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Go back with someone else,

I shoved my hand in my pocket to fish out my vibrating phone groaning loud, recieving stares from some passers-by and the stores employee's.
This makes it seven missed calls today. Along with a numerous amount of texts that are going to be left unanswered. And it's still early in the day.

Corey noticing the visible change in my mood, bit her bottom lip nervously before speaking to me.
"It's Mike again?"
"Of course! Who the hell else would it be?"
"Why don't you just tell him you don't want to see him? You would think after a week of no word from you, that he'd get the hint."
"Well apparently he's not good with hints."
I mentally slapped myself for giving her a attitude. I hadn't meant to, it just sort of happened. I held the bridge of my nose, breathing deeply. I didn't want to be angry at Mike while I'm with friends. I didn't want the way I feel to effect the atmosphere. Which I clearly can't be annoyed and pissed off at him without taking it out on someone else. A week later, I was still way too pissed off at Mike. I hadn't even asked if he had been with a girl since we've been 'together'. I found it best to just assume he has and drop it. Not just the subject, but him too.
I mean, If someone wanted to be with me, they'd make a point to show it. They'd show that I'm the only girl they have eyes for. Although, I don't care if they had friends that were girls, I just shouldn't feel threatened.
But with Mike, I am. Unless its one of my friends.
This just proves that you should never date, or try to date, a guy you met at a bar. Especially if that guy took you back to his place that night.

Corey stared at me for a few seconds before she continued to walk around the 'L' shaped, crowded cosmetics store. The homemade products lined the shelves, some opened for you to smell and to sample. Once I calmed down, I went back to looking for new things to try. Asking Corey her opinion on it or if she's tried to before, asking the employees about it. Of course, they'd drag me over to sink and test it on me. I wasn't complaining though.

"Do you think Jaime would want to take a bath with me if I bought this?"
She held up a pink and purple bath bomb and smelled it a few times, standing around the few crates that were filled with different scented bath bombs.
"Core... Isn't that the sex bomb bath bomb?"
She giggled quietly and placed it into her small wooden basket.
"Why did you ever show me this store? Everything is so expensive, but I want all of it."
"Because I happen to be addicted to Lush."

I stood over by the soaps table, holding two different scents in my hand, trying to figure out which one is better. I feel like I've been in position for way to long now.

"Do you know what time Jaime and Tony are getting here?"
"Nope. They just kind of show up when they want to."
I nodded, placing the 'Sexy peel' and 'Rock star' soap squares into my basket before moving on to the body lotions.

"So, did Mel tell you that her and Vic are on friendly terms? As in, they're out together right now."
"No! But that's awesome! That means everyone can hang out and not have to worry about the tension between them. Now all I gotta do is convince Hailey to hang out with us. Jesus Christ, I miss her."
"Well, almost everyone. Now that Mel and Vic are on good terms, you and Mike aren't."
"Maybe if he wasn't such a douche canoe, we wouldn't have any problems. But honestly, if everyone wants to hang out together, I can put up with him for a few hours."
"You say that now."

I watched as Corey added a few more items to her basket and walked to the register. This trip to the mall was her trying to buy things for a romantic night for her and Jaime. He had gotten them a hotel room down by the beach. Corey decided to get massage bars, bath bombs, lotions, and anything else she thinks he'd like. He was always a hopeless romantic, even though he doesn't let anyone know.
Him and I used to watch movies together and he'd yell at the TV about wanting someone to kiss or cuddle up to. Then he would ramble on about the perfect night and date. I wish I could remembered what he described, just so I could help out Corey. But she seems to be doing just fine on her own.
Aside from helping Corey pick things out for herself and Jaime, I decided to spend some extra cash on myself. I had told myself that I deserved something nice. What's better than buying things that make me feel and smell nice?
My phone vibrated in my pocket, indicating I had yet another call.
Failing to hold in another groan, the workers looked at me again, giving me concerned looks. I just smiled at them before lifting my phone to my ear.

