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The New Member

The Hospital

Vic’s POV

I was sitting down on the couch scrolling through my twitter. We had all acted like we were ok for the shows, but on the inside we were all freaking out about Noortje. But now? Now we were able to relax. Tony had finally given us some good news. She had actually woken up! We all thought there was no hope anymore. I know, pessimistic, right? It was terrifying seeing her almost bleed out on stage.

I continued looking through my twitter feed and stopped at a picture.
“Guys!” I shouted out.
Mike and Jaime came running out.
“What’s going on! Are you ok?” Mike rushed out.
“Yea, look at this!” I turned around my phone and showed them the picture.
The looked at it and Jaime raised his eyebrows, “Yeah, I see. So what?”
“It means that our plan is working!”
“Are you being serious right now! Noortje is in the hospital, are you seriously thinking about that! When you said part 2 I thought you meant we were going to plan part two, not that them being at the hospital was part 2!” Jaime ranted, “I’m sorry, but I think we should just forget about that plan of yours and be more concerned about her health.”

Ok, I admit, Jaime was right, but they needed to be together. It was a perfect match. But, no. We had to think about her health. The plan can always come later.

Jaime calmed down and looked at the photo again, “Although, I have to say, they do look quite cute in that picture.”

Mike nodded and they awed a bit more over the photo while I was left with my thoughts. Eventually I decide to speak up, “Jaime, you’re right. We leave the plan to later. Why don’t we forget about it? I mean, we can’t force anything on them. What happens, happens. What doesn’t happen, doesn’t happen.”

They both looked at me really confused, but then smiled and nodded.

Tony’s POV

I woke up to someone leaning over me. I was confused at first, but then remembered I was at a hospital, sleeping in Noortje’s bed. She was throwing up again. I slowly sat up and rubbed her back. There was nothing I could do and I felt bad. I just hoped that it wasn’t another episode, I didn’t know how to deal with those.

It turned quiet except for heavy breathing. She stayed leaned over for a couple of minuted before establishing that she had finished. She slowly pushed herself back onto the bed and laid her head back in my lap.

“I’m sorry for waking you.” She said with a croaky voice.

I shook my head, dismissing her apology. I played a bit with her hair and beamed down at her while she was looking at an empty wall. She sighed and nuzzled her head further into my lap. I looked back up to see a nurse walk into the room.

“Ah, you’re finally awake. It was time you got some sleep.” She laughed.
Noortje moved her head to look at me. She looked shocked, “You didn’t sleep!?!”

I shrugged. I guess that’s what worry and stress does to you.

“He made sure he was here the whole time,” The nurse commented, “You guys are cute together by the way.”
“Oh, umm… We aren’t together, just best friends.” Noortje explained while making eye contact with me.

I let out a sigh of relief. I had no clue what to do about the situation. I wasn’t sure if she wanted to go further, or wait it out, or just forget about it. But, fortunately for me, she had answered my worries. The look she gave me told me that we weren’t going to forget about it, but we also weren’t going to act on it.

“Hmm, well that totally explains last afternoon.” The nurse joked.

I looked at her with wide eyes. She saw?
Quick, think of a response!

“That doesn’t really mean anything?” Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Why can I ever think of a good response.
“Oh wow, good job Tony. You really overdid yourself this time.” Noortje teased.

I couldn’t help but laugh. I was happy she was slowly turning into herself again. Plus, I was crap at making witty responses and only made situations worse or more awkward.

The nurse grinned at us, “Ok you guys. Let’s get to the serious stuff now. Now that you’re finally properly awake, we will be able to release you in 2 to 3 days. Also, you’re going to get some medication. It’s quite a high dosage, so please stay to the prescription. I was also told that you take birth control? You’ll have to stop taking it so the medication can take full effect.”

“I don’t think I can memorize all of that.” Noortje gasped.
“Don’t worry. I know all of this stuff already.” I replied.
The nurse interrupted, “Just one more thing. We are going to start trying to feed you again and take out the IV. If you do well you can leave in 2 days, otherwise it might be 3 or 4 days.”

Noortje nodded and I saw that she was barely able to keep her eyes open. I moved the hair out of her face and let her go to sleep. I returned my attention the nurse.

“Do you think she will be able to perform again when she’s released?” I questioned.
“She might be, but I suggest you let her rest fully before. Also, make sure she can stop whenever she feels tired.”
“Of course we won’t over work her. She will always be able to stop whenever she wants. I’m sure the others will understand. And if she doesn’t have the energy to go back on stage, but still want’s to do something, she can always help at the merch table and meet some fans.”
“That’s good. Can you also make sure that the pills are hidden away? We don’t want her to overdose, especially after…”
“Yea, I’ll do that. Thank you so much.”

The nurse left and closed the door. I wanted to believe that I wouldn’t have to hide the medication, but I knew that I would have to. Her ‘attacks’ always came at the most unexpected moments, and I didn’t want her to be successful at taking her own life this time. She didn’t even know what she was doing half of the time. I was afraid to one day find her dead on the floor. I was afraid that I wouldn’t be there to stop her.


I have the feeling that this chapter is quite short...



Hahaha, thank you. You can totally see how my writing has developed in this story; the first chapters are written so bad. I'm excited for our story as well.

Yaaaaay I read it all! I finished it! I loved it, babe. You're an amazing writer and I'm happy I get to work together with you :) ♡

Thank you so much. I remember writing chapter three when I was in a really weird mood; I was so confused about everything. I'm Dutch as well, but (as I recall you saying somewhere at the beginning of the story; I have a really weird memory for weird things) English is my first language because I've been speaking it a lot more than Dutch since I was very young. But this wasn't the reason I chose to make her Dutch, I wanted something European and put some random countries in a hat (well, on a website, but same thing) and it came out. So yay!

I have read 3 chapters now and I honestly love it! You have a beautiful writing style and the story is really unique! I also kind of relate to Noortjes feelings. I have the same problems with reality. And I like it a lot that she is dutch because I am too :p


Candy_Monster Candy_Monster