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Sam's Town

cuarenta y cuatro.

Time went by and my body soon started to regain its strength. Physical therapy was no longer kicking my ass, and I could actually walk a pretty good distance without feeling like my knee was going to collapse. I had become a lot more mobile and a lot more active even though I was still cooped up in my apartment. I was back to working from home; typing up reports and editing others. I was able to get Mike out of the apartment for a few hours here and there when he needed to go to band practice or things. He was finally letting me be by myself, but every time he came back he’d throw a fit because I had gotten into something else. In just this past week I managed to reorganize all of the cabinets in my kitchen, clean it spotless, clean the family room, and clean the bathroom. My next project was to tackle my entire bedroom, which was what I was set on doing today since Mike was booked with interviews this afternoon and then had practice this morning.

I sat in the middle of my bed, surrounded by clothes that my closet had just puked out. I was completely astonished by the amount of clothes that I had fit in there in such a little time. As I sat, I went through my clothing. I decided what I wanted to keep and what I wanted to get rid of. Sadly, being a fashion hoarder, my pile for hanging up was at least twice as big as the other two combined.

I groaned as I heard my phone vibrating, it was over on my vanity near my closet. I slowly got off the bed and hobbled over there, seeing Mia’s name pop up on the screen.

“What?” I replied, slightly irritated because she knew what I was up to.

“Buzz me in!”

“Why are you here?” I frowned as I walked out of my room, towards the door where the lock for the main door to apartment complex was.

She laughed, “To give you some damn company, that’s why! Plus, I brought pizza and beer.”

“Okay, okay. I’ll buzz you in,” I laughed and hung up the phone, pressing the button and then walking into the kitchen.

Diablo was lying on the balcony, resting in the warm sun. I was totally jealous of him. Lucky little dog. The minute that I was no longer on “house-arrest” as Mike called it, I was getting my ass into a bikini and onto the beach. I needed the sun back in my life.

“Hello!” Mia called out as she walked in, closing the door behind her with her foot. She placed the pizza on the counter and then pulled a twelve-pack out of her purse, putting it in the refrigerator and handing me one. “How’s your room coming along?”

“My closet threw up,” I laughed and cracked open the beer. “I picked up around the room and stuff. Did my drawers since they aren’t so hard, and they’re mostly full of Mike’s shit anyway. Now I’m doing my closet and then I just have to tackle my vanity… I want to rearrange too, so it’s a good thing you’re here,” I smiled at Mia, signaling that she was going to be the one doing all of the rearranging seeing as I was handicapped.

She raised an eyebrow, “You want me to move your big ass bed all on my own? We better fucking get your neighbors over here to help.”

“No,” I shook my head. “The neighbors don’t like me because Mike and I keep them up at night.”

“Are you guys finally having sex again?” She laughed and grabbed a slice of pizza out of the box, “Or is he still being a fucking weirdo?”

“He’s still being a weirdo, but he goes down on me now so I’m not complaining,” I grinned and grabbed my own slice. “It’s so nice to have him gone for an entire day. I’m so thankful for everything he does for me, but he’s so annoying to the point where I kind of want to choke him in his sleep.”

Mia bursted into laughter, “He told Casey that he thinks you secretly hate him now because he’s shoved up your ass.”

“Oh it’s no secret,” I smiled and took a seat at the island, my knee getting tired of standing. “We fight all of the time because he won’t let me do anything on my own. It’s not like nasty fights or anything, but just like little fights like why won’t you leave me the fuck alone for ten minutes.”

“You’re like a married couple,” she smiled and leaned against the counter. “Now you know what it’s going to be like when Mike proposes.”

“I’m going to kill him if we ever get married. Or I’m going to wind up in jail for attempted murder. Now I understand why Vivian kicked him out so early.”

Mia shook her head, “You’re talking shit on your boyfriend right now.”

