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This Love Was Out of Control

This One's For You

*Jaime’s POV*


He just flipped me off.

Maybe he’s not so perfect…Asshole.

“Can we leave now?” I asked very annoyed getting up out of the seat I was in.

“Are you done?” Tony questioned, staring at me.

“Well, ya know, all the food in front of me is now completely in my stomach and you can guess where it’s heading off to now.”

“Eww, ya nasty ass.”

“Yup, going down to my ass. You’re right,” I laughed.

I thought to myself as we left McDonald’s. Why did he flip me off? Why was he staring at me like that? Did he know me from somewhere? He was actually really hot but flipping me off made him look like an asshole. Well wherever he‘s going, I hope he doesn‘t go to my new school. I‘d be fucked. He‘s like one of those mean douche bags that takes people‘s money and shoved little kids into their lockers. Or beats on girls and thinks he‘s so badass when he‘s not.

I just perfer him not going to the school I’m going to enter. If he does though, I wouldn’t want to come in contact with him. He’s so mean to people. But what if I’m wrong? Well how can I be? He flipped me the bird and walked out smirking at me. I’m seeing asshole right at the top.

But then again, maybe he’s just showing off in front of his friends. Tryna act all cool and shit to make himself all high and mighty.

I kind of did wanna see him again. He’s beautiful and I’ve never seen anyone that looks as great as him. My last boyfriend was a dick to me. He wasn’t that nice looking either. I can’t call him a straight up stud but I could for this Fuentes guy. Only thing he needs to change his attitude towards people…and his sexuality and if he’s straight. I can totally turn a straight guy gay for me. I did it before and it worked out great. So why not him?

I wonder if he really acts the way he does on purpose or if it’s just for attention. Yeah, I’m gonna say it’s just for the attention. He looked a little shy when he stood by himself near the restroom door. Just scrolling through his phone is typically what everyone happens to do when they don’t wanna feel awkward standing alone.


This school shit is really annoying.

It was about 10:05 pm and wasn’t tired. Tony literally dragged me to bed like a little kid. Yelling at me and shit. But he’s just doing his job and I don’t really mind too much.

I don’t wanna start school tomorrow. And I honestly don’t wanna see that Fuentes guy. But then again, I do. I don’t mind seeing his face again. As long as he doesn’t fuck with me and keeps his shit together, I’ll be alright.


-the next day-

Tony dropped me off at this gigantic school known as Mountain View High.

I don’t know how to drive yet or else I would’ve driven myself. My mom never took the time to actually teach me or get me some lessons. She didn’t wanna pay for it.

I walked into school, seemingly clueless, and I collected lots of stares from people. All eyes were on me.

Good. I like that shit. When everyone watches me. I really do. People will get to see how much of a cool and nice person I am. Not so much for being gay but who I am on the inside.

I asked a really pretty girl, mounted on her high heels, standing with her friends, where the office was. I still have yet to pick up my schedule.

“It’s over there,” she smiled and pointed behind me. She was very comforting and had a warm smile on her face. She looks friendly. I hope I’m not wrong like I was with that guy over there. I swiftly turned my head to see who I was staring at…………………..OH MY GOD. NO. NOOO. HE’S HERE?! IN THIS SCHOOL?! THE FUENTES GUY?! FUCK!

I tried not to have a panic attack as I rotated my body to walk toward the office. I calmed myself and picked up my schedule.

I walked back out and noticed that the girl was smiling at me. I think she blushed a little. This tall girl kept flipping her attention from her friends to me. I hopeshe doesn’t like me. I’m not into girls but I love having them as friends. Their amazing to hang out with and I like helping them with their girl problems. I think I get a laugh out of it sometimes but I still respect their feelings.

The bell rang. I started to freak out. I looked around and only a couple people were strolling off to their class. Was it not time to go yet? The bell rang, didn’t it?

I looked back at the girl and found her smiling at me again. Yeah I need to go talk to her before she has like an orgasm just fixing her eyes on me.

“Umm, hi,” I smiled nervously, grasping my schedule to my chest.

“Hi,” she giggled, throwing her bag over her shoulder.

“Listen I’m new here and I still need to adjust to this new life style…and my schedule. So can you tell me how to like read this?” Another smile spread across her face. She took the paper from my hand.

“Well you have 6 classes and it’s going in order by the hour. See, 1, 2, 3, 4-”

“5, 6,” I said cutting her off but politely. “I get it. Thanks I pick up quickly. But there’s something I didn’t pick up on. I heard the bell ring and only a couple people went to class. What did I miss there?”

