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Hold On Till May

Chapter 12.

The next morning, I woke up to my phone ringing on the bedside cabinet.

I groaned and rolled over, answering the phone without looking at who it was calling me at this stupid time in the morning.

“Hello?” I answered groggily.

“Sorry Soph, did I wake you?” I heard Vic say down the phone.

“Of course you did, it’s still early in the morning.” I grumbled.

“It’s One in the afternoon, love.” He responded.

At that I jumped up and looked at the little clock I had in my room. Sure enough, it was past One O’Clock.

“Oops, sorry.” I shrugged.

I heard Vic laugh.

“It’s alright. I was just calling to see if you were still up for today?”

“Of course, I’ll go downstairs at let mom know I’m back and tell her you’re on your way over, and then I’ll go and shower. I feel disgusting, so I might be a while.” I told him, knowing that it doesn’t take him long to get here.

“That’s fine. I’ll just wait for you downstairs.”

“Great. I’ll see you shortly, then?” I questioned.

“Yep.” He responded, as I heard a door slam shut and the sound of him walking outside.

“Alright, see you in a bit.” I said, before hanging up.

I chucked my phone on the bed and kicked the blanket off me, before standing up and making my way out of the room. I could hear mom moving around downstairs, singing quietly to herself.

As I entered the kitchen, where I found her baking, she turned around and jumped when she saw me.

“Sophia, don’t scare your mother like that.” She said, trying to sound angry, until she started giggling.

“Sorry mom.” I responded, smiling softly.

“I don’t mean to be rude hunny, but what are you doing back here? I thought you were staying over at the Fuentes house hold for a couple of days?” She questioned.

“I was going to but then something happened and I also just wanted to be back here with you after everything that happened yesterday.” I frowned.

I saw the look of pain make its way across moms features, as her body stiffened.

“Okay. So when did you get back?”

“Last night, you were asleep on the couch, so I just covered you with the blanket and made my way up into my room.” I answered.

“Alright sweetie, well I’m glad you’re back.” She smiled.

“Me too, mom. I love you and I know I haven’t done this yet, so thank you for getting home when you did yesterday, I honestly don’t know what else he would’ve done.” I said.

I felt myself well up and images from him attacking me filled my mind, along with the letter he left.

“It’s alright, Soph. As soon as I pulled up into the driveway, I heard you screaming, so got in here as soon as I possibly could.”

I nodded and hugged her, before telling her I was going up for a shower and that Vic was on his way over. She nodded and continued with her baking as I ran upstairs.

I made my way back into my room, picking out my outfit for the day, which consisted of a pair of jeans and an Avenged Sevenfold T-Shirt.

I picked them up, along with my underwear, and made my way into the bathroom. I grabbed myself two towels. One for my hair, while the other was for my body and turned the water on. I let it heat up, before stepping under, being careful with the burns on my arm.

After shampooing and conditioning my hair, I scrubbed at the rest of my body, before stepping out and shutting the shower off.

I towel dried my hair, and wrapped the other towel around me, while I brushed my teeth. After, I made sure the rest of me was dry, before dropping the towel and getting dressed.

Once I was ready, I threw the towels in the basket that we have in the corner of the bathroom, and made my way out and back to my bedroom, where I brushed my hair and tied it up in a high bun.

As I was finishing with my hair, I could hear that Vic had arrived and was talking with my mom. Even from up here, I could hear the concern in their voices. Knowing they were talking about me, I sighed and made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen, where both of them stood with mugs in their hands, and abruptly stopping their conversations.

“Go on, keep talking about me. I already know you were.” I said, shrugging and going over to the kettle, where I could see it hadn’t long been boiled.

I poured the water into a mug and made myself a coffee, before turning around and telling Vic to follow me.

We made our way upstairs and into my room, like we always used to when we had our movie days. Vic would always insist we go to my room because my bed was comfy, and I agreed with him, because many times he’d be asleep before the last film had finished.

As we entered my room, I placed my cup down and went over to my DVD collection.

“I hope you don’t mind watching Lady And The Tramp.” I told him.

“That’s fine, I know it’s your favourite film.” He said.

I continued to look through and found Charlie & The Chocolate Factory, Peter Pan, Edward Scissorhands, and Beetlejuice. All films we had watched together before.

I stood up and showed them all to Vic, who just nodded and took the first one from me and started my DVD player.

I was walking around my room, tidying a few things up, when I heard Vic speak up.

“What’s this?” He questioned.

I turned around and saw him holding the letter Craig and left me.

Looking at Vic, I felt myself blush as I snatched it out of his hands.

“It’s a note Craig left me.” I mumbled.

He muttered a response, as he took the letter back and read through it. I could see the anger in his eyes, which faded slightly as he got further down the page.

“He’s ended things with you?” He questioned.

I simply nodded.

