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This Love Was Out of Control

There's Nothing Surgery Can Do

*Jaime’s POV*

Last night was a blast. I went out with the guys, had a few drinks, and danced my ass off to cheesy disco music. Mike and Frenchi were drunk, obviously, and Tony actually danced with Caesar, or should I say, grinded down on her. But all good things must come to an end. I went home with the guys and saw Vic and Copeland laying next to each other.

Just before I hopped into bed, I received a phone call from an unknown number.


“Hello, is this Jaime Preciado-Fuentes?” a lady on the other line said.

“Yes, this is him.”

“Sorry to call so late. This is Dr. Stuart from the hospital, if you remember me. I was reviewing your test results on your heart and I think we have a solution to your syndrome. Would you like to know?”

“Yes, please.”

“There are two options. Since your heart decides to stop whenever it wants, we can prevent that with medicine, but it won’t stop your time span of living. This medicine will reduce your chances of your heart stopping abruptly.”

“What’s the other option?”

“The other option is for you to get surgery on your heart. If we fix the problem, it will add on more years of you living your life, but it won’t stop the fact that your heart is just too weak. Although it will add on more years, I’m sorry to say this, but your chances of living a long life can’t be possible.”

“So if I do the surgery, I’ll live longer, but not to the point where I’m old, correct?”


“And if I take the medicine, it will make my heart stop less?”


I didn’t know what to do. I really wanted Vic’s help with what I should do. Option A or Option B? Do I take the medicine or do the surgery? “Okay, I’m not really sure on what to do. I think I’ll do the surgery. When should I come in?”

“I will schedule an appointment for you Mr. Preciado-Fuentes. When is the best time for you to come in? This week or next week?”

“I can do it next week on a Friday.”

“Alrighty then, just booked you for next Friday,” Dr. Stuart said.

“Thank you so much. I’m glad you told me.”

“It was my pleasure, Sir. Have a wonderful night.”

I hung up and placed the phone on the night stand. I stared at Vic who was out like a light in bed. God, he’s perfect. Even when he sleeps, he’s a real angel sent from heaven. I don’t want to lose him. But it’s totally opposite; he’s gonna lose me. I just wish I didn’t have this stupid syndrome so Vic, Copeland, and I could live a happy life.


It was now morning and I was refreshed as hell. Not sure why, but I was. I walked into the kitchen and saw Mike playing with Copeland. That’s odd. He’s never playing with her. In fact, he doesn’t even like babies.

“What are you doing?” I asked him, taking out a cup for coffee.

“What does it look like I’m doing?” Mike said.

“Harassing my child,” I giggled.

He stuck his tongue out at me and continued to play with Cope.

“Where’s Vic?” I questioned, starting up the coffee.

“Uh, I think he went out for a little.”

Went out? Hm. “With you?” I snapped.

“With Kellin.”

Kellin. Of course. Even though Vic and I married and have a wonderful baby together, I always get this jittery emotion when Vic hangs out with Kellin. It’s like this one jealousy trigger in my veins that won’t shut off when it comes to them being all friendly. I don’t know why it bothers me so much. Is it because he knew Kellin longer than me? No, that’s not it. Is it the way Kellin makes him laugh like a dying whale? No, it can’t be that. Is it the way Vic looks at Kellin when they’re having a moment that drives me insane? That’s still not it. I don’t what it is.

“When will he be back?”

“I’m home!” Vic said, prancing his way through the door with…Kellin. “Hi, love,” Vic smiled, waving at me.

“Hey, babe,” I told him. “What’s up, Kellin?”

“Nothing…yet,” he winked.

What the fuck? What does he mean yet? “Oh? Okay.” I tried to ignore him, but I just couldn’t. “What do you mean yet?”

“Really, it’s nothing. Vic, can I steal you for a second?” He pulled Vic’s arm upstairs and shut the door before I could say anything.
What does he mean steal? He was already with him the whole day! Why would he have to take him away again?

“You wanna punch him, don’t you?” Mike laughed.

“I might take it there, but on the other hand, I don’t wanna start any trouble.”

I heard them laughing extremely loud in our room. What are they doing up there? I have to get in on this. I raced upstairs and opened the door.

“What are you guys laughing about?” I directed towards Kellin.

“Oh, just…something personal,” Kellin replied.

“Like what?”

Vic and Kellin stared at each other and then looked at me.

“Don’t you know what personal is, Jaime?” Kellin sneered.

“Well I just wanted to know. You’re telling Vic so it can’t be that personal.” He's his best friend, but I really wanted to know.

“I’ll tell you later. Now can you please?” He waved his hands towards the door, shooing me away.

*Kellin’s POV*

“So anyway, I walked over to Katelynne to help sew up my basketball shorts, and I accidentally stabbed myself with the needle,” I explained to Vic.

We both continued to laugh our asses off. I loved having my little chats with Vic. We never get to do this anymore and it's because of us constantly touring. We never get alone time.

“You really stabbed yourself with the sewing needling?!” Vic joked.

“Yeah, and it hurt so bad! Then Katelynne was all like ‘Omg I’ll go get you a bandage so we can wrap that up!’ and I was literally dying on the ground, just laughing.”

“That’s so funny, Kels! She really thought you hurt yourself to death. Don’t forget about the bad times when you used to…you know. I don’t wanna say it.”

“I know, I get it. But help me! What should I do?”