“That was the warning bell. It rings at 7:15. The bell that class starts on is 7:20...sharp.”

Ohhhhhh. “Alright, so I guess we all just chill where we want until the bell rings every morning?” She nodded. “So… uh, you gotta name or am I gonna have to guess?”

She twirled a strand of hair on her finger and licked her lips. “You get three tries. Then I’ll just tell you to put you out of misery.”

I laughed at her comment.

Well I can only think of a couple. Literally, I’m not good with girl names. “Amy?”

“No,” she laughed.

“Hmmm…is it Jillian?”


Fuck it. “Caesar?… I don’t know…!” Ok, that’s so stupid that I said her name was Caesar. That’s clearly a boy’s name so I just blew my last shot. The reason I said that is because this name game is hard and I’m irritated with Caesar, aka Tony, for making me finish my last year.

“YEAH! You got it!” she clapped with joy.

Are you fucking serious?! “No fucking way, really?!”

“Yeah! I can’t believe you guessed it! No one ever gets it right.”

“Well, don’t I feel special,” I smiled at her.

“Wait, maybe it’s because you’re name is Caesar too?”

“Uhhh, nooooo. My best friend’s name is Caesar, but I call him Tony. Everyone does.”

“So gotta name or am I stuck guessing it?”

“Well,” I mocked her, twirling a piece of my hair that was sticking out, “you get three tries. Then I’ll put you out of your misery.” She playfully punched my arm. I nudged away but she still got me. “I’m kidding, the name’s Preciado……….. Jaime.”

“You’re Mexican, aren’t you?”

“Duh, I mean….fuck. Look at me.” I turned my body around like I was in a fashion show and noticed that I got funny stares from people all around me. But I didn’t care. I made Caesar laugh and that’s what matters most.

“You’re funny, Jaime. But we gotta get to class because Mario will yell at us.”

“Mario?” I questioned, almost giggling to myself.

“Yeah, he’s the hall monitor. He’ll literally ship you off to the office for not having a pass to class or some shit like that.”

We gathered our thoughts and threw our bags over our shoulders. “So I’m looking at your schedule and we have 1st hour and 4th hour together. Foods and Biology.”

“Good. I need a friend to start off with,” I said as we walked along to first hour. I took my schedule from her hand. “Isn’t Biology for like Freshmen? I mean I took that three years ago.”

“It is but the school switched it up last year. They assumed that Biology was harder and a lot of Freshmen needed extra help with it. So they transferred the science classes with the Senior class ro the Freshies.”

“That’s stupid. Now I have to relearn everything! I was good in Biology. Fuck.”

“Come on, Jaime. We need to walk faster. The foods class is down that hallway.” We fast-walked to the door that read Mrs. Wilson’s room. The class was already packed with kids that were all loud and talkative. I think I’m going to fit in perfectly with this class.


4th hour pulled in quickly and everyone was up out of their seats, throwing pencils and erasers all around the class.

I glanced at Caesar talking with a guy I haven’t seen before. He looked like he could be part of the mix of guys I saw at McDonald’s yesterday. And apparently, he was because when she got up to dash over to me, he quickly turned his attention to the boy with the short black hair. He was at McDonald’s the other day. I remember him. The really pale and petite one.

“Hey, Jaime! I already told the teacher that we’re having a new student.”

“Are you like my peer guide or something? Cuz if you wanna be, I’d like that. I still need to get used to the school.”

“Then peer guide it is,” she smiled, grabbing my hand and walking me over to the back where she was sitting.

Before we sat down, she said something to me that kind of surprised me. “And your secret is safe with me if you don’t want me telling.”

??? “What secret?” No seriously, what secret?

“It’s kind of obvious. I know you’re gay.”

How does she even know this? “How did you guess?”

“The same way you guessed my name was Caesar.”

“Well, my friend’s name is Caesar…so do you have a friend that’s gay?”

“Actually, he’s bi. He’s my boyfriend. But I heard that he might dump me for his best friend.”

I wanted to hug her tightly. “Oh, I’m so sorry. That’s terrible.”

“I mean I don’t know if it’s true but if it is, I’ll be devastated. I don’t think I can handle it.”
“Listen,” I started to hug her. “If you ever need to talk about anything, I am here for you, alright?” She hugged me tighter and released.