“By letter?”

Again, I nodded.

“What a fucking jackass.”

I frowned as I watched him fling the note back into my desk.

“Don’t call him that, please Vic.” I said, fighting back the tears.

“Why not, Soph? Because it’s what he is.” He answered.

“Because I still love him Vic. After everything he’s done, I still love him and I know I said I’d take a break from our relationship, but I always believed we’d get back together. He’s sorry, he said it so many times in that letter and I know of his past, what his dad did to his mom, before he even mentioned it in the letter, that’s why I didn’t think of what he did to me too much.

“He has his dads anger, Vic, and he wants to go and get help. Even if he doesn’t know, I’m going to support him through it, because I believe he can change. Honestly, Vic. You have no idea what he is really like. You weren’t around to see him before he changed. So don’t judge him, just based on what you’ve seen. So believe me when I say he was the most sweet, caring guy I have ever met, he was there for me when I witnessed my mom and dad splitting up, when I found out my dad has another kid with another woman he has been seeing for three years. He was there for me when you and Mike left. He’s helped me through so much, while I’ve done nothing. The only thing I probably did for him was agreeing to go to your concert, even though at the time I hated you guys so god damn much for just leaving me.”

By the time I had finished I was crying. Vic pulled me to him, wrapping his arms around me tightly, as I cried into his shoulder.

“I’m sorry Soph. I do believe you, it’s just hard to see it when all I have seen if him treating you wrong. I know he can’t have been like it all the time, otherwise you wouldn’t be with him still. But you have to realise, him ending your relationship is probably the best. I know he cares, as he said in the letter, he’s worried for your safety the whole time you’re with him. So I’ll give him that. But I’m still not going to like him, until I have seen him treat you the way he should, with nothing but love and care.” He told me.

I nodded and continued to hug him.

“I still want to see him one last time, Vic. I don’t want our last moments to be him hurting me. I want one last hug off him, one last kiss.” I all but whispered.

“Then call him sweetie. Tell him if the relationship is over for good, that you want to see him one last time and end it on a good note.” He said.

By now, both of us had forgotten about the movie waiting to be played on my T.V. screen.

“Really? You’re okay with that? I thought you’d try to stop me or something.” I said, pulling away.
At that Vic chuckled.

“Why would I do that? I’m your friend Soph, not your boyfriend. Just because I don’t like him, doesn’t mean I don’t want you to go and end it on good terms with him. Give him and call or text now.” He said, passing me my phone.

I nodded and decided on texting Craig, knowing I wouldn’t be able to talk on the phone.

As I waited for a response, we moved ourselves so we were lying down on my bed and watching the screen as Vic pressed play. I kept hold of my phone and checking it every five minutes. I was eager. Eventually, Vic took my phone away from me and placed it on his other side, making sure I couldn’t reach for it. I frowned and cuddled into his side, and decided to watch the film.

We were in the middle of the film, when I could feel myself dozing off. The sounds of the film were now just background noise, while the heat radiating off of Vic’s body relaxed me.

Suddenly, Vic was shaking me, calling my name softly.

I made a noise to let him know I was awake, once he shook me again.

“Your phone went off.” He spoke.

At that, I quickly sat up, causing myself to go slightly dizzy, as I grabbed my phone off him. I unlocked it to see a new message from Craig.

I read it carefully and jumped up. I rushed around my room, looking for a pair of shoes and jacket.

“Whoa, Soph, calm down. What’s going on?” Vic asked, moving to the edge of my bed.

“He’s asked me to meet him at Starbucks in fifteen minute.” I responded.

Once I had found everything I needed I turned back to Vic.

“Will you come with me?” I asked.

“Are you sure?” He questioned.

“Yeah, I don’t want to go alone, if I know you’re near I’ll feel safer.” I frowned.

Vic sighed and nodded, before coming over to me and giving me a hug.

“If it’s what you want, I’ll come with, I’ll stay the other side of the room.” He spoke.

I nodded and we made our way down the stairs. I let mom know we were heading out, as Vic lead the way and shut the door behind me.

We got into his car, before we started the short drive to Starbucks.

By the time we arrived, Craig was already sat at a booth, two drinks in front of him. I saw him look up as we entered. He looked awful to say the least.

I felt Vic place a hand on my shoulder. I turned round and nodded, before he went off in the opposite direction and I made my way to Craig.

As I approached, he stood up, causing me to walk faster and wrap my arms around him. I felt him stiffen, before slowly wrapping his arms around me.

“I’m so sorry Soph.” He whispered.

Suddenly, I felt his body shaking, as he buried his face into my neck.

“It’s okay.” I muttered.

He pulled away and shook his head.

“No it’s not. I hurt you. That is not okay.” He said.

I ignored what he said and pulled him closer to me, and kissed him gently. Almost instantly, I felt him relax and kiss back, wrapping his arms around me once again.