"Damn. Hostile much?"
"What do you want Mike?"
"To see you, that's what I want."
"Can't. I have plans. And right now I'm out with Corey. You would think that me not answering your other calls, you'd understand that I'm busy."
"Oh. Well... What about tonight?"
He quietly growled into the phone, trying to turn me on in someway so I'd want to come over, but instead I sighed and held the bridge of my nose again. Before I replied, I started listening to him on the line breathing in deeply. I assumed he was smoking and was proven correct when he exhaled loudly.
"Can't. I just told you I have plans."
"You always have plans when I want to see you."
"It's not that I have plans, I have work and school. Today is the first day in a week that I've been able to have time to do more than that. I'm spending it with Corey, Jaime, and Tony."
Everything in me was telling me to tell Mike to fuck off, and that I wasn't going to be a sex toy or someone who keeps him warm at night. Telling him that I want something real, but not with him. But my mouth kept shut, scared that I'd somehow agree to come over for the night.
"Tony? So you'll spend time with him, but not me?"
"I'm not hanging out with just him. Did you not hear the other names? And besides, I didn't know it was a crime to want to hang out with people that aren't you."
"I-it's not. But I know Jaime and his girl are going out tonight, so it will be just you two. But how come if we're all friends, I can't join?"
"Not today."
Corey stood beside me, holding her bagged items and mouthed to me to hang up. Not because she was trying to rush me, but because she knew I would eventually cave in.
"Mike, I gotta go. I'm at the checkout and it's rude to be on the phone."

And with that, I pressed the red button at the bottom of the screen and placed my phone back in my pocket.
Being an asshole to Mike made me hate myself. What gives me the right to sleep with Tony, lie about it, then get angry at him for possibly sleeping with a girl? Why am I finding this such a bigger deal? Was it because of the fact I was okay with being a hypocrite or because it's been a few months since that happened, that Mike and I have more between us. Something that would make him not want to sleep with other girls.
I wanted everything that had to do with Mike to go away. Just go away and let me enjoy my day with friends. He was some one night stand that I meant. Why do I have to make him out to be more?
"I'm gonna grab a facial mask, then checkout. Then we can go to whatever store you want."
Corey smiled at me and stood by the entrance, trying not to be in the store since it wasn't as big as most of the stores in the mall.
I watched as the heavily tattooed woman bagged my items, put the receipt in my bag along with them, then handed it to me. She smiled at me, telling me to have a nice day.
I smiled back and told her to do the same.

"I want to go to Fredrick's."
"Oh jeez. You're just going all out for him, aren't you?"
She laughed and nudged me, walking in the direction of the store.
"I mean, out of the nine months that we've been dating, I don't think we've ever planned a weekend together like this. So, yeah, I do want to go all out for him."
"Nine months? Wow. I was thinking you've been together for maybe three or four."
She smiled and looked at the ground as we walked.
"Nope. We've been dating since February 15th. We hung out on Valentines day, all day long. I expected him to make some sort of move. Hold my hand, kiss me, ask me out. You know, something along those lines. Then finally around midnight he walked me home, apologizing for keeping me out so late. He kissed my cheek then left. Then an hour later he called me and told me to come out front. Once I did, no words were said. He just grabbed my face and kissed me. After he pulled away, he asked me to be his girlfriend. Later on, he told me that the whole time we were together, he was trying to muster up the courage to do it, that he was really nervous. That every time he went to reach for my hand, his would suddenly start shaking. So finally, being alone for the hour, he talked himself up. If he hadn't of kissed me as soon as I stepped out front, he wouldn't have done it."
"That... sounds exactly like Jaime."
"Yeah. He's cute... you know, sometimes. So, since he's meeting us up here, when we go to Fredrick's, will you hold my bag so he doesn't think I bought anything?"
"Yeah. Of course! And besides, I am going to buy myself something. Maybe a cute matching set. Maybe I'll find a guy that's worthy enough to see it on me."
She nodded and mumbled how I shouldn't let Mike see it.
As for me, I just rolled my eyes and chuckled.

He was a one night stand guy, that's all. Do not start thinking about him.


Corey and I laid on Jaime's couch. Our heads were at the bottom, hanging off the cushion, and our legs were on the back of the couch. At one point, we were sitting on the couch like a normal person would, but somehow, we ended up like this.
Jaime on the other hand, sat on the floor in front of his girlfriend. Kissing her whenever he felt like it, or whenever she puckered her lips.
Jaime smiled at me and shoved a pillow on my face.

