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Stung and Employed By The Wasp


“Good morning, Zoey!” A voice completely new to me cheered.

“What?” I groaned, sitting up in my bed.

In the doorway was an unfamiliar, yet friendly face staring at me. Even from a little bit of a distance, it was clear that she was a beautiful woman. She had stunning silver hair that ran in waves down below collar bone. Her green eyes gleamed in the sunlight, and she had a perfect pale complection.

“It’s your first official day of you working here! I’m so excited for you!” She cheered, her smile beaming.

“Thank you, I think.” I said, getting myself together and jumping out of the bed.

“My name’s Eva.” She announced, running up to me, and embracing me closely.

“Woah, you are a friendly little thing, aren’t you?” I chuckled.

“Sorry, I was just really excited when I found out you were staying!” She apologized.

“Wait, why is that a good thing? Why does anyone want me to stay when all I’ve been trying to do is leave?” I asked her.

“It’s because you’re spunky. We don’t get a lot of that around here, we’re used to the boring girls who just do what they’re told without even thinking about it.” She explained.

“That actually seems like what Chris and the others want. They don’t seem to like that I don’t necessarily follow that mold.” I laughed.

“It’s a catch 22 at this point Zoey. They want something different, but they don’t know how to handle something different.” She chuckled.

“Glad I can be the guinea pig.” I groaned.

“Oh come on, I think you might actually end up liking it here. It can definitely be a fun job, and speaking of which, we need to seriously go now. Here’s your outfit for the day, we don’t really have a set uniform for every day, but what makes clothes part of the uniform is this little embroidered wasp. It’s our logo.” Eva explained.

I cringed when I saw what the outfit- a little black dress, as well as black tights with slight lace cutouts along each side.

“You’re joking right?” I asked her.

“Nope. I’m not kidding anymore, just get this on and meet me down in the lobby. We need to get moving.” She warned me, heading out of the room.

I reluctantly slipped the dress on once I was alone, and quickly made my way down to the lobby where Eva was waiting just like she had promised me.

“You look so pretty! Ah, I’m so excited, let’s go!” She practically screamed, grabbing my hand and running down the hall.

We took the same main staircase that Josh had taken Chris and I down yesterday to get to the next level of the house where all of the other girls were.

“Ok, so what exactly are we doing?” I wondered.

“Nothing too crazy today, they want to start you off slow and not overwhelm you. Plus, there’s things they don’t want you doing yet since you’re so new.” She explained.

“Oh fuck, there isn’t like dead bodies they’re hiding from me right?” I groaned.

“No, silly, of course not!” Eva cheered.

“Then there has to be at least other girls here against their will.” I stated.

She let out another high pitched giggle.

“You do have a funny sense of humor.” She laughed, walking into the kitchen.

“Yeah, that wasn't so much a joke.” I muttered under my breath.
“Alright, so first thing for today is just to tidy this room up. We can tackle the cleaning pretty quick first to get that out of the way, and then I’ll show you how to sort the fridge and pantry, everyone likes their stuff neat and organized.” Eva said.

I nodded my head, too amazed with her bubbliness to respond.

No one could be this giddy, right?


I confirmed that an hour into us working, as she still had the biggest smile on her face while she deep cleaned the sink.

She took care of that along with sweeping & mopping the floors, as well as dusting the shelves and cupboards.

I was in charge of putting away the dishes and cleaning out the entire fridge.

It wasn’t by any means hard, but it wasn’t exactly fun either, and that’s why I was having such a hard time figuring out why Eva was in such a chipper mood.

As we finished those tasks, she pulled out some incredibly well put together graphs and charts as to how to separate all of the food, and keep it in each guys’ own section in the fridge and the pantry. Who the hell knew why that was a part of our tasks, but it was easy enough and I wasn’t about to rain on Eva’s parade by telling her this was stupid.

“Do you have any questions so far?” Eva asked, now leading us to what I believe I remembered to be Ryan and Ricky’s office.

“A million, but I’m starting to think I’ll just figure them out on my own.” I admitted.

“No problem at all, but if you change your mind I’m available 24/7.” She said.

Eva led us to Ricky and Ryan’s office, where thankfully neither of them were in it.

“What’s next on the agenda?” I wondered, looking around the entire room, trying to pick up on things I hadn’t seen last night.

“We just have to print off some papers, get them sorted, staple them into packets for Ricky. He’ll send them out tomorrow, so we don’t have to worry about that.” She said.

“Why?” I questioned her.

“It’s simple. They asked us to.” She replied.

Come on.

What was it about these guys that made her so willing to not only work for them, but thrive off of doing it.

To me I found them to be quite unappealing to be around, they seemed angry, demanding, and extremely controlling. Not exactly star quality.

I got caught up in my own thoughts, as she started printing off pile after pile of paper, and that’s when my eyes finally wandered to the top of Ryan’s desk.


