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Stung and Employed By The Wasp

Let's Leave The Past in The Past

“Wake up!” Somebody screamed, which was followed up by a frightening bang.

I just about jumped out of my skin at the two horrific noises, and could only roll my eyes when I saw who was behind them both.

It was Josh.

“I’m up, now.” I grumbled, wanting him to leave the room so I could get myself ready.

“Good.” He smirked, and thankfully left.

What a dick.

Jumping down off the bed, I realized that I had gone to bed in my clothes. Now the real issue was that I didn’t know where my clothes had gone - or if they had even brought along my clothes.

That had to be pushed to the back of my mind, as my next task quickly became finding Chris. I didn’t really want to run into any of his other friends before I made contact with him.

After checking his room, his office, and the foyer, I had to take a risk and pick one of the more open rooms, such as the kitchen.

Unfortunately, no one was there.

“Come on, where the hell are you?” I groaned.

Then, as if to answer my question I heard Chris’ voice echoing up the staircase closest to me. If I had already run into Josh, I couldn’t run into anyone worse, so I decided to just go.

I kept going until I reached the lowest level of the house where Ricky and Ryan’s office was. Of fucking course that’s where Chris was. In case it wasn’t obvious, I agreed to this because of Chris, not any of these other guys.

Knocking on the door, I just hoped for the best.

“Well, good morning, Ms. Noel.” Ricky cheered, opening up the door.

“Hi. I’m just looking for Chris.” I said.

“Come on in, Ricky replied, motioning for me to come on in.

Well, that wasn’t what I had planned, but was any of this?

No, the answer was no.

“Good morning, nice to see you up and about!” Chris cheered, smiling once he saw my face.

“You seem surprised at that. Weren’t you the one who sent Josh to get me up?” I wondered.

“No, I was going to let you sleep in.” Chris told me.

“Damn it.” I growled.

“Aww, it’s not all bad, you get to spend even more time with me. Plus, we’re getting your contract finished up.” Chris said, sorting through tons of paper sprawled over the table.

“Here, come take a seat.” Ricky offered me, pulling out his chair at his desk and patting it.

“Thanks.” I cautiously thanked him, sitting down.

I sat in silence for a good hour, while Chris and Ricky went back and forth, debating what papers would be included in the contract, and what Chris thought was the few most important things to get in there.

“Hey, breakfast is ready.” Kuza stated, making me jump as he slammed the door open.

“Ok, we’ll be right up.” Chris replied.

Kuza gave me a devilish grin and simply said “I’m glad to see you back here.” before leaving just as quickly as he had entered the room.

“Alrighty, this is all done.” Ricky sighed, handing me a rather thick document.

“Thank you.” I sheepishly whispered to Chris.

“You’re welcome, anything to win a bet.” He chuckled.

The two of them got up, and started to walk out the door, only stopping when they saw that I wasn’t behind them.

“Come and eat with us, Zoey.” Ricky called to me.

“No, I’m good. No offense to you, but I don’t really want to see any of Chris’ other little friends.” I admitted.

“You’ll be living with them for the next month and a half. Let’s just get the introductions out of the way.” Chris sighed.

“They are out of the way, Kuza, Josh, and even Ryan made it pretty clear they weren’t too thrilled that I was here. End of discussion.” I said.

“You’re coming with us.” He growled, showing me the first glimpse of the domination he had first flattered me with.

There wasn’t much use in trying to fight that.

“Fine.” I gave up, pushing back against the desk and following behind him all the way up to the kitchen once more.

“What are you doing up so early? I heard you had a rather long night.” Josh asked me condescendingly.

“Dick.” I muttered to myself.

All seven of us got seated around the table, and I for clear reasons stuck close to Chris and ended up between him and Ghost who didn’t seem too bad compared to the rest of the company I had.

“So, after the 45 days I’m going to assume we can just expect you to up and leave Chris once more, correct? I mean, that is kind of your thing.” Josh wondered, pressing just one button too many.

I wasn’t a fan of assholes.

I knew that I hadn’t signed the contract yet, so this was probably going to be my one moment to let him have it before there were significant consequences that went along with it.

“What is your fucking problem with me?” I exclaimed.

“Oh, shit.” Ryan whispered, surprised yet amused at my outburst.

“I don’t know...maybe it’s the fact that you lead one of my best friends on, and just when he thought he found the love of his life, you fucking bail without having the decency to tell him where you’re going.” He angrily huffed.

“You’re right, you don’t fucking know. You weren’t there, you didn’t see or know what our relationship was like, did you ever stop to think maybe I got hurt too?.” I yelled.

