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You're My Gravity.


I give the drumsticks to my husband and he places a kiss on my cheek.
“Good luck.” i whisper and he smiles widely. The crowd is chanting away, and they got louder, the guys stand where they’re suppose to and the lights go on. They make their own little hand raise, and the curtain falls, making the lights crazy, blinding me of a second or two. I sang along with the crowd and Vic, and take pictures from the side, as Adam walks all over the stage, capturing the perfect shot. After three songs, they started the chords for Divine Zero, their new song that had come out a few months ago, when the fans started to sing back the words, i knew all their hard work was paying off. Mike got extra into the songs, and he sang along when he could. Jaime and Tony were head banging, and Vic became his own superhero. I videotape them and their energy and send them to the girls, along with Erin, who was Tony’s new girlfriend. The song ended with mike hitting the bass drum along with the snares and confetti shoots from the ceiling, again.
“Thank you!” Vic yells and they throw their picks. Mike back up a little, and throws his sticks to the crowd. He run towards me and gives me a hug. I never minded he was sweaty, when he hugs me all the time after some great sex. He kisses my cheek and grabs my hand.
“Where are we going?” I ask him as he pulls me through the halls. I hear a faint thunder sound and I knew it was raining. He opens the doors, and we stand in the rain. “Mike, im going to get sick.” He turns me and kisses me. I wrap my arms around his neck and he brings me closer to me. “What was that for?” I ask him, breathless.
“Well..it never rains where we live, I fucking missed you and well, we never really ever kissed in the rain in the years we have been together, well because you were an overprotective mother when it came with the kids.”
How romantic can my husband get?!
“Well there was…” He covers my mouth and i laugh. “Im kidding.” He kisses me once more, before we walk back inside, our hair soaked and our clothes dripping.


“Help me hide..” Tony whispers as he hands me some alcohol bottles. Mike had gone out to have a party with some other band he was touring with.Vic said he watched out the drinks here, but once he got inside the bus and check his phone, he would become a mess. We hid them behind the boxes, in my purse, in our luggage. Somewhere his drunk state won't let him look for. Thirty minutes later…. thirty, he walks inside, slurring words and almost dragged by Vic and Jaime.
“GUys.. Im.” He stops talking as they sit him down. “I want more.” He slurs, and i block the way to the back. His brown eyes look down at me and he frowns.
“Mike.. what do you think you're doing?”
“Looking for some boooozze.. You look like my wife.” I touch him and he backs away. “Im married.. and…” He hiccups. “A dad..” Well at least i dont have to worry about him cheating on me at this state. “3..” He shows me two fingers… “Kids.” I smile and Vic shrugs. “Vic, i want another drink.”
“I think you need sleep bro.”
“NO! Drink!”
“Michael… I dont think so.” I said, crossing my arms, and then something inside him snapped. He grabs the nearest folder and Tony pulls me from my arm as Mike swings his arm, missing my other arm.
“What?” He starts to rage and stomps to the back, passing the places we hid the bottles.
“Its like he has a demon inside him that feeds off alcohol, he doesnt even smoke anymore.” Jaime says, sighing. It seems like he has given up into helping his best friend.
“WHERE IS IT?!” he yells, making my body grow chills. “WHERE YOU PUT IT, TONY?!”
“somewhere you dont find it.” He casually answers. I look at the outraged Mike as he look through everywhere. He looks at me and i look away.
“You know where it is.” He whispers, and stomps towards me, my heart starts beating fast.
“I do.”
“Where is it?”
“I’m not going to see you drink away, Mike!” I exclaim. He groans, and we’re closer, I can hear how fast his heart is beating, and how the anger actually radiates from his body. “Tell me where it is!” He screams, his brown eyes turning darker.
“NO!” he lifts his hand and i stand straighter. “HIT ME! I FUCKING DARE YOU!” I see as hee swings back his arm, and I look at him, straight into his eyes, as his hand collides with my face, the echoing of the slap lingers in the bus. “MICHAEL!” Vic screams staning in front of me, and pushing his younger brother by the chest. “You just hit your fucking WIFE!” he screams at him. Tears run down my cheeks, the burning sensation of the slap fades away into becoming numb. I feel it spread through my body as i sit down on the couch. More tears well up as he screams become louder and my heart slowly aching more and more as the second passes by.
"Sandra.” Jaime whispers, looking to my eyes. I look at his own, and I stand up. Mike and Vic are yelling at each other and i walk behind them, I stand in between them, to face the monster that has taken over my husband’s person. I tippy toe to kiss him in the cheek.
“I’ll see you after tour.” I say, as his brown orbits begin to show the true color.
“Babe…” He whispers, and his voice cracks. I grab my purse, luggage and walk outside, where the cool air touches my heated and wet cheek. I go inside the car, and drove off, the tears welling up, and the numb sensation leaving me. My heart heavies, and i pull to the side of the road, where my body loses it, and i begin to sob, against the steering wheel.


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Its just getting started


Finally!! They talked, yessss! This was so freaking necessary to have this conversation. I love that they can still laugh and joke admist all of this pain, despite everything they really do love each other

piercingirisash piercingirisash

CRAP! now I wish she was pregnant. I completely forgot about her mom having cancer. Oh this is bad...
She can't die! ....right?
I swear if he doesn't respond to her I will beat him with his drum sticks.
I'm so paranoid right now

piercingirisash piercingirisash

Wow.. okay Mike. Well I do agree he needs rehab but he should've had this discussion with her. He's only getting worse, so he desperately needs help.
And lovely. I can't wait for this big storm. Oh you're really trying to kill me
Wait don't tell me she's pregnant again..crap

piercingirisash piercingirisash

What the literal hell is going on? COREY! oh hell no! Go away..go far far far away

Good we needed his pov, thank you
And still wtf Mike! Vic is me.

He's destroying what he loves...I'll leave now