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You lied from the start.
The sky could fall down and you could never see it coming.
Take me back to the start,
so I can turn around and walk the other way.


  1. Just where the hell were you?

    I've just been sitting here counting ghosts.

  2. So I checked my pulse,

    Standing there white as a ghost.

  3. && Maybe next year I'll miss your face,

    But right now it's still worthless.

  4. And if you really want the truth,

    I’ll never give up wanting you.

  5. Well I wrote your name && burned it to see the color of the flame.

    && it burned out the whole spectrum, as if you were everything.

  6. And I know I need your comfort,

    but this drama makes me sick.

  7. You've lost your mind.

    Why aren't you able to just move on?

  8. I think you'll notice

    when things become different.

  9. You're the metaphors I can't create

    to comprehend this curse that I call love.

  10. All of the plans that you made,

    never included me.

  11. If I don't break,

    I won't know how to put myself back together.

  12. Go back with someone else,

    Who wants you more than me.



Its fine, I just really love it /.\

At the beginning of this chapter, I got stuck. I had no idea what to do. Everytime I had started writing out the scene, I absolutely hated it. Aside from hating everything I wrote, I also had writers block. There was supposed to be alot more added on to the newest chapter, but I kept telling myself that I NEEDED to post something since it had been so long. So I cut it short, wrapped it up and posted it, just so there was at least something to read. I'm going to try and work more on the story, since last night I came up with a few more ideas, so hopefully it won't be months between updates. I'm so sorry about the wait!

Erawr Erawr

What happened?! U no update, for month ;-;

•-• what the actual fuck. Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please UPDATE ;-;

Please update, I need to know what happens