Eventually we pulled away and sat down.

“Why didn’t you press charges, Soph?” He questioned.

“Because there was no need to.” I shrugged.

“I think you’re stupid for that.” He frowned.

“So does everyone else. But I don’t care. It was nothing.” I said.

“It wasn’t nothing, Sophia. I burnt you. That is not nothing.” He whispered harshly.

I shook my head.

“Whatever Craig. I didn’t come here so we could argue over that. If you really are ending this relationship, I want to end on good terms.” I frowned.

I looked up and saw the hurt written all over his face.

“It’s for the best we end things, don’t you think?” He questioned.

“I think we could’ve worked things out.” I shrugged.

“Who are you kidding, Soph? We both know that wouldn’t happen. Face it, all the time we’re together and you’re friends with Mike I’m going to be jealous. And we both know that doesn’t work out well, I mean look where that got us yesterday.” He said, pointing to my arm.

I looked down at it and placed it under the table.

“I don’t want to risk doing that again. I’d rather end the relationship and you no longer being at risk. If we stayed together and I ended up doing what my father did to my mother, I would regret it so fucking much. I wouldn’t be able to living knowing I did that. I want to end things for your own safety, Sophia.”

“See, that doesn’t help me here Craig. I want to hate you, never see your face again because of yesterday. But I can’t I love you, because I know you weren’t always like this, you were wonderful at the beginning of this relationship, and you still care now. It makes it harder for me, knowing you no longer want to be part of this relationship.” I said, holding back a sob, as tears started making their way down my cheeks.

“Soph, don’t cry please? I do love you, and I want to be part of this relationship, I really do. But not while I’m like this. I love you and always will. We’ll go our separate ways after today and if we are meant to be, we’ll find our way back to each other. Don’t think because I’m ending it means I no longer love you, because I do. I just want to move away from everything for a while, get my head sorted out, see my family, visit my mom’s grave and get myself better. I want to get my anger under control.” He spoke.

“I know. It’s just for so long now, you’ve pretty much been the only one there for me and now you’re going. I understand why, and I’ll support you no matter what, but I’m going to miss you Craig. You were the only one to show me any attention while no one else would.” I cried.

“Please don’t cry. It’ll makes things harder than they already are. I won’t be gone forever. I promise we’ll see each other in the future and I’ll be a better person.”

I just nodded, as I wiped my tears away.

“I’m sorry.” I choked out with a little giggle through the tears.

I watched as he smiled softly. The smile I’m going to miss seeing daily, and his laugh, his contagious and beautiful sounding laugh, and the way his eyes sparkle whenever he did one of those two things. I’m going to miss it all, I’m going to miss him.

“Did I see you come in with Vic earlier?” He questioned, looking around the place.

I nodded and started looking around with him, when I spotted Vic sat in the corner, watching us. I pointed him out, getting Craig to look over, as I beckoned Vic over. He instantly stood up and made his way over, as Craig and I also stood up. We started to walk towards Vic as he walked over to us and we headed outside.

Once away from Starbucks, I looked over at Vic to seeing him staring Craig down.

“I’m sorry for the way I treated Sophia, dude, I know she’s like a sister to you guys and I know you probably hate my guts and are glad I’m going. I just want to apologise.” Craig said.

Vic’s stare softened slightly and he nodded.

“Well thanks for apologising.” Vic responded.

Craig nodded, before turning to me.

“Well, I guess it’s goodbye.” He said, pulling me into a hug.

“Look after yourself, find someone who will treat you right. It’s what you deserve. You’re a wonderful girl and any guy would be stupid not to see that.” He whispered.

I choked back a sob and nodded.

We pulled out of the hug and he grabbed the sides of my face, giving me a kiss. I melted into his touch.

“I love you.” He muttered against my lips.

“I love you too.” I cried.

I felt him kiss my tears away, and place a kiss on my forehead, before pulling away completely. He then turned to Vic and held his hand out to shake, Vic shook his hand, and they did that ‘man hug’. I could hear whispering, before they both nodded and pulled away.

Craig once again turned to me.

“I’ll miss you, but I promise, we’ll see each other again in the future. I’ll be a better person.” He spoke.

I nodded and we hugged one last time, before he turned and made his way down the street, as I just stood there, sobbing, watching as he faded away.

“Come on, let’s get you home.”


I think this is the longest chapter yet. It's also one of my favourites, even though there is no Mike in it, he'll be back shortly though, so don't worry.

Let me know what you think and I'll try and get some more out as soon as possible.



Update soon please! I just read all the chapters and I'm in love. Sophia and Mike are so cute together. Sophia's dad finally came around, YAY!


meghnn meghnn
awww i want them to be together so bad :(
I want more fluffiness (:
Eee, awww so cute! I want them to be together man!!