Corey and I left the mall shortly after she received a text from him saying that Tony was sleeping and didn't feel good. Which just means he's tired. He's always used the excuse "I don't feel good" when he's tired and wants more sleep. But I just shrugged it off and went where ever Corey took me. Which apparently is Jaime's apartment. Jaime has to pack a few last items, then they're leaving. Which, I guess I'll get a ride home on their way to the hotel.

"Go wake up Tony if you don't want to be around the 'faggots' His room is right down there."
He quickly pointed to the general direction of the hallway.
"Woah. What?"
Tony's room? Tony has a room? I thought he was living with his mom... He had told me the other night that he couldn't go home drunk. Was he lying to stay at my place, or just because he was so used to not going home when he was drunk?
"Go down the hallway, as if you were heading towards the bathroom, the door right before the bathroom is his."
I nodded and headed towards Tony's room, letting them have their time alone, even though they were going to have all weekend together. When I checked my phone to see what time it currently was, it read 2:38 in white letters.
The fact he slept in so late didn't surprise me. When we used to stay at eachother's houses we'd sleep all day from being up all night. We'd wake up around six. Only because his mom had started to make dinner and the smell was all over Tony's room.

I find myself missing the old times with Tony more and more each day. The sleep overs, being obnoxious at the mall, being mall rats with the guys and their girlfriends, going to stores at late at night because we were hungry from smoking. The good times we had. I haven't had a day like that recently. By recently I mean since I decided to stop hanging out with Tony.
Yeah, I'd go to clubs and stuff, but it was never fun since I was alone or just looking for a guy to spend the night with.

I slowly opened the door, and there he was, laying in the middle of his bed. He was shirtless and laying on his stomach with his head buried in his pillow. And although his face was covered, his snores played through out the room, slightly muffled.
He was always a loud snorer, but sleeping in the same room with him was still calming. Maybe it's because I knew someone was with me, or maybe because I had something to focus on as I was falling asleep. Either way, I enjoyed it.

I slowly laid down on his bed, using his back as a pillow. He groaned a little then rolled over, laying his arm over my chest. Once the groaning stopped, the snores started again. I rolled my eyes and slowly moved his arm off of me, then scooted over so I was no longer laying on him.
As I screamed his name loudly, he jolted up, yelling out incoherent words. Which of course once he realized it was just me, a light shade of pink brushed over his cheeks.
"Hey, asshole."
"Hi, Tony."

He grabbed a pillow out from behind him and threw at me. Which once I caught it, I wrapped my arms around it and laid back.
He groaned and laid beside me on his stomach before mumbling something into his pillow.
He repeated himself, keeping his face in his pillow. Finally, the second time I ask 'what' he lifted up his head, holding his weight on his arms before talking loudly.
"I just woke up. You're hot. Get out."
It only took me about a second to realize that he was telling me to get out because he has morning wood without actually saying it.
"Oh jeez. I'll be in the living room with Jaime and Corey."
I got up from Tony's bed and half way to the door, it flew open and Jaime quickly ran in. Before I had time to say something, he was laying on Tony's back. He had is arms and legs on either side of him, resting his cheek on the back of his head.
When Tony spoke, it was soft and barely above a whisper, with a slight lisp.
"No, Jaime, Das gay."
He stayed on top of Tony, twirling some of Tony's hair around his index finger.
"I'm gonna miss you, Tone-bone."
Tony's face stayed in the pillow as he groaned.
As for me, I couldn't stop laughing.

"So, Tone, is this helping your problem?"
Jaime stiffened up and his eyes went wide as he slowly turned his head in my direction.
"What problem?"
I didn't tell him what 'problem' with words, instead I quickly glanced down in the general direction then back up at his face.
"Nuh uh!"
Jaime quickly got up and walked towards the door.
"Tony, you know that I have a girlfriend. Maybe another time."
Jaime winked at Tony before turning around and leaving the room.
Tony kept his head down, but lifted himself up a little so when he spoke, it was muffled.
"I don't want to talk about this. It never happened."

I nodded and left his room, joining the couple back on the couch. Corey was still in the same position.


