you for Ben's murder." He told me.

"What? I thought you said it was self defence so I wouldn't have been prosecuted." I said frantically, running a hand through my hair. Alysha gave me a strange look.

"Yeah I lied okay, you got away with it because you were dead but now you aren't and the case is being re-opened. Scarlett, I'm taking the fall for you. I'm not going to let you go to jail for this." He sounded demanding.

"How are they going to believe it was you?" I shook my head, feeling the tears well up in my eyes.

"My prints were on the gun, I had an incentive to kill him since he stabbed and kidnapped you also your pals would be my alibi. I'm pretty sure Vic is going to be on your side instead of mine." My father sighed down the phone.

"I don't want you to do this for me." I tried to sound brave but I wasn't even close.

"Scarlett I put you in a mental hospital and abandoned you then let your friends and boyfriend think you were dead for 2 years. I think it's time I paid the price for what I've done." He sounded so broken, it made me want to cry.

"I'll be there as soon as possible, how much is the bail?" I asked.

"1 million and please bring Vic with you." He choked out. It's not like I don't have the money but it's still a lot of money.

"I'll be there soon." I said and hung up the phone.

"What is wrong?" Alysha asked.

"My dad has been arrested for faking my death and is taking the fall for me murdering Ben." I said quietly.

"What the fuck. What the fuck Scarlett?!?" She got up and stared down at me.

"I don't know but he asked me to bring Vic with me." I looked up at her with sadness in my eyes.

"It's gonna be okay." She tried to reassure me but it wasn't gonna work.

I got up from my bed and walked past her, out of my room and towards Vic's room. I knocked on the door and Vic called out for my to come in. I opened the door and walked in. Vic was sitting on his bed with his phone in his hand and Sarah was lying on the bed next to him reading a book. He looked up and noticed it was me standing there, Sarah did the same but she held a confused look on her face. "Um Vic I kinda need you to come somewhere with me." I said sheepishly. Sarah shot up from the bed and looked between me and Vic.

"What's wrong?" He asked with a concerned look on his face.

"My dad got arrested and he wants me to bail him out." I told him.

"And you need Vic for?" Sarah asked a little obnoxiously.

"He asked for you." I said ignoring Sarah.

"Do you know why?" Vic asked also ignoring his girlfriend.

"It's about Ben." I said not wanting to talk about it in front of Sarah.

"Okay am I missing something really damn big here?" She looked at Vic for answers but his face was bewildered. He got up off the bed and began putting his shoes on. "Umm Vic you're not gonna just run off to the police station with someone you barely even know are you?" Sarah demanded. Vic ignored her though and grabbed his coat. "Vic!" She shouted after him, he stopped in the doorway facing me and stared right at me. Slowly he turned around to look at his whining girlfriend. "If you walk out that door without telling me what's going on I'll never trust you again." She said sternly.

"Sarah this is Scarlett, as in my ex-girlfriend Scarlett whom "died" 2 years ago." He said using air quotes. "Her dad has been arrested for the murder of the guy whom "killed" Scarlett." He told her. "I'm going to see her dad because he's asked to see me, that's why. Please just be patient and I'll explain everything when I get back." He said then pushed past me, leaving just me and Sarah staring at each other.

"Sorry." I mumbled and then walked away down the stairs and out into Vic's car, which was already turned on and ready to go.


Hoo ma gad


ffff can you add this trilogy to wattpad ???? frfr this website always crashes on me for a week to a month straight sometimes

sad fuentits sad fuentits

i read all three within two days and im now slowly dying LIKE OMG I WAS SO EMOTIONALLY ATTACHED TO THESE CHARACTERS IM GONNA GO DIE NOW BYEE!


catsinthe_bronx catsinthe_bronx


vicsarmsaregr8 vicsarmsaregr8

*POOOSH* u saw that. That was my mind being blown away. .-.