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The Cost of Freedom Is High

Something's Not Right

I rolled over, expecting to come face to face with Bella on my bed, but I was greeted with an empty mattress besides from me.

“Shit.” I exclaimed.

Once I had jumped out of bed, I quickly ran down the stairs in an attempt to quickly find her.

Instead of finding Bella, I actually came to realize that Chris, Michael, Ghost, and Balz were already awake.

“Don’t worry, she didn’t run off. However, she’s in the bathroom right now with Ryan and Robby continuously throwing up.” Balz informed me.

“I didn’t even hear her get up.” I said.

“She tiptoed into my room about 2am, started to cry, so I woke up and checked her out and she was running a temp., chilled, and she honestly kind of looked like death.” Chris told me.

“Besides from all of that though, do you think she’ll be okay?” I asked.

“I don’t know, but for now all we’re going to do is just let her rest and relax, if she doesn’t start to improve within a few days then we’ll look further into other options.” Chris answered me.

“She didn’t eat anything or get into anything weird right?” Ghost asked.

“No, right away she went into my room and besides from squirming around a bit and whining she stayed in bed and eventually fell asleep.” I said.

“Guys we have to do something!” Ryan worriedly said, coming out of the bathroom with an unconscious Bella sprawled in his arms.

“Shit.” Chris exclaimed, jumping up to help Ryan.

“Someone call Korel, and tell him to get over here with a few others as soon as possible.” Ryan commanded.

“Wait, we can’t go and have him just bring her to a hospital.” Michael countered.

“Yeah, but we’re not going to have her die either.” Ryan said.

“We don’t know she is.” Michael replied.

“Fine then prove she isn’t.” Ryan yelled.

They both got up from where they were standing, and walked towards eachother in an agressive manner.

“Knock it off you asses, arguing won’t do shit. We’ll find away to keep her unnoticed, but we don’t want to risk her wellbeing. So get your damn heads out of your asses.” Chris scolded Ryan and Michael.

Bella’s body had been passed over for Robby to hold onto, I only noticed that after Ryan went marching off to the right of the house and Michael in the opposite direction.

Balz hung up his cell phone and said “Korel’s on his way with AJ, Rich, and Shane. They’ll be here in a few hours.”

“Hang in there princess.” Chris whispered to her, slowly caressing her face with a loving and gentle touch.

The act was heartbreaking.

For once we weren’t in control of her, and we couldn’t figure out what was wrong.

We could only hope and pray that by the time they got here she’d be fine.

Waiting this out would be torture.


Bella's not okay, and there seems to be a bit of tension between the guys.

Will it last or was it just a knee-jerk reaction?

Let me know what you think by leaving a comment, subsrcibing, and even rating it!

Thanks and have a great day :)



I am catching up to this squel I love it, It made me cry that she lost her baby


Omg, omg, omg,omg. I'm legit screaming right now. I'm so so so excited for the next book! You're so awesome it's no even fair!

The suspense is killing me...