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I Will Follow You

I Hope this Comes Back to Haunt You

It was finally here, my due date. And I was fucking huge. My whole body felt like it was a balloon ready to pop. "Get this kid outta me." I groaned, pointing at the mountain that was now my stomach.

"Chill babe, he'll come when he's ready." Vic laughed at my dramatic attitude.

"Sorry, so in like the next few days I would love to see you handle pushing a watermelon out of your vagina!" I snapped at him.

"I don't have a vagina." He raised an eyebrow.

"I'll fucking carve you one then." I growled at him.

"Oh my God, if you two don't shut up I'll surgically remove the child and both your vocal chords!" Mike shouted at us from the kitchen.

"I'll pay you a million bucks to get this kid out of me Mike." I offered him, turning towards the kitchen. "You know I have that kinda money!" I shouted.

"Vic please take her home." Mike pleaded to his brother as he walked into the livingroom with a sandwich and sat on the arm chair. I could smell the cheese and my mouth began to water. He caught me eyeing the sandwich up and rolled his eyes. "Ugh here." He groaned and handed me the plate.

"Thank you Mikey." I said blowing him a kiss. I placed the plate onto my bump and took a bite of one of the sandwiches. "Mm, good." I mumbled. Suddenly a sharp pain soared through my abdomen area, making me jump and knock the plate onto the floor, sandwiches on the ground. "My stomach!" I shouted.

Mike jumped to his feet and placed his hands on his head. "My sandwiches!!!" He exclaimed. Me and Vic both looked at him with fury in our eyes.

"Vic, get me to the hospital before I castrate your brother." I demanded, man being pregnant made me totally bitchy.

"Are you sure it's time?" He asked frantically.

I grabbed his shirt and pulled him close. "Our of the 3 of us I'm the only one who could possibly have experience in this field and funnily enough I do have experience. I'm in labour Vic now get me to the hospital." I told him sternly, he nodded like a scared kid being told off.

Vic ran to the kitchen and grabbed my bag. Mike helped me up off the couch and out to the car, Vic followed and Mike got in the bag. "You ready?" Vic turned to me in the car. I nodded quickly and he started the car.

The journey to the hospital probably lasted less than ten minutes but to me it felt like it lasted an hour. Some people are lucky and get time to get gradual contractions but for me, both times I was thrown in the deep end. My last labour lasted 4 hours, lets hope this one is similar.


"Scarlett, do you wanna meet your little boy?" The doctor asked me. I looked at Vic, whom had the same bewildered and happy look on his face as the day he found out I was pregnant.

"Yeah." I said through a fit of tears. A nurse handed the baby to me, and the moment I saw his eyes I feel in love. They were the exact same colour as Vic's. Beautiful and brown.

Vic leaned down and kissed my forehead and then kissed the baby's hand. "Welcome to the Fuentes baby, you're gonna love it." He smiled from ear to ear.

"I've been thinking, we should name him after your dad." I suggested. Vic gave me a heartbroken look.

"You really wanna do that?" He asked softly.

"He was the light in your darkness Vic, yes I mean it."

"You do realise there's gonna be two Vic's in our house now." He chuckled.

"Yeah, but you're both my favourite guys in the world and I'm so happy to have you." I said and then kissed my child's head. "Welcome to the world Vic." I mumbled against his soft skin. I had everything I ever needed and more.


Third person P.O.V

November 2013

"And that's how it ended?" Dr Laurence asked Scarlett. Searching her face for some sort of sign that she felt happy about it?

"Yes, how else would it have ended?" She simply asked him, no hint of emotion showing through at all.

He looked down at his notebook, tying to think of a way to tell her. "How old are you Scarlett?"

"I'm 26 sir, but you should never ask a lady her age." She chuckled ever so slightly.

"Yes, apologies." He shook his head. "And where is your baby?" He asked.

She frowned, a sad smile taking over her face. "They took him away from me."

"Why?" He pressed the matter.

She looked around the old, oak filled office. One she hated and always would, but she didn't know why. "Vic thinks I'm ill so he took our baby away from me." She took a deep breath.

