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Roots Beneath Ideals

I'll Always Be There

I jumped out of my bed and went into panic mode. I thought last night was just a dream, I really don’t know what the hell is going on. Did last night really happen? Come on Keri think, think! A light bulb flashed in my head.

Look down at yourself Keri.

I looked down to see if I had any clothes on and I did. I closed my eyes let out a breathe of relief.

“Thank God.” I whispered to myself.

“I can vouch that we didn’t have sex last night.” I heard Vic’s voice.

I jumped a little and let out a nervous laugh. I looked up to reply and his back was facing me. I hate when he does that! You are not allowed to know what I’m thinking when you’re not even facing me!

“Then what did happen last night? Why are you taking up my valuable bed space?”

“Your bed can fit up to three people, calm your tits already and just come back over here so I can tell you what happened.”

I grumbled and climbed back into bed. I pulled my legs up and rested my chin on my knees. Honestly there was a part of me that was slightly disappointed. Maybe if something did happen last night… I don’t know.

“Why are you so worried?” Vic asked, his back still facing me.

“Because I am. It all felt so real and I was happy.”

“What’s wrong with being happy?”

“Nothing, I just… I can’t be happy with you, not the same way I was before.”

Vic sighed and rolled over. I could feel his eyes piercing into my soul, reading me like I was open book exposed to the world.

“Do you recall anything from last night?”

“I’m not sure.”

“Do you remember me saying I ended things with Emma?”

So that part was real.

I nodded my head.
“I also said I was thinking about quitting school.”

“You what?!”

That was not in my dream at all.

“Can you calm down?”

“No! Are you nuts, why would you do that?!”

“I’m where I want to be, well half way. My band just got signed, that’s what I’ve always wanted to do was make music and share it with millions of people. I have no purpose for school anymore.”

“Yes, but what if-.”

“No what ifs, this is it. I can always go back to school, but it isn’t my number one priority anymore.”

He did have a point.

“Can you come here?”

“Come where?” I asked really confused.

“In my arms, where you belong. They’re so lonely without you in them.”

I looked down at Vic with his arms open and a big smile on his face. A smile also crept onto my face and I positioned myself in his arms. Was I the most comfortable and happiest girl right now? Yes. Was I also still unsure of my feelings about being with Vic again? Definitely. But right now at this moment, I didn’t care about anything, not even how and why Vic ended up spending the night. Vic was right, this is where I belong.

“I’ll continue to wait for you Keri, as long as it takes. I realized my mistake over and over again. Losing my girlfriend was one thing, but I’ll be damned if I lose my best friend. But I would definitely like my girlfriend back.”

“What if I never take you back, because I’m afraid of being hurt again? I’m barely holding it together as it is so how do I know for sure that we can go back to normal and everything be okay?”

“You don’t. All I know is that I belong with you and you belong with me, you’re my sweetheart. My everything. No one or thing will ever change that.”

I felt my tears fall down my face, “I’m so scared.”

Vic tightened his grip around me, “It’s okay to be scared. I’ll always be there to make everything better.”


@#13790 Thanks I'm glad you're enjoying your read

heyyitskee heyyitskee
this is the best story i've read so far!
#13790 #13790