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Worlds Over, Time to Die. Nothing Left but our Souls Inside.

April 22, 2016- Jessica Hattersley

The night finally caughtup to us, the sound of the spring breeze brushing through the trees, made this night oh so peaceful. The giggle of little Ciel and the high pitched voice that came from Liam made me know that tonight was going to be a good night. Everybody was sleeping, I believe. Slight snores were coming from some rooms, and I couldn't blame any of them. The trip to get to where we are now was long and very tiring. But in the end it was all worth it. Finding loads of edible foods and having water almost daily felt like we were living a normal life again, although not quite yet. We were closer to the East Coast, making me miss my home.
I felt very homesick.
Today would be those weird days I got often in where I missed teaching my student and see their smiles or their frowns when they struggled with the class work. I wonder if they're still alive or have moved out of the state like we had. We still had some of us watch outside just in case anything came running into us, though the risks were surprisingly very low. The cities are isolated not infected as it was back in the West Coast. If you wanted to take a walk in the middle of the day, you could. We wouldn't run into some mindless creatures trying to eat you or something. It was safe. Everybody seemed more at peace as we got closer to the other side of the U.S.A. Freedom was so close yet so far at the same time. We would finally be able to live our normal lives and be able to grow old and all that good stuff we wanted back home. With all those earthquakes and the earth slowly taking away parts of California, maybe at this point, hometown didn't exist anymore. All those who died are probably miles under water and they will never be found. This is getting pretty depressing now.
First hope and then death.
That's just life I suppose. But I guess we had a purpose. We are alive and going to make it to our destination.
I am positive about that.

The moon is shinning brightly and my eyes are getting heavy

. -Jessica H.


It feels like I haven't updated in forever.
Hope you enjoy.


No not from VA just spent.a half hour researching beforehand. So glad you like it! And sorry about your heart, we feel your pain as well trust me, sometime we hate doing this to ourselves!

Devynleigh Devynleigh


LoveRiot LoveRiot

Is one of y'all from VA? Just curious cuz of the lil details about the botanical garden and stuff. (Tbh it made my heart flutter a bit cuz I was like "IVE BEEN THERE I KNOW WHERE THAT IS!!!" lol) A+ place for a proposal btw I like his plan

LoveRiot LoveRiot

Well hot damn we got ourselves a theorist! and a Stephen King fan, I LIKE IT! haha

Merrp Merrp

OMG!!!! I'm so happy right now! Can this happen for real though?!
For some reason I fell like D.C has something to do with a quarantine. Like they get there but they find this wall of sorts and they're denied entry because they've been in the "infected" zone. It could be all of the zombie/disease books I've been reading, too. I read "The Girl with All of the Gifts" by M.R Carey before this story and just reread "Dreamcatcher" by Stephen King. Can't wait for more!

Mepenguin26 Mepenguin26