There was a large set of keys resting right next to his laptop, and I got beyond giddy once I saw a key that belonged to me.

It was my car key.

I had to try my absolute hardest to contain my excitement, but still be able to ask Eva questions without fully giving away that I now know I’m about 10 feet from the one thing that could get me out, and fast.

Presuming there was a garage that I could reach to grab my car and go, since all of the other doors were locked.

I allowed some time to pass as I helped her clip together pile after pile of paper, which of course appeared to be in a different language I didn’t recognize.

There was an internal eye roll on that one, did they really have to hide whatever was on these pages in a different language?

I mentally put that on the list of things I needed to figure out.

“Hey, so do Chris and the rest of them actually live here full time?” I wondered.

“Yes, the only exception being Kuza, but he’s still here everyday.” She answered.

“Oh, so then he just drives? Or does he live close enough to walk?” I pressed her, hoping she wouldn’t catch on.

“No he drives, he lives about 30 minutes away. He still has a room here though, in case the roads are bad, or if we have any troublesome weather.” She said.

“Well hopefully his car stays safe if he has to park it outside and there’s bad weather. I know if hail gets big enough it can really do some damage.” I bullshited her, getting close to finding the answer I now needed.

“You’re right about that, but he parks in the garage so thankfully that isn’t a problem.” She told me.

Hallelujah, one step closer.

“Wow. I knew this place was huge, but I didn’t realize there was a garage hiding around here.” I chuckled.

“Hey, no worries, It’s kind of hidden. You know there’s that one closet at the end of the hall on the main level? It’s actually the door to the garage, as stupid as it may seem. That was something the construction guys did by accident, and we just never fixed it. So now we just have a closet door for the door that goes out to the garage, and that explains why it can get so cold by it.” She answered, finally giving me the one piece of information I wanted.

Thank you, Eva!

There was one thing in my way though, I needed to distract her to quickly make my break for it.

I looked at the paper, and I instantly knew what I had to do.

Quickly shutting my eyes closed, I ran ran four pieces of paper over my finger at once, and it cut right through the thin skin.

“Fuck.” I hissed.

“Oh gosh, you’re bleeding!” She exclaimed.

“My bad, that was just a klutzy move. I’ll be fine with just a bandaid.” I assured her.

“Alright, just stay put and I’ll be right back.” She instructed me.

The second she was out ear shot, I practically jumped on the keys, grabbed mine from off the ring, and bolted out of the office, up the stairs, and to where that closet was.

Thankfully I didn’t run into Eva on my way.

“My baby!” I cooed, seeing my car right next to a black Land Rover.

There was a little key pad on the right wall, and I realized that I had to use that to get out. Let’s hope there was no password needed. I pressed my luck by pressing the button, and nothing happened.

“Oh, fuck.” I whispered, frantically typing in random 3 digit codes, but I kept getting a red error sign.

“Damn it!” I growled, punching my fist directly above the key pad.

Just as I did that, a small little piece of paper slid out from behind it.

There were three little numbers on it ~ 570.

Once again, I was saved.

I punched in 570, and to my heart’s joy I saw the door start to raise up.

Jumping into action, I ran to my car, unlocked it, and got in. My hands were shaking so bad I had to quickly think to myself if I would be able to drive safely like that.

My mind just kept screaming at me to go though, and I punched the accelerator which flung me back down their driveway, and finally onto the street.

I didn’t dare look back, and I flew down the road at top speed.

Only when I was 20 minutes away from where I had been, I pulled over to the side of the road.

My hands were shaking so badly, and my heart felt like it was trying to jump right out of me.

“You’re fine, you’re out. It’s not like they’ll come and find you.” I whispered over and over to myself, until I could finally hold my hand out straight and not see visible tremors.

I punched in the address to the motel that I had been staying in previous to being stuck in that house, and off I went.

This was just going to go down in my history as one fucking weird week, but it was all in my past now.

Nothing to worry about.


Chris’ POV -

My door violently slammed open, and Balz came rushing in.

“She took the bait, she’s gone.” He panted.

“My goodness, that didn’t take her long at all. I was so sure she wouldn’t think of sneaking away until late. It appears she’s a little tougher than we had imagined.” I stated.

“I told you she was trouble.” Balz grumbled.

“Oh no, she’s just testing us for now. We have to remember, she’s unlike any other girl we’ve had here. She’s going to adjust differently.” I assured him.

“Whatever, I will tell you this though, if she’s not back here by the end of the week like you think she will be, I’m getting her, and dragging her here on my own.” Balz threatened.

“Deal.” I said.

I rewound the security tapes I had up on my laptop, just to see her triumphant little escape once more.

All I could do was smile.

She was going to be more perfect here than I had ever imagined.



Bringing what back?

I thought you were thinking of bringing it back?

I haven't been on the website in a while, I've continually forgotten about its existence.

Talk about a delayed reaction, yo!

I hadn't noticed