“He’s fucking annoying!” I threw my hands in the air. “I literally yelled at him yesterday to get the fuck out of the bathroom when I’m trying to shower because he came in and had a conversation with me and all I wanted to do was be alone. Like I love him but he needs to give me some fucking space.”

“Lock the door?”

“THE LOCK IS BROKEN!” I groaned. “Anyway, enough of him. He’s gone for the day and I don’t even want to think about him. I just want to eat and drink and re-do my room so we can fight when he comes home and then I’ll make him feel bad and he can eat me out.”

“Rae, you’re horrible,” Mia cackled. “I don’t know how he puts up with you.”

“Enough,” I wagged my index finger at her and finished my beer. “Bring the pizza in my room.”

I walked back to my bedroom and cleared space on my bed for Mia to sit while I went through my clothes. She came in and threw me another beer, which I almost downed right away. It had been a long time since I drank any type of alcohol, and all the guys referred to me as a borderline alcoholic, so I was so happy to have it back in my possession.

I continued to rummage through my clothes, holding them up for Mia to see if I couldn’t make my own decision. I finally made it about three quarters through my closet before I had a melt down about getting rid of my clothes.

“I just can’t do it,” I frowned falling onto the bed. “I have an emotional attachment to everything like they’re my kids I cannot get rid of my clothing, Mi.”

“I get first dibs on going through all the shit you’re giving away,” she shoved me with her shin. “It isn’t that bad. You’re almost done.”

I groaned and stood back up, grabbing a dark army green sweater and holding it out in front of me. I hadn’t worn it in probably a year or so and I frowned. I held it up to Mia, “I mean, I haven’t worn this in like years but it would probably look really good with some leggings and camo jacket.”

“Rae…” Mia drug my name out. “You haven’t worn it in years for a reason.”

“Because I lost it in the back of my closet and completely forgot about it.”

“Then you obviously don’t care about it too much so put it in the get rid pile,” Mia rolled her eyes as I balled up the sweater and threw it at her. “Don’t be a sourpuss.”

“Fuck you,” I muttered and grabbed the next article of clothing. It was a little black dress that I had worn New Years a couple years ago.

“Throw that thing out,” Mia bursted into laughter. “All that thing holds is memories of you puking your brains out on the Fuentes’ front lawn.”

I shot her a dirty look, “No, it has sentimental meaning. The first time Mike kissed me I was wearing this.”

She stopped laughing and raised an eyebrow, “Do you hear yourself right now?” I blushed as I grabbed a hanger and hung the dress back up in my closet. “You’re a total loser,” she laughed as I turned back around.

“Leave me alone,” I muttered and grabbed my favorite hoodie from SDSU. That was not getting thrown out, that was getting hung right back up where it belonged.

“You’re so in love, I never thought I’d see you like this,” she smiled at me. “It’s so cute.”

I glared at her, “Fuck off.” I grabbed the last piece of clothing that hadn’t been sorted through and held it up. It was Mike’s camo jacket. He bought me my own that was nearly identical to his and yet I still hadn’t given him his back yet.

“Weren’t you supposed to give that back to him?” Mia asked as I closed my closet door.

“What’s mine is mine, and what’s his is mine,” I smiled.

She rolled her eyes, “You’re a goon. I’m going to go carry all of the clothes you don’t want out to my car because they’re all for me.” I laughed and shook my head as she continued to talk, “And then we can rearrange your room and then I’m getting out of here. Casey said Mike and him are at lunch and should be done in about an hour. I don’t want to be here while you guys fight.”

“Fine,” I huffed. “But you better leave the pizza and beer here.” She scooped up my clothes and started to walk out the door, “Should I start on my vanity or leave it?”

“Start on it!” She shouted, “It’ll be the last thing we move. I’ll move the other shit while you do it!”

I nodded and walked over to my vanity, pulling out the drawers and re-arranging the insides. There wasn't that much in there. I just had to throw out some empty foundation bottles and powders. I made a mental note to wash all of my make-up brushes later tonight because they were pretty scuzzy. As I got to my eyeshadow drawer Mia was back inside my room. I explained the layout I wanted to her and she got down to business right away. She moved my dresser and book shelf, the only thing I had to help with was the bed. After everything was moved, I finished up in my hair drawer and through away any trash or empty bottles, then we moved my vanity. My bedroom looked freaking amazing.

