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Roots Beneath Ideals

Fresh California Air

I feel like I’ve been stuck in this God awful place for weeks and still no one has found me. Every now and then I think no one is looking for me, but I know it’s not true. I know my friends and family are looking all over for me and they will find me dead or alive.
This bitch “Terrance” too has had me slaving for him when he has his business meetings. And I haven’t gotten to talk to Tyson since. I have never seen so much illegal drugs in my entire life. If he wasn’t some demon taking over Tyson’s body I would kick his ass and do other mean things to him. Like kill him for instance. I hope someone finds me soon. Cara I’m counting on you the most.

“Hey sweetie, get me another beer why don’t you.” Sam called.

Sam was basically the CEO under Terrence.

“Get it yourself, “I mumbled from the corner.

“Now, now Keri get the man his drink.” Terrance said.

“You rot in hell.”

“I’m already there babe. Now get!”

I flinched from his loud voice, but stayed in my corner.

“Keri, please, don’t make me have to hurt you.”

“What if we ask you nicely to get us a whole new round, will you then?” Ace asked.

Ace was young, no older than eighteen caught up in this game. I guess you could also say he was the nicest to me out of all of the assholes in this room.

Right now would be a good time for my looks to kill.

“I’m going to take that as a no then.”

I sighed, putting my head down and reached for the pendent Vic had given me. I swear if I get out of here the first thing I’m going to do is tell him how much I love him and that I’ll never leave again. He’d be so mad if he knew I’ve been so much negative thinking. I could hear his voice telling me to stop and think more positively because it would get me further in life. God I miss him so much.


I looked up just in time to duck away from Terrence’s empty beer bottle.

“What is wrong with you?” I cried.

Terrence shrugged, “You weren’t responding back to me so I thought you were dead. I was just checking also you’ve been really naughty lately I have to punish you someway. Now, come here.”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t go to little boys, they come to me.”

I smirked through my tears once I saw I struck a nerve while everyone else watched to see what was going to happen next. The pressure was definitely on Terrence now.

“Oh Keri, Keri, Keri.” Terrence chuckled getting up from his seat.

Whenever someone calls my name three times that was never a good sign. Ever.

“I don’t understand why you’re so mean to me. I clothe you, feed you, and let you have a drink every now and then. I even give you my love, so why?” Terrence stood over me staring with those cold dark eyes. “WHY?!”

I drew back in more fear, “Just leave me alone. Please.”

“What is it going to take, huh, a phone call to your precious Vic?”

“Don’t toy with me.”

“Or else what?” Terrence pulled out his phone dialing a number. “You have one minute.”

He tossed the phone down to me while I clumsy caught it.

“But if you say even one thing about our surroundings, I’ll kill you. Okay?”

More tears seemed to fall once Terrence said he’d kill me and from hearing Vic’s frantic voice.

“Vic,” I managed out.

“Keri, is that you, where are you, are you okay?”

“I’m fine Vic, I’m fine. I can’t tell you anything, but please find me soon.”

“I promise I will find you. You stay alive no matter what.”

I looked up at Terrence who was pointing to his watch.

“Vic I have to go, I’m sorry… I love you.”

“I lo-.”

Terrence took back his phone, “I think that’s enough. Now gentlemen I think it’s time for you to leave. Keri and I are going to have a very, very long talk.”

All at once they left the room leaving the two of us alone.

“Stand up, please.”

Slowly I stood up, coming almost eye to eye with him.

“Tonight I’m feeling a little generous. So first I’m going to cut your hands free, but if you even think to do something, I will hurt you. Then I’m going to cover your eyes and we’re going to take a stroll outside to get some fresh air. Sound okay with you?”

I nodded my head and Terrence did as he said he would. We walked up a set of stairs and right away I could smell the fresh California air and I wanted to cry even more.

“If you’re good, maybe just maybe, I will bring you out every night. But you have to listen to me and do everything I tell you.”

“How long do you plan on keeping me locked up and away from my family?”

“Only time will tell. Now let’s go back inside and get you cleaned up. I have something very special planned for you tomorrow.”


I got my first few edits back for the A Flair For the Dramatic so I'll be finishing this up really fast to post the first chapter on Sunday, so stay tuned and have fun! Enjoy!


@#13790 Thanks I'm glad you're enjoying your read

heyyitskee heyyitskee
this is the best story i've read so far!
#13790 #13790