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The Cost of Freedom Is High

There's Still Hope

“Bella, it’s time to get up.” Someone said.

“No mom, let me sleep in.” I groaned, pulling the blankets up and over my eyes and face.

“Come on.” They replied, pulling me back into their arms so that my back was right up against their chest.

“No!” I chuckled.

“Sorry to ruin your fun dear, but I’m not your mom.” They told me.

I opened my eyes, and realized it was DJ.

“Eww, get off.” I squeaked, trying to push him off me.

“That hurts my feelings, princess.” DJ stated.

“Feelings? What feelings?” I asked.

“This little bad ass, cracking jokes routine is getting pretty tiring, Bella.” DJ replied.

“Yeah, well live one fucking day in my life, then you can tell me what tiring is.” I snapped.

“Come on, do you know how many girls would kill to be around one of us? Let alone everyone.” DJ asked.

“Unfortunately yes, however I’m not one of those girls.” I told him.

He pinned me down to the bed, and rolled himself over me so that as he was hovering over me our bodies were just touching.

“Really? I think somewhere inside, not that deep down you want to just give in. After all wasn’t it you that said giving in was easier?” DJ whispered in my ear.

“Fuck off.” I snarled, even through my clenched teeth.

“Shh.” He cooed.

He took his finger and slowly drug it right across my lower abdomen and back again, and I knew I couldn’t control my reaction.

My toes curled up, and I shut my eyes.

You know how everyone has the one spot, where when someone makes contact with it your stomach churns and your entire body responds lustfully to it? That was mine, and by the growing grin on DJ’s face he knew it too.

“Damn it.” I sighed under my breath low enough so that even he couldn’t hear it.

“Based on that reaction I’d say that you liked it. Imagine what we could do to you above and beyond that.” DJ told me, obviously hinting at much bigger things.

“No thank you, I have enough nightmares on my own.” I said, wanting him to get off of me.

“It’ll happen, sooner or later. For now though I think you should be heading downstairs.” DJ stated.

He got off of me, and opened the bedroom door. I basically ran downstairs as fast as I could to get away from him.

As per usual my luck ran out, finding that Michael was already downstairs.

“Okay, so today DJ and I need to get a few things set up for us later on down the road. That means you get to go through all of that.” Michael informed me, pointing to the next room over that was filled with black garbage bags full of fan mail.

“No way. That’s going to take me the entire day.” I whined.

“Exactly, you’re a smart cookie.” Michael replied.

Smart ass.

“I’m not going to do that.” I stated, putting my foot down.

“Fine, then come here.” He instructed me.

Taking a step forwards, he grabbed my arm, and pulled my body right back into his.

“Now how did this go?” He asked, placing his finger on my lower abdomen as well.

“No, please stop. I’ll go through it.” I cried out, not wanting him to touch me.

“It’s a damn shame, you can’t just accept what your body wants.” Michael tisked, then thankfully walked back upstairs towards DJ and left me alone with the piles of fan mail.

“Fuck.” I grunted.

2 Hours Later -

3 bags down, about 50 to go it seemed.

Nothing meant anything to me. I wanted to shake these people and scream at them. They were idolizing monsters, kidnappers, the list could go on and on.

So no you don’t love them, at least you shouldn’t.

Seeing these though in a way made me seem grateful for these girls that it was me and not them.

I read thousands of letters from girls who were not mentally stable. Even though this whole situation was horrendous and fucked up, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

I was strong, and I knew that eventually I would make it out of this hell.

Just sometimes the destination appears to be much further away than you originally thought, and the journey can be a whole lot rougher.

I dumped out the fourth bag of fan mail, and one little letter caught my attention.

The letter was bright blue, my favorite color.

I opened it up, read it, and my heart stopped.

I smiled, and let out a squeal of joy.

It read ~

Bella, I know things are getting rough but keep your head up. Obviously I’ve been keeping up with who has you, but I have no idea what’s happening to you. Hopefully you are okay. Just know that I love you and that we are working our asses off to make sure you get out. It may be a while, but you’re strong and I have every belief that you will make it out just fine.

Keep kicking ass, and start taking names. Don’t let them fuck with your mind. I’m praying for you with your mom.

Love, Chance

I brought the letter into my heart and squeezed it tight.

There was now a spark of hope in my heart.

“I love you too.” I whispered into the air.


Yeah Chance, he's still fighting hard for her.

What exactly are Michael and DJ planning?

Will this seemingly kind act stay forever.

Do YOU think Bella will give in to them, or willingly want them?

Keep commenting, and make sure if you subscribe to vote as well :) I love to see how you guys think I'm doing.

Thanks for reading, and have a great day!!!


I am catching up to this squel I love it, It made me cry that she lost her baby


Omg, omg, omg,omg. I'm legit screaming right now. I'm so so so excited for the next book! You're so awesome it's no even fair!

The suspense is killing me...