“You were the one who left, so cry me a fucking river about being hurt!” He yelled right back.

“Hey, stop it.” Kuza snarled at us.

“I left to try and get my family to love me again, so fuck you.” I hissed.

It was obvious in the rage in Josh’s eyes that he was not used to being talked to this way, and he was not a fan of it, not one bit.

He quickly got up from his chair, and started towards me.

“Enough!” Chris screamed, his voice shaking the room.

If the volume, pitch, and anger of his scream didn’t scare me, then it was Josh’s reaction to Chris’s demand that got to me. He instantly froze, and was quick to backpedal back to his seat.

“Sorry.” Josh huffed.

“And you?” Chris barked at me.

“I’m sorry.” I mindlessly whispered out.

“Good, now that’s enough of that. We’re leaving the past in the past. If I ever hear you two go at it again, there will be consequences, whether it be cutting down your work hours here, or beating your ass with leather, I will follow through.” Chris informed us, giving us each a sample of our punishment.

I’ll tell you right off the bat...one would hurt a lot more than the other. Getting a shorter work week wouldn’t prevent you from sitting for a weak, now leather on the other hand….absolutely.

My appetite at this point was squashed, and I just wanted to give myself some space to think, before I decided to say “fuck it” and leave.

“I’m going to go read the contract.” I told Chris, pushing myself back from the table and standing up.

“Good, take something to drink with you though, and be back here at 12:30 for lunch.” He instructed me.

I nodded, and then left without saying another word to anyone else.

One of the many things that had drawn me in to Chris when I first met him was how fully he accepted the title of dominant. He didn’t mess around and pretend to be something he wasn’t. That was fantastic in the way he trained me, talked to me, and occasionally have pain only sessions, but it also meant that he wouldn’t hesitate to put you in your place is you stepped over your bounds. It always shocked me to hear him yell, but in the same time it comforted me, because when he did, I knew it was only to show me the error of the ways, and he quickly changed his tone from angry to understanding once I showed repentance for whatever act I may have committed that went against the rules I had agreed to.

I knew I couldn’t take it to heart so harshly.

The one thing I was still pissed off about though was Josh. I didn’t appreciate him harping so hard on me, especially because if anyone was mad at me for leaving, it was me. I punished myself enough for leaving, I didn’t need him to join in.

My mind kept going over all of that, while the contract was in my hands. Most of it computed, but some of it took a lot longer to process as I tried to filter out my frustration at Josh.

HAving read through the contract, I realized that there weren’t too many surprises, just about every BDSM relationship had the same building block rules, the ones that dealt with how you should behave and act towards your Dominant. I was fine with everything that Chris and Ricky had listed...some of the things were new to me, but I was willing to try just about anything once.

It was towards the bottom of the page that spiked my interest. To ad lib, it stated that while Chris was to be my first and foremost dominant, that about 90% of the rules applied to the other men of the house. What also caught my attention was that they listed Ricky as the one who would act as Chris’ right hand man in training me and showing me the ropes of BDSM once more. Then, it listed Ryan as simply the “Punishment Overseer”.

Now I had never heard that term, but I was starting to think that was one more reason to be a little wary of Ryan.

I sat there and debated whether my petty little argument with Josh and caution of at least Kuza and Ryan were enough to keep me from signing the contract, and allowing me to let Chris prove to me that this is what I still needed, wanted, and craved for my life.

The answer was no.

There was a small teeny little chance that I would fall in love with the dynamic once again, and want to live it out as long as possible, and I couldn’t let that be quashed by Josh, I wouldn’t let that happen.

I signed my name on the bottom line of the contract, and I couldn’t help the smile that popped onto my face, no matter how hard I tried to hide it.

“Hey, can I come in?” Chris asked, knocking at the door.

“IT’s your house, I don’t see why not.” I chuckled, handing him the contract.

“Holy shit, you signed it.” He gasped in shock.

“Wait, you didn’t think I would?” I asked, confused.

He seemed so confident last night.

“I didn’t think I had a fucking chance. You proved me wrong, and now it’s my turn to prove you wrong.” Chris said.

“I’m excited to see that, Sir.” I told him, not sure if he could really follow through on that.

“Not as excited as I am.” He whispered, coming over to me and gently kissing my hand as he held it in his own.

He was a charming bastard.


And so the clock begins!

T Minus 45 Days.


Bringing what back?

I thought you were thinking of bringing it back?

I haven't been on the website in a while, I've continually forgotten about its existence.

Talk about a delayed reaction, yo!

I hadn't noticed