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Roots Beneath Ideals

Be My Escape

Just like I was promised I was allowed to go out every night that I did as I was told. It got to the point where I was so jumpy to go out. Even though I was blindfolded I still enjoyed the few minutes I had being outside. I guess Stockholm was kicking into gear or Terrence was getting nicer. I don’t know which one it is, but either way things were better than when they first started. Just a few nights ago Terrence brought me to a really nice restaurant, of course the whole thing was kind of sketchy since he paid off the owner not to say a word and he had his “people” posted everywhere, but it was still nice. Tonight the guys were coming over to celebrate and I was also going to make my escape whether it killed me or not.

“Do you guys need another round?” I asked walking around the table checking each glass.

“Yes ma’am, fill me up.” Sam replied holding his glass out.

I poured more champagne into his glass, and then Sam proceeded to slap my ass. I gritted my teeth and forced a smile.

“You’ve turned her around I might say,” Sam said to Terrence.

“I sure did, Keri was a good girl from the start she just needed to be straightened out some. Right Keri?”

I continued my fake smile, “That’s right.”

“Well boys I must say, we did a hell of a job tonight. We made our biggest profit ever and I hope we continue down this road. We can’t afford any mistakes now, not even a little especially after last months slip up. Now let’s break out the big guns!”

I sighed and went back to the liquor cabinet to get the bottle of Cognac, ice, and more glasses. With all the drinking that their going to do tonight I hope my plan falls through. It would suck a lot if it didn’t.

“Keri I want you to have a drink with us.” Terrence said.

“If that’s what you want.” I replied.

It’s what I sure want, but more than one.

After that it was round after round. Some girls showed up and everyone was near passed out and my plan was coming closing to going into action. As I was doing a walk around to see where everyone was, I found Terrence slouched in a corner. I should have just took his phone and left him be, but instead I sat next to him.

“How are you feeling?” I asked.

“Drunk, what do you think?” He replied a bit sloppy.

“I’m sorry for worrying.”

Terrence sighed, resting his head on my lap, “I have to tell you something.”

“And that is?”

“I think you are so beautiful. It’s amazing how beautiful you are.”

I was almost flattered by his compliment.

“You’re only saying that because you’re drunk.”

“Yes, I’m drunk. And you’re beautiful. And tomorrow morning, I’ll be sober but you’ll still be beautiful.”


“Any man is lucky to have you. Honestly I’m jealous that Tyson gets to have you… Can you promise me something?”


“If I let you go, promise to get Tyson help.”

“I would do that regardless.”

“You’re a great person.” Terrence said just before shutting his eyes.

I waited a few minutes to make sure he was asleep then slipped my hand into his pocket and leaving him on the floor to sleep. I walked around some more just to make sure I could make it outside without getting caught. I found the stairs that led me out and called Vic right away. He didn’t answer my first call, or my second.

Third times the charm.

“Come on Vic answer your phone now.”

“Hello?” he answered groggy.

“Holy shit Vic, come and get me now right now.” I whispered half yelled.


“Yes it’s me.” I looked around my surroundings for a landmark, “Um I think we’re in LA, I’m surrounded by trees the place that we’re at its some kind of stone building. I can’t tell you anything else because I really don’t know. Oh maybe if you mention the name Terrence or Sam Marshall maybe that will help, they’re part of a drug ring. That’s all I know.”

“Okay, that’s fine I’m calling the police right now. I’m coming for you now.”

“Vic one more thing.”


“Tell them not to hurt Tyson. Don’t ask; just tell them, he’s innocent. I have to go bye.”

I ran back inside before I chanced myself by getting caught and went back to Tyson’s side. Yes Tyson, not Terrence. By the time that someone gets here, it will be Tyson who wakes up. Then suddenly I felt tired and decided to shut my eyes. I don’t know how long it would take before anyone got here so I might as well sleep a little. It felt like had only shut them for a few minutes before I heard yelling and for people to get up. I opened my eyes to see Tyson staring at me with a smile on his face.

“Thank god you’re safe.” He said.

Then he was pulled away


@#13790 Thanks I'm glad you're enjoying your read

heyyitskee heyyitskee
this is the best story i've read so far!
#13790 #13790