Mia had been gone for a few hours as I just vacuumed the entire apartment. Mike had given me a call right after Mia left, explaining that he was going to the grocery store and he wanted me to give him a list of whatever we needed here. He would probably get here within the next five minutes, so I fed Diablo his dinner and put the vacuum away. I turned on the television and unlocked the door, then took a seat next to Diablo on the couch.

Two minutes after sitting down the door opened up and Mike came in carrying about ten bags. He had this great way of trying to carry all grocery bags in one trip, and I always worried his little skinny arms were going to break off.

I shook my head as he threw them all onto the counter and let out a big breath, “So what did you surprise me with today?”

I smiled and got off the couch, walking up to him and standing on my tip-toes. I placed a kiss on his lips and then looked up at him, “Oh, nothing.”

He wrapped his arms around my waist and smiled, “Don’t lie to me.”

“I forgot to tell you on the phone, but I really needed orange juice,” I said trying to change the subject.

“I knew we were all out,” he laughed. “Now show me what you did today?”

“Don’t you want to put the groceries away first? You don’t want anything to go bad while you yell at me,” I smirked and kissed him once more, then moved out of his grasp.

He shook his head as I started to take everything out of the grocery bags and put them back on the counter. We both had completely different methods to putting away groceries. I liked to take everything out and then put it away, whereas Mike would take one bag and put everything away and then repeat with another bag.

“You’re on fridge duty,” I smiled and pushed all items that needed to be refrigerated towards him.

“Great so you get to climb on counters and hurt yourself,” he mumbled and I stuck my tongue out at him. Grabbing a few boxes and hopping up to put them in a cabinet. “Why is there beer in here?”

“Mia brought it over,” I said while placing the Cheeze-Its in the cabinet. “There’s pizza in there too. Can you hand me the box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch please?”

He grabbed the box and handed it to me, then closed the cabinet for me and grabbed me from the counter, placing me back down on my feet. “I really don’t like you climbing on cabinets, it freaks me out.”

“Get over it,” I bumped his hip with mine. I then grabbed the final thing on the counter and hit him in the arm with it lightly, “Hello! Do not forget to put my orange juice in there!”

“Shut up,” he laughed and grabbed it from me, putting it in the refrigerator. “Now let’s go see what Rae did today.”

“You’re going to be so angry,” I snickered and grabbed his hand, pulling him out of the kitchen and down the hallway with me. I had closed my bedroom door so that he wouldn’t see it when he walked in. I stopped in front of it, “Open the door.”

Mike grabbed the handle and opened the door slightly, then pushed it all the way open. His mouth opened and then closed as he walked in. I watched him look all around the room and then turned around and looked at me.

“Okay, first of all, Mia was the one who moved all of the furniture!” I squealed, knowing he was going to be angry if he knew I moved anything.

He crossed his arms and stared at me, “Well, it is nice that your room is finally clean for once, and it looks awesome, babe… But why?”

“I get bored, Mike,” I leaned against the wall. “I went through all the drawers and everything. I cleaned out from under the bed. I cleaned out my closet! It was a very productive day.”

“Did you strain your shoulder or knee at all?” He asked, completely ignoring everything I said.

“Go look in my closet it looks so much better,” I walked away from him and opened the door, signaling to look inside. He just stood in the same spot with the same stupid angry look on his face. “I don’t understand why I can’t fucking do anything without you getting irritated.”

He sighed, “I just don’t want you to hurt yourself, Rae.”

“I’m not hurting myself! You can’t expect me to be cooped up in here for so long and not do shit,” I groaned.

“You’re working again, that should take up some time.”

I rolled my eyes and threw myself down on my bed, “I can’t stand you sometimes. You don’t understand what it is like to be stuck inside a damn one bedroom apartment every fucking day for two months now.”

