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To Love Preciado

Sitting in a Closet

Beams of sunlight made their way past the blinds, brightening my whole room. Birds were chirping outside the window, singing a beautiful song. I opened my eyes to see Jaime sleeping. His eyes were loosely shut and his mouth barely open. Even when he's asleep he's still handsome. Hell, he's cuter when sleeping and in a world of his own.

I watched him sleep, as creepy as that is. I kept my eyes on him until he had awoken. He started to move and then his eyelids slowly lifted. He squinted because of the light hitting his face. It took a few seconds before he realized he was lying in bed with me. Once he processed my face, he smiled, ear to ear.

He brought his hand to my face, stroking my cheek with the back of his fingers. "Good morning, Gorgeous." he said.

"Good morning." I replied. I inched towards him and kissed his nose. I pressed my forehead against his. "Did you sleep well?"

"Considering the fact I slept next to my lovely girlfriend, I slept amazingly." Damn, he always knew what to say. "And yourself?"

"Couldn't have slept better." I simply said, nuzzling into him.

"I don't want to ruin the moment, but shouldn't I leave before your dad finds me?" he asked, sounding concerned.

"Meh, I guess so. Just stay a little longer, Baby."

He nodded. Then he pulled me closer to him. His warm breath hit the back of my neck, making my hairs stand. With his left hand, he played with my hair, twirling it and such. With the other, he brushed the skin on my arms with his fingers.

Time passed as he held me in his arms. Since the two of us weren't speaking, I could hear someone coming up the stairs. Each footstep made me nervous, hopefully they wouldn't turn towards my room. Much like a dog, I turned my head to look at the door and tuned in to the noise. I waited anxiously, trying to make out their next move. The person made their way down the hall and was now in front of my locked door.

I looked at Jaime, worry and fear taking over. I motioned for him to get out of bed. He stood up on his feet, he was starting to freak out. I guided him to my closet and gently pushed him in. I brought my finger up to my lips, signaling for him to stay quiet. Next, I closed the closet door, enclosing him in the dark, tight area.

Knuckles rapped on my door and the handle jiggled back and forth. "Fucking cunt, open the goddamn door!" my father's voice rang. Great.

I ran over and opened the door. He stood there, towering over me. Tabacco and beer tainted his breath. His hair was disheveled and he had dark circles under his sunken in eyes. "Yes, Sir?"

"You forgot to cook me breakfast this morning. You're lucky your mother filled in for you, you slut." He shoved past me and entered my room. He stood by my bed and looked around, he hasn't been in here in forever. "I enjoyed our time together the other day, Bitch." He then placed a hand on my shoulder and steered me towards my bed. "I thought maybe we can do that again." He then pushed me onto the mattress.

I fell into the mess of sheets and pillows. I gulped, scared of what was to come. He leaned over me and placed his hand under my jaw. His alcohol scented breath struck my face, I cringed. He ran his tongue across my ear. Instantly, tears flooded my eyes. He looked at me, his eyes burning through my skin. He wrapped his fingers around my neck, not squeezing. With his other hand he slapped me across the face. Then he started to punch my stomach, my arms, my everything. The pain traveled through my body, each punch sent out a stinging sensation. I grunted in response to the impact of his fist. While he tormented me with one hand, he continued to close off my throat with the other. Breathing became more difficult because of his tightening grip on my neck and his repeated strikes to my body.

As my father was hitting me, I remembered Jaime was still in the closet. I had almost forgotten about his presence. Now aware that he was listening, I grew embarrassed. I never wanted Jaime to witness the abuse I receive.

Jaime's Point of View

Holy shit!

I sat in the dark closet quietly, listening to everything outside the door. I wasn't exactly sure what was happening, but it sure doesn't sound good. I heard thrashing, slapping, yelling, and groans. Could this be her father abusing her? Surely it had to be.

"Stop crying! You're a fucking ugly cunt!" I heard a male's voice say. Next, I could here staggered breathing and gasping. Along with that, more slapping or punching sounds were added to the mix.

Thinking about that man hitting my baby girl sent tears to my eyes. There was nothing I could do. My love is getting beaten and there's nothing I can do to save her. My phone was probably on the floor somewhere and I can't just burst out of here. Who knows what would happen if I revealed myself and tried to stop him. He would either kill me or her, and that can't happen.

"You piece of shit, you better not tell anyone about the fun we have." I heard his voice again. "If I find out you tell someone, you're fucking dead!" The man paused, "Maybe I should just get rid of you now, then I wouldn't have to worry about it later."

Whoa! Hearing his threat sent shivers down my spine. Tears were trickling down my face. I made sure not to sob or breathe heavily. I pulled my knees up to my chest and began to rock back and forth. I'm not even the one in his hands, but I'm scared to death right now. If he kills her, I will kill him. No doubt about it. Rosaline is the love of my life, even if he doesnt kill her I will get revenge for his actions. I will make him pay for all the pain he has caused her. One day, he'll get what he deserves. But for now, I must sit back and listen to the horrid noises coming from my girlfriend's room.


Sorry this is super short, it's more of a filler. I would write more but it's getting late. Anyways, hope y'all are enjoying this so far, I'll update as soon as possible!



I'm honestly flattered :) I didn't really think someone enjoy my writing that much.

twitchdelaraven twitchdelaraven

I'm so sorry I haven't updated in like a bazillion years! :( I was having trouble logging in. I'll start updating right away!

twitchdelaraven twitchdelaraven

Omg :0

DoOmKiTTy95 DoOmKiTTy95

Amazing. Please update again soon.