Tony and I sat on his small balcony, smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee. Jaime and Corey have been gone for close to an hour. As for Tony and myself, he decided to take a shower and I borrowed his car and went home, packed my bag for the weekend then by the time I got back, he was pouring two cups of fresh coffee. He's always liked making coffee for me because of how picky I was when it came to how much sugar and milk went into it, he always seemed to get it right.

"It's so strange how relieved I am that I don't act on all my thoughts."
Tony leaned back against the cold brick wall and lightly brushed the ashes of his cigarette on the concrete, creating a pointed cigarette. I sat across from him, leaning back on the bars of the railing.
"What do you mean?"
He didn't look at me as he spoke, even though he had my full attention.
"I found myself saying that I needed to change, and us being friends is the start of that change. And I'm glad I asked you for us to start over, because honestly, I'm happy when I'm around you. But the next day, I was going to ask out Mike."
"Wow. Lydia asking out someone. Never thought I'd see the day."
Tony finally looked up and past me, looking out into the distance, not really focusing on anything as the filter of the cigarette touched his lips.
I was unsure of Tony's thoughts. I didn't like the fact he had only looked at me once since I had returned, and that was when he handed me my drink. He had found a way to get around my gaze for the past hour.
"I never asked you out, because I knew you liked me enough to do it yourself. I haven't really liked anyone since then, except for Mike. But anyways. I had told myself that I was gonna ask him out and if he said no, I was gonna cut everything with him, you know? Just friends."
"Dee, how do you know he even did anything? What if he really wanted to walk home but didn't want you worrying about him?"
"Because. You've told me before that there are other girls. What makes you think he's gonna stop for some girl he met in a bar?"
His eyes quickly moved to mine, studying my face for a moment before he spoke again. I found myself trying to hide the smile that was trying to show.
"Wait. Please don't tell me you're being an ass to him because of what I told you. Dee, I said that out of anger. I wanted you to pick me over Mike and when you didn't, I made up a lie about him."
He bit his lip and looked down, stirring his cup of coffee. I always hated when Tony admitted he was wrong. He finds a way of making me feel sorry for him because of the way he acts. He shrinks down a few sizes and is more quiet than he normally is. But this time, I didn't feel anything. I honestly didn't care that he lied to me. Mike doing this would've happened anyway, it's just Tony's lies prepared me for it alittle better.
"No, Tone. You and I both watched him take a girl home in front of me. What makes you think he wouldn't do it behind my back? He didn't sleep with her because she got sick that night. But what if she didn't? You and I both know what he would've done."
I watched Tony's hands leave his cup as he started rubbing his fingers, lightly outlining the tattoos on his left hand.
"Can- can we change the subject? I, uh, don't want to say something I'll regret. Or say something that'll make us fight."

I agreed to his request and stubbed my cigarette out before putting in the small bowl they have by the door for the butts. He mirrored my actions before standing up and extending his hand out to me.
I felt good for getting these things off my chest, I felt good that Tony had finally looked at me, although it only lasted a few seconds. And even though I felt good, I knew something was off about Tony. I decided to let it go for now, knowing if he wanted me to know what was wrong, he'd tell me.


I decided to cut this chapter short so I could at least post something, since it had been so long. So, I'm sorry about that.
I told Corey I'd post a chapter that had Tony saying, "Jaime, Das gay." since her and I started saying it all the time a while ago. So, just letting you know about that whole scene. :P

Comments and feedback are lovely. Please leave some.

Title credit;;
You Me at Six - There's No Such Thing as Accidental Infidelity



Its fine, I just really love it /.\

At the beginning of this chapter, I got stuck. I had no idea what to do. Everytime I had started writing out the scene, I absolutely hated it. Aside from hating everything I wrote, I also had writers block. There was supposed to be alot more added on to the newest chapter, but I kept telling myself that I NEEDED to post something since it had been so long. So I cut it short, wrapped it up and posted it, just so there was at least something to read. I'm going to try and work more on the story, since last night I came up with a few more ideas, so hopefully it won't be months between updates. I'm so sorry about the wait!

Erawr Erawr

What happened?! U no update, for month ;-;

•-• what the actual fuck. Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please UPDATE ;-;

Please update, I need to know what happens