“No, what I don’t understand is why you can’t fucking just wait it out like a normal person. The more you do this shit the longer you’re going to take to get back to normal. I’d like to be able to go on tour without having to fucking worry about this bullshit,” Mike snapped.

“Then why don’t you just fucking leave?”

My bedroom door slammed closed and I let out a sigh. Mike was going to go sit his ass on the couch until he calmed down. This was nothing new. This had happened about twice already this week and a couple times last week. The two of us were constantly clashing now. I think it was a mixture of Mike being over-bearing and worried while I wanted to be independent, as well as the two of us spending too much time together. The first couple times this happened, I cried my eyes out. I was used to it by now. I didn’t get upset anymore. I’d give him his time to cool down and he’d give me mine, then we’d apologize for screaming at each other and he’d give me sexual favors.

I hopped up off my bed and slipped my slippers onto my feet. I opened my door and walked down the hallway. Mike was outside smoking a cigarette. I walked into the kitchen and opened up the sliding glass door, stepped out and closed it behind me. I stood next to him and he handed me a cigarette and lighter. I placed the cigarette in between my lips and lit it up. I took in a large inhale and then breathed it out, watching the smoke go into the warm San Diego air.

“I’m sorry,” Mike and I both said at the same time, something else that wasn’t anything new.

I turned towards him and cracked a smile, “I just get cabin fever.”

“I know,” he nodded. “I need to stop acting like a mother.”

“Yeah, you really do,” I laughed. He held out his arms and I walked into them, he hugged me tightly as I rested my head on his chest, “I love you, Mike… even though I want to smack you half the time.”

“I love you too, baby, and I really hate fighting with you because it means you start smoking again,” he grabbed the cigarette out of my hands as he flicked his over the balcony.

“Hey!” I shouted as I tried to grab it from him, but he held it up too high and I couldn’t reach it anymore. “You’re a jerk.”

“And you’re supposed to be quitting,” he smirked and exhaled smoke in my direction.

“This is why I can’t stand you,” I laughed and hit his hand, making the cigarette fall off the balcony and down into the parking lot somewhere.

“Rae,” he scoffed.

“Sucks to suck,” I giggled and walked back into my apartment, swaying my hips, knowing he was staring.

I heard his feet quickly behind mine as I sauntered into my bedroom and plopped down on my bed, my back facing him. I was waiting for the minute when he was going to pounce on me… three… two… one…

“You make me want to do bad things to you,” his voice came out rough in my ear, my panties becoming drenched instantly.

His lips attached to my neck, right under the ear he had just whispered in. He sucked on it hard, pulling the skin in between his teeth and nipping it. I let out a gasp and he smiled against my skin, then bit it again. His left hand snaked around my torso and his fingers began to play with the elastic on my leggings. I tried to steady my breathing and focus on the feeling of him pressed up against the back of me, but I just couldn’t suppress the excitement I was feeling from his fingers and how turned on I was getting from his mouth on my neck.

I rolled my head around on the pillow as Mike placed wet kisses and nips all along my jaw, getting closer to my ear again. His hand slipped into my leggings and started rubbing me through my soaking wet panties.

“Mikey,” I breathed out as his fingers stroked over my entrance, his teeth running down the side of my neck. He continued to stroke over my entrance, and then applied pressure, slipping the tip of one finger covered by the fabric of my underwear into me slightly.

I let out a shaky breath as he whispered into my ear, “You’re so wet, baby.”

I groaned and threw my head back onto his shoulder and let out a whine as he slipped his long fingers into the side of my panties and touched me lightly with his bare fingertips. His fingers went from lightly stroking my entrance, then dragging them up towards my clit. My eyes rolled back as his wet index finger began to make circles on my clit. He began to attack my neck once again seeing as I exposed the entire front of it to him while throwing my head onto his shoulder. I let out small moans as his fingers left my clit and stroked over my entrance again. My entire body felt shockwaves going through it. He was barely touching me and I was ready to spill over and give into my orgasm.