“Ok everyone! Sit down now…..Ladies and Gentlemen!” Everyone immediately sat in their seats while I stood up near the side of the class. “I’m going to take attendence.” He started calling out people’s names and they shouted “here” so he can hear them. We were still towards the beginning of the alphabet when I heard a Vic Fuentes come out from the teacher’s mouth, I flipped a shit. I turned around to glare at him and he was already peering at me. He smiled a not-so-pleasant smile at me and turned away to look at the pale guy.


“Here!” he yelled.

“You won’t be unless you take that hat off.” Everyone in the class smirked or laughed aloud.

The names continued and I wasn’t going to be called on. At least not today.

“Ok, class. Listen up, we have a new student with us. Jaime, is it?”

“It’s Jaime. And yeah, pretty much.” I saw Vic turn his head to look at his brother and Mike looked at this other tall guy. I forgot what his name was though.

“Ok, Jaime. You’ll be sitting next to Caesar back there. But only for today because tomorrow, we’re switching seats to get new lab partners.” Some of the girls pouted and looked glum. The guys just gave the teacher mean stares. “But first, would you like to introduce yourself to the class and tell us a little bit about you?”

“Yeah! Why not?!” I was so flabbergasted to tell the class about myself but everyone else didn’t give a shit. Whatever. Fucking boring ass people. At least look alive! I swear the girl sluching behind Caesar was dead.

I walked up to the front of the class. I glanced at everyone’s face before I spoke. I stopped at Vic’s seat. He actually looked interested to know about me. Good. I want him to know the real me. Who I really am. Should I do it? Should I just tell everyone that I’m gay? I’d rather have the school know then spread stupid rumors about me that aren’t true.

“Hello…my name Jaime. I from Spain. I come to live better life. To get money and bring back to my country.” I saw Caesar giggling her ass off in the backgound because she already knows how I speak.
The whole class was dead silent.

“Naw, I’m just fuckin with you guys!…I’m Jaime Preciado. I used to live in Michigan and I moved out here with my friend Tony.” I cracked a joke and I enjoyed doing that.

The teacher actually laughed a little. “Good one, Jaime. I do allow swearing in my class but to a very minimal amount.”

“Alright. Sorry about that.” He nodded and told me to continue. “So, this may shock most of you but I guess I might as well come out and say it.” I took a deep breath, waiting for everyone’s reaction. “I’m gay.” I smiled like a loser to myself and gave the class a thumb’s up. No one said anything… except Fuentes. I don’t know which one was older but judging by height right now, Mike was older. I could be wrong.

“That just made you look like a punkass,” he laughed, slouching away in his seat.

“Mike! Absolutely not! Do you want to sit in the hall?” the teacher shot a rude expression towards him and he didn’t answer him.

“It’s ok. I’m used to it.” I looked at Vic who had all eyes and ears on me. I bit mylip. “But I don’t really care anymore because, you know, I am who I am. I’m not trying to pretend I’m somebody else. If being gay makes me a punkass, then I don‘t really care. I‘ve learned to accept myself for who I am.” I swear at some point, Vic twitched at his mouth, almost wanting to smile at me. But it didn’t seem to cross his face.


6th hour was ending and I was ready to have Tony pick me up. I started to gather my belongings and I headed for the door.

As I strolled to the main entrance, I felt a hand pull me toward the office. It was Caesar.

“Hey. I know you probably have to leave but do you think you can come to a soccer game with me next week? It’s going to be MV vs. KB. And it’s out in the field at our school. But I want you to sit on the sidelines with me as they practice. The practice is the day before the game. So can you come to both with me? Please?!”

“Sure! I’m good at soccer. I don’t take sports seriously but I love soccer. So yes, I’ll be there.”

“Goodie!” she smiled widely and hugged me.

I walked out of school and saw Tony waiting outside for me.

Maybe this new school isn’t such a bad idea after all. I think I’ll learn to enjoy it here.

And who knows? Vic Fuentes is not going to be the only badass in this school anymore.
Chapter 2


*title credit: Of Mice & Men;)
-sorry if there are grammer mistakes, i was in a rush to finish this xD

-comments please!!! HAHAHAAAHH!!!;*


Would really like to see a sequel :)

I just started reading this and im on chapter five then I accidently read the top comment about Jaime dying and now im pissed at myself

You little fucker JAIME IS NOT ALOUD TO DIE I CRYED FOR THREE CHAPTERS STRIGHT but it was nice that you put him memories at the end it's a great story

Ptvlover213 Ptvlover213



Sorry, I just really freaking love this story and I kinda lost it when you killed Jaime.