“You really like Katelynne that much?”

“Yes, and I don’t know how to ask her out! I feel like such a child that I don’t know what I’m doing. I should know what to do by now, but I don’t. How did you ask Jaime out?”

“I didn’t, he asked me out.”

“Are you kidding me?! That doesn’t help! I don’t know what to do.”

“Just be cool about it, ya know?”

“At least help me decide how I will approach the situation.”

“Get her flowers and buy her chocolate, or you could write her a letter and give her a big ass teddy bear.”

“That’s so cliché.”

“So?! Girls love that! Trust me, I would know. I used to be straight, remember?”

“Oh yeah…Cara.”

“Don’t mention her name, please,” Vic said, covering his face.

“Why not?”

“I got closure with her so I don’t really want anyone to mention her again. She’s not important in my life anymore. All I need is my family and friends, nothing more.”

“What about all your fans?”

“Fuck yeah, all my fans matter to me! They’re the reason we’re this big. So are you guys too! Sleeping with Sirens has been blowing up. I think you have more fans from that acoustic album you made.”

“Yeah,” I smiled widely. “Sleeping with Sirens fans are the greatest.”


*Jaime’s POV*

I’ve been dying to tell Vic about the surgery I’m going to do, but he’s been busy with Kellin all day. If only I could rip them apart for a couple of minutes.

I was chilling on the couch with Tony and Copeland when Vic and Kellin finally came out of the room. What were they doing in there?

“Coco!” Kellin cheered.

“Coco?” Vic and I said in unison.

“Yeah, you know, Coco…Copeland?”

“Like I said before; you’re retarded as fuck,” Vic chucked.

“Vic, can I speak with you for just a moment? It’s important,” I said towards Vic.


We both got up and headed into the kitchen.

“What’s up, Jaime?”

“I don’t know how to say this, but…I’m having surgery on my heart next Friday.”


“Dr. Stuart called me last night before I went to bed and she said I could get surgery on my heart to increase my life span. It won’t change the fact that I’m going to die, but it will add on more years for me. I don‘t know how much it‘s gonna cost, but-”

“Forget the price. Do the surgery. Please do it, anything to make you better.” He had such concern in his voice, and it almost made me tear up.

“Not to change the subject, but what were you and Kellin laughing about earlier?”

“It’s not important.”

“But I want to know.”

“It’s just something that has to do with him and Katelynne, alright?”

I didn’t wanna sound suspicious so I dropped the subject. “Okay.” Hopefully he was telling the truth.


It shouldn’t bother me that Vic didn’t necessarily tell me what him and Kellin were laughing about, but it does. He only told me that it dealt with Kellin and Katelynne, nothing else.

It was getting late so I put Copeland to bed and hopped into bed myself. I stared at the clock for about five minutes, and it was now 10:15 pm. I wasn’t tired, but I didn’t feel like going out or watching TV.

Vic and Kellin were out again, leaving me by myself. Tony and Mike were practically out clubbing with their chicks every night. I didn’t know what to do by myself. The only thing I could do was sleep.

I felt a soft rub on my shoulder, about four hours later. I opened my eyes slightly, noticing it was Vic dipping the bed down to get in.

“Where were you?” I asked him.

“I was out with Kellin.”

I closed my eyes and imagined the worst scenario that Vic and Kellin could’ve done. I didn’t like what I saw in my head. I envisioned them having sex, and Kellin getting on top of him to ride him. I don't know why I would picture something like that. I hastily shook it from my brain.

“Jaime, you asleep?” Vic whispered. “Jaime?”

I didn’t wanna answer him. I was not happy at the moment.

“Jaime, please wake up. I want someone to talk to.”

I turned around in the bed to face him. “Oh really? I wanted someone to talk to as well; but no, you didn’t think about that.”

“Why are you talking like that?”

I stayed silent.

“Don’t tell me this is about me hanging out with Kellin the whole night?”

“You forgot the whole day, too,” I growled.

“He’s my best friend, love.”

“Are you sure he isn’t more than that?” I rotated my body around so I didn’t have to look at him.

“Jaime, don’t talk like that. You know I love you.”

“Prove it.”

“Prove it? Okay, I will. But first, look at me.”

I circled myself so I was facing him again.

“You see this ring?” he said, showing me the diamond ring I got him for our wedding. “It means I’m dedicated to you and you only. It’s a symbol of our love. If I didn’t love you, I’d take it off and throw it in the ocean. I’m never taking this ring off, ever; you hear me?”

“I’m trying to be mad at you, but you’re making it very difficult for me to be annoying.”

Vic giggled at me. “Jaime, you are my world. You’re mine forever. I don’t care if you’re sick. Through sickness and in health, remember? I love you with all of my heart.”

“You always know what to say to make me smile. I fucking hate you, Victor Vincent.”

“Shut up and make love to me.”

“It’s really late,” I told him.

“Tomorrow night?”

“Sure, babe."




Would really like to see a sequel :)

I just started reading this and im on chapter five then I accidently read the top comment about Jaime dying and now im pissed at myself

You little fucker JAIME IS NOT ALOUD TO DIE I CRYED FOR THREE CHAPTERS STRIGHT but it was nice that you put him memories at the end it's a great story

Ptvlover213 Ptvlover213



Sorry, I just really freaking love this story and I kinda lost it when you killed Jaime.