I pushed myself off of his shoulder and chest, and laid my back flat on the bed. He no longer could bite or kiss my neck as I stared at him through lust-clouded eyes. His fingers were still lingering over my entrance as his eyes turned darker, almost to a black color. Mike took his hand out of my leggings and underwear then completely shifted on the bed. He grabbed me and pushed me up into the pillows, then sat in between my legs.

He pulled my bottoms off me quickly, replacing what was covered with his face. I screamed out his name as his tongue pushed into me. His right index finger was busy making circles on my clit as he licked all over my entrance, sucked on each individual lip, then put his tongue back inside of me. Mike never ceased to amaze me when it came with eating me out, and since it was the thing he had done the most this past month, he had become so amazing at it and learned exactly what I liked the best.

Mike’s mouth and fingers switched places. His fingers worked on finding my g-spot, curling each time they hit it, causing gasps to escape from my mouth. His mouth was busy sucking on my clit harshly, his big dark eyes staring up into mine. Staring into his eyes made me even closer to my orgasm. I could probably cum just from looking at him at this point. He probably wouldn’t even need to touch me anymore.

I threw my head back and closed my eyes as I felt my walls tighten around the three long fingers that were inside of me. Mike detached his mouth from me and just focused on hitting my g-spot over and over again. My chest fell up and down quickly, my breathing at an extreme rate.

“That’s right, baby. Cum for me,” Mike cooed out from the end of the bed.

I could feel my thighs shaking as my orgasm approached. No sound was coming out of my mouth anymore as I breathed loud, my hands reaching above me grabbing onto my headboard. I felt like my entire body was on fire and ready to collapse, and then finally it hit me. I let out a scream as I felt my orgasm release, Mike’s mouth back on me to lick everything that was coming out of me. Small whimpers escaped from my mouth as he pulled away from me, my body still shaking.

Mike laid next to me once again, this time lightly rubbing my stomach. He pressed a kiss to my shoulder as I tried to catch my breath, “Are you okay, sweetheart?”

“Yeah,” I breathed out. “Can you get me a glass of water?”

I felt Mike get off the bed and I slowly sat up. I sat on the edge of the bed, not wanting to lay in the large wet spot that was soaking my sheets. Mike walked back in and handed me a glass of ice cold water and I gulped it down instantly.

“Thank you,” I leaned up and puckered my lips to meet his. I placed the glass down on my vanity and grabbed onto Mike’s face as he kissed me, pulling him down onto the bed with me.

Most times, he would’ve pulled his face away from mine and scolded me about dragging him on the bed with me, but this time was different. His body hovered over mine, his legs in between mine, as we laid on my bed just making out. My hands ran through his hair as I let his tongue explore my mouth, and then I knew this was my chance. I reached down towards the zipper of his jeans, completely shocked as I felt his dick already out of his jeans and boxers, his own hand stroking himself. He smiled against my lips as I ran my fingers up the length of his dick, my pussy becoming wet with the excitement of having him inside of me again. I needed this.


yes, finally i updated!
and yes, they are finally having sex!

I know most of you are probably angry that I'm making them fight.
But not all relationships are sunshine and butterflies...
especially not relationships involving these two!

I'm back at school so it's hard to update as much,
But I will try to get them out as frequently as possible.

Let me know your opinions on this!


I had to read the whole story again when I saw your update, thanks! Hope you can update your other story as well, this gives me hope!

pierce-my-soul pierce-my-soul


vicbabeaf vicbabeaf


Divinebitches Divinebitches

damn I binge read this and I can't get enough. this is gold

KoiKatori10_2 KoiKatori10_2

Oh my god I thought this story was long forgotten ! I am so happy you decided to pick it up again and I for one would be so happy if you could finish "Running" too I loved these stories so much and honestly one of the few reasons I logged on to this site so please finish them (:

LiveItUp LiveItUp