"Scarlett, when are we going to stop this?" He frowned at her. "There is no Vic Fuentes."

"That's a lie and you know it." She argued. He rubbed his eyes and shook his head.

"We have this same meeting every day and have done for the past year." He explained to her and felt defeated, like every other time.

"No, I've been here for a month!" She said raising her voice, her hands clung to the arms of the chair she was seated in. "My parents and two sister and I moved to San Diego 9 years ago and I-" She fought her ground.

"Met a guy called Vic at school and he was horrible to me. I fell in love with him blah blah blah." Dr Laurence cut her off. "Scarlett, you're ill. You are mentally ill and I can say this because I say this to you every single day." He shook his head. She was taken aback that he spoke to her in such a way. "This is New York City and you've never met anyone named Vic Fuentes."

"Why are you saying this to me?" She began crying, tears streaming down her face.

"Because I one day hope you'll be able to move past this and get the help that you need. Your improvement has been good but you're still living in this mad up world because of your parents divorce and sisters death. You need to deal with this in a healthy way." He explained to her.

"It's not a fantasy." She said with a weak breath.

"I think on some level you know yourself it is, and soon you'll be able to move onto the next chapter of your life." He gave her a small smile. "Our time is up."

A nurse walked into the room and escorted Scarlett out of the therapists office and back to her room.

February 2014

Dr Laurence opened his office door to let Scarlett in. "Hey, how are you today?" She asked him with a bright smile.

"I'm very good Scarlett and yourself?" He asked in return.

"I miss Ali." She stated. Dr Laurence's face turned from shock to a small smile, hiding it from Scarlett though.

"I know, it's been hard to deal with but she loved you regardless." He told her. She gave him a small smile and sat down.

"I just don't understand how it all happened, my mom and dad won't talk anymore and I feel like I'm drowning in sadness. I just wanna go and see them." She had the most hurt look in her eyes that she had seen since he began treating her.

But it was a start and he was determined to make her better.

March 2014

"So I told my mom that I wanted to go to LA and become a model." Scarlett said with the most enthusiastic smile Dr Laurence had ever seen come from the young girl.

"Well today is the day that could happen Scarlett, you've got a pretty face and determination." He told her, not in a creepy way but a motivational way.

"Thank you, for everything. You've helped me more than you will ever know." She said as she rose to her feet.

"Please keep in touch and let me know how things are going." He told her. She nodded and walked out of the room. A nurse then escorted her out of the facility in the middle of Manhattan.

"I've missed this city." She mumbled to herself as she began to walk down the street towards the subway.

She looked to her left for a split second and someone bumped into her. "Shit sorry." His voice cut through her daydreaming. She looked up to the source of the voice. A man with long brown curly hair, piercing brown eyes and caramel skin stood in front of her. "You okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine, totally daydreaming there." She replied to him almost instantly.

"Oh, I guess I was too actually." He laughed. "I'm Vic by the way, Vic Fuentes." He said holding his hand out in front of himself. She looked at it and then up at his eyes again. And it all came flooding back within seconds.


Okay so that's it, that's the end. I know you all hate me now for this but I've planned it from the beginning, I dropped hits of her mental state throughout it and the fact that there was no real timeline, I mean she mentioned modern things for 2015 in what could only be around 2020, so yeah. It's always been my plan!!!

Thanks for reading and taking the time. I'd love to hear your opinion about the end, also be gentle with me.

also ive started a new fic called tables turned, check it out!!!


ffff can you add this trilogy to wattpad ???? frfr this website always crashes on me for a week to a month straight sometimes

sad fuentits sad fuentits

i read all three within two days and im now slowly dying LIKE OMG I WAS SO EMOTIONALLY ATTACHED TO THESE CHARACTERS IM GONNA GO DIE NOW BYEE!


catsinthe_bronx catsinthe_bronx


vicsarmsaregr8 vicsarmsaregr8

*POOOSH* u saw that. That was my mind being blown away. .-.